A room full

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Sarah POV You’d think at least she would know the program she was running with, but no, the bloody council thought it would be best if everything was also a surprise for her. Convincing her new husband to disband the council would be her first official act once she took over as Queen. The thought alone had her lips quirking upward in a grin as her heels clacked on the stone floor on her way to the interview. “Princess Sarah, there you are,” Miranda Huxley gave her the most plastered on smile Sarah had ever seen. The interview was set to be done in the garden. Yes, the garden. “It’s nice to meet you,” Sarah shook the woman’s hand. Miranda threw her black sleek hair over her shoulder before taking a seat and crossing her legs. She held out her hand to the white couch opposite her, ushering Sarah to take a seat. While she spoke to her camera man behind her, Sarah took the opportunity to take a closer look at her. Miranda was a beautiful woman, who seemed to be in her mid-thirties. From what she had heard through the rumor mill, the woman was a shark, who was mated to her work. “Perfect,” she smiled at the young man, manning the camera drones, before turning back to Sarah and planting her red pumps firm on the ground, her notepad on her lap. She straightened out her figure hugging back dress. “So Sarah, I’m going to ask you a few questions, and you just answer as genuinely as possible, is that okay? By the way, we work with drones to capture everything, that’s how we’ll be filming the trials as well. Just so you know. Okay, let’s get started.” “Is it okay if I attend as well, you know, to help our Princess and make sure you’re not asking any inappropriate questions,” Councilwoman Penelope Abercrombie burst through the patio doors. Sarah scoffed inwardly. She was only here to make sure she behaved prim and proper as the council liked to say. Penelope Abercrombie had only just taken her father’s seat on the Council. She was twenty-five years old and the biggest floozy in the Kingdom. Everybody knew it, but no one dared to say it. “Oh, it’s not normally how I work, but um, okay,” Miranda stated with aversion. She turned her attention back to Sarah, gesturing for the cameraman to start rolling. “Welcome everyone for a new episode of couch confessions here on the Chatterbox Chronicles. With me here today is Princess Sarah Barclay, the star of the new reality show, the Bachelorette, Alpha trial edition,” she started her intro with a beaming smile. “So, Sarah, you certainly look happy, is it one of the contestants that has you smiling like that already?” Sarah’s eyes moved to the place she had almost orgasmed just a few hours ago, before looking back to Miranda. No, but I almost f****d one of the Beta’s against that wall over there yesterday. “I haven’t had the honor of meeting any of the contestants yet,” Sarah replied with a fake smile of her own, “but I sure hope they’ll make me smile,” Goddess, she hated herself right now. What followed was an hour of the most ridiculous questions, from her favorite color to her favorite decoration hack. As if she busied herself with decorating anything at all. These questions were demeaning to women all over the world. She wouldn’t be surprised if the council had given Miranda a list of appropriate questions to ask her. When the interview almost ended, a photo of one of the contestants popped up on a screen beside her. “Last question of the day,” Miranda smiled, “I’m sure the people are dying to know what you think of the contestants who are so desperate to marry you,” Miranda gushed, looking at the photo. You mean the men who are desperate to become King. Sarah thought as dread built in the pit of her stomach. None of this was about her. It was about power that came with the title. “This is Alpha Julian St. James, look at that full head of blonde hair and those perfect white teeth, not to mention that jaw. You could cut paper on that, am I right?” Miranda slapped her thigh, laughing at her own joke. Sarah stared at the man on the screen. Sure he was handsome, with his dark blue eyes, but all she could think about were the honey-brown ones that had been ready to devour her last night. “Yes, any girl would be lucky to have such a husband,” “How about this green one?” Alexandra asked, holding up a beautiful green dress with a lace bodice. “It’ll bring out the color of your eyes. A few omegas had rolled in racks with dresses for them to choose from. “What if I run into him tonight?” Sarah asked, running her hands over her face. “You’ll be wearing a mask, I’m sure it’ll be fine,” Alexandra said, looking for a dress for herself. “But he knows what my hair looks like,” Sarah said, biting her lip. “So, we’ll do another hairstyle,” Alexandra shrugged. Suddenly, Sarah’s eyes lit up when an idea popped into her mind. “What?” Alexandra asked when she noticed Sarah’s goofy grin. “I have an idea!” “So, how do I look?” Alexandra asked, running a hand over her dress, her mask planted firmly on her face. “Blonde suits you,” Sarah smiled. She had convinced the Royal Council and her father, as well as the Royal witch, to spell the woman attending the ball tonight to make them all have the exact same hair as Sarah. “That’s… actually a wonderful idea. We could have them guess who the real Sarah is, and the one that guesses right, gets the first one-on-one date with her,” The council started murmuring among themselves, getting carried away with all of the trials they were planning for the contestants. “Yes, it’s an easy first trial. It’s perfect. And I’ll volunteer to be one of the woman,” Penelope’s voice had raised above the crowd. Of course, she would be volunteering. Floozy! Alex scoffed through the link. “Well, its decided then, the first trial will be guessing who the real princess is. To even out the playing field, I had the memories of Sarah wiped from the Alpha’s minds upon arrival here the day before yesterday. Otherwise, the ones that had already met her would have an advantage.” “Do you see him anywhere yet?” Alexandra whispered as they squinted through the curtains that separated the balcony from the ballroom. The twenty ‘Sarah’s’ had been instructed to wait here until all the men were present and the challenge had been explained. Sarah wondered what she would do if she saw him again. Maybe it was best to pretend nothing had happened. Or she could explain to him that it was wrong. Surely he would understand after she explained what she might be to his Alpha?
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