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"I'm so excited!" Valentina said "Darling calm down" Antonio said Valentina was shocked when she heard that the girl Demetri like long ago, got pregnant and had triplets for him. Antonio was the same as well but even more happy when he was told both his grandson's love soccer especially their team Napoli. "I think that's them" Valentina said They looked down and saw two little boys run across the field, "It's them, Demetri is right there" Antonio said "There so energetic" Valentina said "Look" Antonio said He watched at the two boys kick the soccer around. "There so good" Valentina said "Ture Italians" Antonio said "I can't wait to see Maria, Demetri said she so beautiful" Valentina said Antonia looked at his wife, he knew she always wanted a little girl and it hurt him to see her depressed for a long time after they lost their daughter, but now seeing her face light up with happiness he was happy as well, he was curious of this Abby though. "There leaving!" Valentina said "Jake did you order the pizza and shrimp alfredo with the drinks" Antonio said "Yes boss as well as dinner for you guys as well" Jake said Jake was glad to his boss and his wife happy, what he was more happy was his young master Demetri he couldn't wait to meet his young master family. So they could hear laughing and yelling in the hall, Valentina and Antonio stood up they all looked at the door. "Grandpa likes Napoli too!" They heard a little boy say "Yes, he will tell you all about the Napoli soccer history" They heard Demetri's voice "And grandma has crowns?" Valentina stiffen when she heard the little girls voice, she looked at Antonio, he smiled and squeezed her close. They doors open and Lorenzo pop his head in, seeing a couple and another man in the room. He saw the couple and assumed they were his grandparents, he smiled and ran inside. Valentina and Antonio saw him and thought he looked like Demetri when he was a child only his eyes were different, Lorenzo walked around them. "Mom! You picked a good daddy, if I look like grandpa this old then I'm good" Lorenzo said Abby blushed again, Demetri laughed. "Mom, Dad, this is Abby. Abby this is my parents Valentina and Antonio Russo" Demetri said Abby smiled, as she looked at the couple. "It's nice to meet you" Abby said "You too, I heard bits and piece's of you" Valentina said Antonio looked at Abby, no wonder Demetri couldn't get her out of her mind, she had this kind, pure, and innocent arura around her. And know he knew why Demetri wanted to marry Sophia, Sophia looked just like Abby except the eyes and hair and the way Abby carried herself. "Hello, I am Antonio Aldo Russo, but you can call me Antonio or dad" Antonio said Abby blushed when she heard him say that, but she nodded her head. "Hey Hunter grandpa's name is Antonio too" Lorenzo said The couple looked at Abby. "I didn't know it was, I just like it" Abby said The two boys went in front of Abby. "This is our oldest Hunter Antonio Torrez, then Lorenzo Amato Torrez and lastly Maria Aurora Torrez" Abby said The couple smiled, it was a such a coincidence that Hunter had Antonio as his middle name and Demetri's grandfather name for Lorenzo's middle name. They gave them a hug and they looked at Maria in Demetri's arms. "Maria" Valentia and Antonio said Maria giggled. "Daddy grandma so pretty" Maria said Maria finally moved away from Demetri as she tried to reach over to Valentina, Valentina felt hypnotized as she went over and got Maria, she had this thing about her that she couldn't explain, she looked like a mini version of Abby. Antonio went beside his wife and looked at Maria, she smile to them and they couldn't help but feel warmth. "She so beautiful" Valentina said "Grandma beautiful too" Maria said "Sir, the food" Jake said "Yes, boys pizza" Antonio said "PIZZA" they both yelled Jake chuckled as the boys ran to the food station. "Are you like our grandpa? Cause mommy said every old man is a grandpa" Lorenzo said He went up to Jake, holding a pizza on a plate. "You can call me Jake or grandpa Jake" Jake said "I like it, I'm Lorenzo or Enzo, or you can you my other name Amato " Lorenzo said  "Certainly Master Enzo" Jake said Lorenzo laughed. "So weird grandpa Jake, Enzo is fine" Lorenzo said Jake looked at Demetri and Antonio asking for permission they nodded their heads. "Very well Enzo" Jake said "Cool, is it kick off yet?" Lorenzo said Antonio looked at Hunter, he notice he was quite but when he heard Lorenzo say kick off he ran to the window. "He's smart for his age only when it comes to soccer he's a child" Demetri said to his father. "I can see that, he is a true Russo. As for Enzo, a jokester like Angelo. Maria, so beautiful just like her mother, I pity you son" Antonio said "How so?" Demetri said "Look at Abby, and tell me that she never had any many try to pursue her now if Maria is anything like her mother then  tell me no man will pursue her as well" Antonio said "Don't worry father, we shall see which man is brave enough to take of the Russo men" Demetri smirk They both looked towards the ladies, Maria was playing with Valentina's jewelries trying them on as Abby and Valentina were talking, soon Maria ran towards them. "Daddy, grandpa. Grandma said you can get me pretty necklace too, but I want a crown for a princess" Maria said. "Of course baby" Demetri said "Then grandpa let's play tea party" Maria said "Anything for my sweet Maria. Jake bring us some tea" Antonio said "Yes sir" Jake said Maria, squealed and went towards Antonio, he looked at his phone it was from his brothers they were outside and need some help.
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