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"Demetri" Abby said Abby was a surprise when she saw him, she did look for him once but then stop because she became so busy with work that she forgot now he was in front of him, she snap back out of her day's and gave him a small smile. "H..Hi" Abby stuttered out. "It's good see you again" Demetri said Abby didn't expect that response from him, the judges looked at him and as they spoke in Italian her father nudge her, she lean towards him. "Is this who I think it is?" Arthur whispered "Yes, I didn't know he was going to be here" Abby whispered back "Are you going to tell him?" her father whispered "Would you want to know you have a child out there?" Abby whispered back "I'll be in the back, he looks just like Hunter" Arthur said "Okay, just give us an hour" Abby said Arthur nodded his head, and grab Mark's arm. "Excuse us" he said Abby watched as her father dragged Mark away, she became close friends with Mark and she knew that he had a crush on Emma and he asked her to call her to come just to see her but Emma has responded back yet. "Shall we take a seat" Demetri said "Y..yeah" Abby stuttered again She got down the platform. "Sorry, I just didn't know I would see you again" Abby said. "Hmm well I mean last time.....Anyways how you been" Demetri said They sat down, Demetri was glad that Abby wanted to talk with him. While Abby was nervous on how to brake it to him. "Good, great" Abby said. "That's good" Demetri said Abby was playing with her fingers. "What have you been doing all these years?" Demetri said. "Um...Oh well, I graduated high school a week after that....And went to college for two and half years and we open up the bakery back home a year and half ago and just been doing baking tours" Abby said. "What's the rush?" Demetri said. Abby just nodded her head. Should I just say it? She thought to herself. Dad always said it's best to rip the band aid off. She looked back at Demetri. "I was wondering-" Demetri was saying but Abby cut him off. "I looked for you a few months after" Abby said Demetri was shocked when he heard her. "What?" Demetri said "Yeah, to apologize about lying and...." Abby said trailing off losing confidence. "You did?" Demetri said "Yeah,  um the other reason was because I had something to tell you" Abby said "What?" Demetri said Demetri got confused, but he was glad that she was looking for him but him back then wouldn't probably have seen her. Abby took a deep breath, you can do this! She said to herself. He deserves to know besides maybe he won't be that mad knowing since she told him that she did try to look for him. Abby thought again. "Abby?" Demetri said Demetri could see that she was thinking to herself and didn't want to disturb her, because he was too busy being happy that she was looking for him. "I was looking for you because I wanted to tell you that I was pregnant" Abby said Demetri looked at Abby, she was pregnant? Of course she would be pregnant they f****d without protection and the fact that it was her first time and he couldn't get enough of her. Abby saw that Demetri wasn't saying anything she got worried for him. "Demetri?" Abby said worried Did he go into shocked? Abby thought. Demetri snap out when he saw the worried looked on Abby. He has a kid with her? Where the child? Did she get rid of it? Abortion? Adoption? But she doesn't look like the type. This ran through his mind. "Demetri?" Abby said again. "Is...Is the baby okay?" Demetri said. Abby felt relieved as if the weight was off her shoulder but then he'll probably have another heart attack with the next news. "Their okay" Abby said "Their?" Demetri said confused  "Yeah, I...We had triplets" Abby said "Three!" Demetri yelled Demetri stood up. He has three kids? He thought to himself. Here I was looking towards to one but three, but she doesn't look like she gave birth to three babies. He thought again. But then again she must have been working nonstop all these years. Demetri thought after thinking he now felt ashamed, he should have listen to Petrov, when he told him to stay a few more months because of the deal but he was too pissed that he left the next day and years later Petrov had to finish off the deal. "Demetri" Abby said "Sorry, that's....That's just a lot of news" Demetri said He sat back down, and now that ran through his mind was where they are at. "Where are they?" Demetri asked Abby smiled, Demetri could see the love in her eyes as she thought of the kids. "Here, there in the back with my father and Gloria" Abby said. "Can...Can I see them" Demetri said "Yeah, you can" Abby said "What are their names? How old are they? What are they like? Will they like me? Have they asked about me?" Demetri said Abby chuckled, this was the first time she had seen him like this, in her memories Demetri was quiet, cool and cold, but also gentle. "Hunter he's the oldest he likes soccer, his favorite team is Napoli, he also likes learning new things, he kind of reminds me of you quite, cool, he also has your temper it's scary but he only gets like that when somebody messes with his siblings especially his little sister. Lorenzo is the second he too likes Napoli soccer he's the opposite of Hunter, he kept me on my feet when he was growing up just so much energy, and the jokester of the bunch. And lastly our princess Maria, she loves painting and tea time or princess time. Just a warning for her, you don't want to get her mad, Lorenzo played a tick on her once and let's just say Lorenzo never picked on her again" Abby said.
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