
418 Words
ETNA The next morning I woke to a note under my door. 'All tests today are cancelled, please attend a meeting in room 43, building 2 at 11am'. I showered and got ready. I was having a cup of coffee and some biscuits when there was a knock on the door. Zyanya pushed passed me as soon as I opened the door, "they're sending me home" she exclaimed, "I've hardly been here two minutes and I'm being dismissed!" She shoved a note under my nose. I didn't overly like her annoyed, I made a mental note not to ever get on her bad side. "Calm down" I said taking the note. It read: 'Thank you for your time and invaluable cooperation. We have everything we need of you, please pack your things and leave by lunch time. You will be notified of any promising conclusions our test results give us. Also your money will appear in your account shortly. Thank you again' "Makes sense, makes sense" I said, thinking about what I had seen and heard yesterday. "What makes sense? What do you know?!" She nearly shouted. "Oh sit down, I've got time so I'll put the kettle on, you need to calm down" she sat, but she didn't look happy about it. Once the kettle boiled, she thanked me for the tea, and I began to fill her in on the day before. "So you see, you've been sent home, because they no longer need you, but I'm being kept because they think I'm not far off the change. Not too sure what I'm more nervous about, what these people are up to, or going through the change, here, on my own". "You don't have to stay! You could leave now, no one would notice until it was too late." She sounded hopeful, maybe she wouldn't feel so useless if I left too. "No no, I have to stay, I cant just leave, I have to see this through. What about Alecto? Have you seen him?" "Not since yesterday, so I don't know if he's staying or not sorry" she seems quite miserable. At least she wasn't angry anymore. "Guess I'll find out soon! I need to head off to this meeting, and you need to get sorted and go home. Tell everyone I say hi". I realised as I headed to the meeting, that I was slightly jealous of Zy.  She was getting to go back and see everyone.  I was beginning to miss my friends.
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