I'd recognize that bosom anywhere

1568 Words
Marcus POV “And now, we’ll be discussing the rules of this tournament,” The man who had led them around all day had stated. Marcus hadn’t caught his name because he hadn’t been paying attention and more than once, Alpha Elijah, his friend from Alpha College, had had to elbow him in the ribs to get his attention back to the task at hand. He’d no doubt that he’d missed crucial information since the Alpha’s units hadn’t been allowed to tag along for this one, but he couldn’t help himself. He couldn’t stop thinking about her. His mystery warrior woman from last night. Her beautiful green eyes full of fire. The way she stepped up to him during their little banter…Just thinking about it had his c**k twitching to life inside his pants. Not many people dared to step up to an Alpha and tell him he was wrong. Let alone point a finger in his face, but oh boy, was it a f*****g turn-on. “As you’ve probably noticed by now... You have no internet connection. This is to ensure you get no outside help during challenges. You may, however, use the books that are in our library…” the man went on. Her lips had felt so soft against his and the way she looked when she was about to c*m, Goddess. But their night did end strangely. He had wondered about that until the sun came up. Why did she pull away all of a sudden? He would find out later tonight cause if he was certain of one thing, it was that he would find her and get to the bottom of it. He didn’t care If he had to miss the damn ball… Wait. What the hell was he thinking? Marcus, you're thirty-two, stop acting like some lovesick teenager! He reprimanded himself. Why was he acting this way? No, the ball was more important. He needed to make it to the semifinals, so he could go home after that. “Rule number four,” s**t he had missed two rules with his ruminations! “no sneaking out late at night. Everyone is to retire to their rooms at ten unless there is an event that ends later,” “You look like s**t,” Noah stated when Marcus returned to their room after their tour followed by an ‘Alpha’s only’ lunch. That asshole St. James had been the center of attention, but only because he was so full of himself, telling everyone about his accomplishments as if he had invented hot water of something. “Yeah, I didn’t sleep well,” Marcus sheepishly stated, running a hand through his hair. He didn’t miss the judgmental look Benjamin gave him. He would have to ask him about that later. Was he on to something? “And? What are the rules? Anything unexpected?” Noah asked, typing away on his laptop. “Euh..something about no internet and not being out late at night….” Marcus mumbled, trying to remember what he had heard. What the hell was wrong with him? He was never this lacking in his duties. “That’s it? That’s all you have?” Noah asked, looking at him as though he had grown two heads. “I was…distracted,” Marcus replied lamely. s**t, had he just gained himself a ticket back home? He couldn’t go back on the deal he had made to save Madison’s life. That would mean jail time for him. Suddenly, the door opened, and in stepped Alexander, with a sly grin and a backpack slung over his shoulder. “Where have you been?” Benjamin asked him. “I,” Alexander carefully placed the bag on the table, undid the zipper, and revealed a drone, “have everything on camera. The rules, the tour, the whole damn thing.” He smirked. “What? You’re going to get us disqualified!” Benjamin had an incredulous look on his face. “Relax. I flew close to the press’ drones, making sure I stayed in their blind spot. No one will have noticed.” Alexander shrugged it off. “I could kiss you right now,” Marcus smiled at his Beta. This was why he was Beta. Alexander at his best. “Oh, look, Princess Sarah’s had an interview with Miranda Huxley.” Noah began. “I thought we didn’t have internet?” Marcus asked, stepping up to peer over Noah’s shoulder. “Yeah, I may have brought a few of our tech gear along…” Noah trailed off. Marcus clapped him on the shoulder. He was proud of his unit. “I’m going to take a little nap,” He yawned, “Make sure I’m refreshed by tonight,” “Don’t you want to watch?” Noah asked. “Nah, you watch and let me know if she says anything that might help.” He wasn’t interested in the Princess. It’s not like he was going to marry her anyway. “Sure thing, boss,” Noah answered, putting in his earphones, while Marcus tried to get comfortable on his tiny bed. “Ready?” Marcus asked Noah and Benjamin. They were all wearing suits and the masks that had been sent up to their rooms. Alexander had decided to sit this one out, stating he wanted to go over the camera footage from the drone. Marcus pulled open the door to the ballroom, which had been decorated with beautiful black ornaments. There were candles everywhere that lit up the room. It reminded Marcus more of a b**m club than of a Royal event. Yes, he had been to one, once or twice, but it wasn’t really his cup of tea. The men were offered drinks by waitresses as they waited for the event to start. Soft violin music played somewhere in the background. “I wonder what the challenge will be?” Noah asked. Marcus looked over the crowd of Alpha’s and was surprised to see King Rowan Adler, the king of bird shifters, talking to one of the other Alpha’s. Marcus must have missed his over the last few days. When Rowan noticed him, he held up his drink in greeting. Rowan had helped his sister Mackenzie when she was being held captive by her first mate. It was a long story. “Well, would ya look at that?” Benjamin chuckled, looking at something over Marcus’ shoulder. In walked about two dozen women, all wearing different dresses. They all had a different height and body build, but they all had the same hairstyle. And by hairstyle, he meant the exact same hair. Marcus was puzzled for a moment, but his attention was ushered back to the podium when a female voice spoke up. “Alpha’s, Gentlemen, welcome to our first challenge of the Alpha trials. As you can see, all the woman in the room tonight have been spelled to have the exact same hair. It is up to you to find the real Princess. The first Alpha that succeeds tonight, will have the first date with our lovely Princess. “I suggest you go mingle and ask the right questions, good luck to you gentlemen, I hope you all have a lovely evening. The winner will be announced at ten.” The soft background music was replaced by a live band with a singer. “Go on. Mingle!” Benjamin pushed Marcus toward the woman. But all Marcus could think about was that these woman had the exact same hair as his midnight garden beauty. Would she be among them? After gazing over the crowd, watching the Alphas walk up to the woman and interact with them, that’s when he saw her, in the distance, holding a drink and sitting on a couch in the corner. Though she was wearing a mask and was wearing clothes this time, he would recognize that bosom anywhere. He’d had a close encounter with them after all. “Not a people person?” He whispered in her ear from behind, causing her to jump. “Oh, it’s you,” she said, barely giving him attention. “I’m surprised you recognized me. I must be hard to forget,” he smirked, walking around to join her on the couch. Alexandra snorted in response, staring out at the crowd of talking people. “I was wrong about you though?” that piqued her interest. “How so?” she asked, looking at him. “You must be higher ranked than I thought.” Marcus replied. “Does your Alpha know you’re bothering the woman here?” She replied, changing the subject. “My Alpha?” Marcus crooked a brow. Oh, she must think he’s a beta of something. “Yes, my Alpha does know, and he’s perfectly fine with it.” “Really? Who do you belong to, I bet it’s that weasel St. James,” Alexandra scoffed. Now it was Marcus’ turn to snort. It shouldn’t have affected him, but somehow knowing this woman wasn’t going to fall for Julian’s tricks made him happy inside. She was perceptive. Well, about that at least. “Don’t you have some other woman to annoy?” Alexandra asked. But Marcus could swear he saw her lip twitch as a hint of a smile appeared. “Nope,” he said, popping the p at the end. He wouldn’t want to be anywhere else.
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