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The kids had fun and Demetri told his parents that Arthur, Abby's father suggested dinner the next day and they agreed. He helped his brother's with the job lucky it only took an hour and he was back with his little family he told his brother Angelo to meet him at the suite they needed to talk before tomorrow's dinner. Demetri drop the kids back off at the hotel, not before telling them that he would see them again tomorrow, he then made his way back to his hotel where he was staying at, when he got there all three brothers were there, he went straight to bar and got himself a drink. "Perchè hai mentito. Parlare." Demetri said (Why did you lie. Speak) He held the glass to his lips as he looked at Angelo. "Sono stato unito da due ragazze pazze." Angelo said. (I was gang up by two crazy girls) "Beh, stai per essere unito da tre fratelli" Demetri said (Well, you're about to be gang up by three brothers) "Fanculo." Angelo said (f**k)  Angelo looked at his brothers, as they all looked at him. "Okay maybe I didn't tell because, you didn't deserved her" Angelo said Demetri looked at his brother, he squeezed the glass and it bust in his hand. "One, you kicked her out after you took her innocence and two consent s*x law in Jersey is 16, and three did you even look for her a few years later? So tell me brother do you deserve her?" Angelo said "She had kids!" Demetri growled He grab his clothes and left him from his seat. "Yes, and she almost died giving birth to them!" Angelo yelled back "What?" Demetri said He let go, Angelo fixed his suit. "What were you doing the year after you left Sofia, you were a mess Demetri, you went psychotic you were short tempered and in no condition to raise a family. You didn't trust anybody not even us, how would you be with Abby if you were in that state, you would've hurt her and not just her the kids as well. So, yes I didn't tell you about them when I found out and trust me I did but that year I came back I saw the way you were and I made the decision not for you but for those kids. Also not just them but for Abby, who was still innocent and pure, the Abby that doesn't know what our family does." Angelo said "You could've still told one of us" Aldo said "And what? Each of you have enemies that followed you at that time because brother here had to murder a bunch of people that upset him. No, you may all see me as a traitor but I see myself as someone who did the right thing. Protecting those who couldn't protect themselves" Angelo said Everybody was quite in the room, Demetri mind was remembering that year. Then someone phone rang, Demetri was still in his own mind so Aldo grab the phone on the table. "Hello" he said Petrov and Angelo looked at him. "No, this is his brother Aldo.....Okay, I can have a drive pick you up" Aldo said. He hung up the phone and looked at his brothers then sent a quick text, he went to Demetri. "Demetri" Aldo said. Demetri was still spacing out, Aldo shook him and he finally snap and looked at Aldo. "Abby is coming, Maria started crying for you and hasn't stop" Aldo said. Demetri nodded and looked at Angelo, he was mad but after thinking like really thinking about it he was right he would have not been in the right state to raise a family, and he wouldn't trust Abby fully. He was now okay and the people that were after them were taking care of only five of them were left but he kept his men on it just in case. "You did the right thing, I wasn't in the right state but we did take care of the people and you don't have to worry about them anymore" Demetri said Aldo and Petrov looked at him confused because they knew that was a lie but as for Angelo they didn't tell him so he nodded his head to him. "Well get going, Abby will be here soon" Angelo said "Finish the work and will see you at dinner at the villa" Demetri told his brothers They nodded there heads, and left the suite, Demetri cleaned up his hand and called the desk he was having guest and bring them up also a maid to clean up the mess. He looked out the window as a memory flashed through his mind. "I will kill you! And everybody you love" "You can't do anything Sofia, I was willing to give you the world" Demetri said "Your lying! I know I'm just a replacement! Yeah, Javier told me about that girl at the club and how I look like her you don't love me you love my looks" Sofia said "Leave before I shot you" Demetri said coldly "I will be back for you head" Sofia said Demetri snap out of his daze when he heard the bell ring, he went to the door. "Daddy" Maria sob out "Awe baby" Demetri said He took Maria from Abby, the boys ran into the suite. "Sorry she wouldn't stop crying and then the boys wanted to come too" Abby said "It's fine, I called the front desk there sending a maid up to clean up the rooms" Demetri said "Okay, I thought I saw Angelo earlier" Abby said Demetri cussed in his head. "Yeah, about that" Demetri said "Dad can we play on the game in the room!" Lorenzo said Hunter and Lorenzo were by the door to the next room. "Yeah, I'll turn it on for you" Demetri said He was still holding Maria as he went to them, Abby looked around the suite and walked up to the big window. 
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