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"Maria, I like it" Demetri said His mother would probably spoil her, she always wanted a daughter now he was curious to see her more. "What did she do?" Demetri asked Abby laughed out at the memory. "Lorenzo got paint on one her dresses making it look like one of those clown suits. So Maria, one night painted Lorenzo hair bright red and used permeant marker and drew a clown face on him. It took four days until the marker came off" Abby giggled Demetri laughed at the story. "So basically spoil her and don't get on her bad side" Demetri said. "Yes but I try not too, she is a good girl though she's nice to everybody and loves meeting new people" Abby said "And Lorenzo?" Demetri said "He's a hand full, but listens to Hunter, but he also knows when to not take the joke to far" Abby said. "Hunter?" Demetri said "He's my helper sometimes I am amazed by his authority and acts like a grown up when he thinks I'm not looking but I know only time his child side comes out is when he's playing soccer or watches a soccer match" Abby said. "Well I have tickets, my parents and I have seasonal tickets" Demetri said "Oh, your parents are here?" Abby said "Yeah, I mean if you don't want to see them then-"Demetri was saying  "No it's fine and my friend Angelo got us VIP box office tickets" Abby said. "Angelo?" Demetri said He wondered if it was his brother. "Yeah, he's actually my friend Emma's cousin." Abby said "Really" Demetri said He smiled but clench his fist, he would need a word with his brother. "We should go, the boys will be-" Abby was saying "Mom! The game!" Hunter and Lorenzo yelled "Will be wanting to go to the game" Abby finished Abby got up and saw the boys coming towards her, they stop when they saw Demetri. "Boys, this is your father Demetri. Demetri, this is Hunter and Lorenzo" Abby said Lorenzo was the first to move, Demetri watched him, he was about to bend down but Lorenzo looked around him. "Your saying I get to be tall like him!" Lorenzo yelled out Abby chuckled knowing he was going to do something like that. "Yes Enzo" Abby said    "Oh thank god, no offensive mom but I don't want your height" Lorenzo said "Enzo" Abby said "Sorry" Lorenzo said Hunter finally moved and looked at Demetri, he reached up and Demetri saw it and picked him up. Hunter looked at his father and nodded his head. "Good choice mom, now I know I'll be handsome growing up" Hunter said Abby was blushing when she heard him. Demetri saw her red face and laughed out. "I want to go up too" Lorenzo said "Better hurry before dad meets Maria" Hunter said "Hurry dad!" Lorenzo said in a worried voice Demetri felt happy in his heart as the two boys called him dad, and picked him up, they walked towards the back as they two boys were asking him questions, when they got back stage Maria saw Abby. "Mommy" Maria said Demetri heard the cute soft voice and saw a little girl in a pink Napoli jersey with a fluffy pink dress, she had big round hazel eyes and her long dark hair framing her small round white face, her cheeks were red, her lips were full and red.  "Dad is in love" Lorenzo said "Dad?" Maria said Maria saw her brothers in a big man's arms he looked like an older Hunter only he was handsome like a prince, those were her thought. Lorenzo called him dad, is this her daddy? Maria thought. "Is this my daddy?" Maria said "Yes baby" Abby said Demetri saw Maria's face light up it reminded him of when he first met Abby how her face lighten up when he told her his name. "Daddy!" Maria yelled Demetri put the boys down as Maria ran into his arms. "Daddy so big and warm like a teddy bear" Maria said She snuggled her head in his chest. "Welp that's the last time dad holds us" Lorenzo said Abby looked around and it was only her father backstage, she looked at him. "They went to do there own thing" Arthur said. "You sure you don't want to come with us? I'm scared of meeting his parents" Abby whispered out. "You'll be fine darling, just invite them for dinner tomorrow night and I will meet them their. Right now I need this spa" Arthur said "Okay, well just met him first" Abby said "No duh, I need to see who is going to look after you guys" Arthur said "And you wonder why where Lorenzo is a jokester" Abby said Arthur smile, and went with Abby to where the kids were at with Demetri. "Demetri, this is my father Arthur. Dad this is Demetri" Abby said. "Hello sir" Demetri said "Please, Arthur is fine" he said "Okay Arthur, will you be joining us" Demetri said "No, I already booked a three hour spa, need to relax before playing with these kiddos again. You guys have fun just invite your parents over for dinner" Arthur said "I will do that, it was nice meeting you Arthur" Demetri said Arthur nodded and said his goodbyes to the kids and Abby. "GAME!" Hunter yelled "GAME TIME!" Lorenzo yelled "We should get going" Abby said. Demetri nodded, he was still holding Maria, and Maria was hugging his neck, they made their way out of the building to where Demetri's limo was at, when they got in the kids were looking around as Demetri told the driver to go to the stadium. Have way through the drive, Demetri turned to Abby, she was watching the kids enjoy the limo. "Where's your mother?" Demetri asked Abby stop smiling and looked at Demetri. "She kicked me out when I told her I was pregnant. It was just been my dad and I, Gloria and her parents would help out sometimes so would Emma and Angelo" Abby said Demetri nodded his head, he really needs to talk with Angelo that little s**t lied to him he thought.
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