
379 Words
 ETNA "Fancy seeing you here," said Zyanya with a laugh! "Grab a racket and ball, we can chat while we play against the wall. Can't be too careful," I said in a slightly hushed voice. She did as I said, but when we began playing she questioned it, "why do we have to be careful? Its not like anyone else is around, or anyone would care about us." She hit the ball against the wall quite hard, and had to jump back in order to hit it again. "You met Grace and Beauty?" I asked, though I already knew. "Yeah as soon as I arrived, they offered to show me to my room so I didn't have to spend time with the receptionist. They're really funny." She laughed. No one liked the receptionist apparently - I almost felt sorry for her at this point. "They are also staff not volunteers." "Oh," Zyanya's face fell.   "They also have information that someone here is not genuine.  Which is a whole other issue to write home about. What is worse though - they already suspect you! What have you said Zy? "I honestly don't know! I thought I was being so careful," she wined annoyingly. I told her everything that had happened since I arrived, and how I found out about Grace and Beauty. "So now they suspect me? Dammit, been here five seconds and I've nearly blown my own cover" she complained. "Don't worry about it, you couldn't have known, but you do now, so be more careful!" "Of course," she nodded. "When do we start poking around then?" "We don't, they already suspect you." Zy pouted at me. For such a good fighter, she was rather immature. I thought for a second - "However, that could work to our advantage. If they suspect you and not me, they will trail you more, and leave me alone. Maybe you should keep them thinking your working against them." "So first your saying be careful, now your saying don't." She looked confused. "We don't want you in trouble, so don't give them any hard evidence, but keeping their suspicions on you could be beneficial. Can you do that?" I asked. "I think so," she answered, but her confused face gave me my doubts.
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