Chapter 50 - Yellow

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"I took on being a father to him. He's my responsibility. I really love this child." I smiled at what he said. Yes, I'm so proud of him. Even though I was avoiding him I couldn’t help but admire him. "That's why we came here to say that we will always stay at the Palace. We will only be able to visit once. We will fulfill our responsibilities inside the palace." I know. I know. I must be happy because I will only see you once. "And I'll take Shawn first. You should focus on your training. I'll take care of him. I won't leave him alone. I also don't want you to have a hard time. Is it okay?" I just nodded. I also thought that Felxir was there. He will help Krieldyr. And one more thing, Rebecca will have a hard time raising two children. "We're first ah? Bye." Thrax waved at us. He kissed me on Eura's cheek and then said goodbye. I couldn't kiss Shawn on the cheek because he was born by Krieldyr. I just waved at him. I also haven't seen Shawn in a long time. What is that? But they will visit at least once in a while. After I look at them. "Xander and I are the first ah? I'm going to rest Minah as well. Or is she okay with training ah? I'll be busy too." Xander tapped me on the shoulder. I also kissed Rebecca on the cheek. "Let’s go, Megan. Rainbow and I are going somewhere. Bye Invi, Layt!" I was just shaken. "Hey are you okay?" "Yeah invi. I'm just sad because I can't be with Shawn every day." "Is it just Shawn?" "Ah yes haha." "You know, if you have a problem, I'm just here. Don't worry, Ice's order to me is over. I hope we don't have an issue there. I'm really sorry ah?" "Oh no, it's gone. You're a friend so I trust you. It's up to you if you destroy it. But I know it's not. Thank you very much too ah?" I feel a little relieved. "You can always be with me. Don't worry, we're the only ones who will work together. They have a role for him. We will continue to train. We can handle that." He has his role. My role is to pretend. Yep, they don’t have Eura anymore because he’s in the palace. They also don’t have Rebecca, Tricity and Xander anymore because they’re done. Maybe they are busy too. For now, Invi, Megan, Pj and Rainbow are the only ones together. I'm not very close to Invi's sister yet. Rainbow we only talk once. Pj, on the other hand, doesn't talk to me anymore because of Krieldyr. He said he might get a headache. So Invi is really the only one I can always be with. I'm happy with her too. He understands me. "By the way, do you want Megan and I to live in the dorm? So we can be together." I thought about it. Maybe not anymore? It was especially hard and I was pretending. Felxir also visits me every morning to bring me a drink. "Not for me anymore. I just want to be independent. Besides, you're bonding with your siblings." "We're open anytime. And I'm very open if you open anything." I smiled at him. I feel like he feels I have a serious problem. Case I can't tell him. I'll just wait for destiny to book me. I am ready for what may happen. I can already think of the worst case scenario. "Thank you so much Invi ah? You're really very smart. I was left by good friends. My luck." "We're lucky because we have an understanding and very good friend e. I'm really impressed with the way you raised Shawn e. There are only a few like you. You're another Princess so you impressed us more. Even if you don't take responsibility, you take it. I'm so proud of you. You are the best woman. " What he said was very touching. But I still can't erase the fact that I lied to them. Right now they are proud of me but in the end, they will lose trust in someone like me who has done nothing but lie. I'm using others' identities. This is not my dream. Never. I am starting to miss my little boy. It's also okay for Krieldyr to take care of him, after all, he's the one his father recognizes. I also don't have a problem with who to leave Shawn with whenever we have training. That's all, he misses. I will also miss my friends, especially Eura. Is it Eura or Krieldyr? That’s what came into my mind. It's annoying that there is always a contradiction in my brain. "Hey young lady. Looking so sad?" I scolded Felxir. He visits me every midnight. Will I be glad we will be close? "Not so. Why are you still visiting? Shawn is there in the palace. You should be watching him." He sat down next to me. "I don't have a chance to touch klyzer. Even to see him. My twin is so possessive of his so-called "son ". Maybe he is just scared to see klyzer considering me as his father. One more thing, just because klyzer is not with you, i am not allowed to visit you? C'mon, I want to see you for no reason." Does he want to see me? For no reason? Well, maybe nothing is really done in life. Besides, I don't expect Krieldyr to be like that to Shawn? Felxir should be the one I take care of e. "I do a lot in my life. You don't know the story, don't judge." At least he was right. My fault. "Sorry." "Come with me." He held my hand. I felt like I was electrified. Why do I feel this way about him when he touches my skin? I felt it before but only with Krieldyr. What happened to me? Or maybe they are just twins? "Maybe you like me but not love." I was stunned. I felt the heat on my cheek. I forgot he could read my mind. I tried to close my mind. The guy doesn't think that this man has nothing to say that is embarrassing. As I concentrated too much on suppressing the imaginable, I didn’t realize that we were already on a sun-shaped rock. Earlier he just held my hand while we were sitting on the couch and now we are here? What the hell? He is really awesome. The amount of his ability. Unlike me, i am just a normal magical vampire. I considered myself as nonsense because what is happening in my life is pure misfortune. I have never helped the world e. "Stop it." I looked at him. He looked at the rock seriously. What's in that rock? "I will help you convince others that you really are the Princess. I can change the darkness but it will not be permanent. Maybe only about 3 to 4 months if compared to the day of the human world. Close your eyes." I nodded in agreement. Maybe he also thinks that not everyone believes I am Princess Icerielle. I closed my eyes. I accompanied the prayer that I would get through each day that I was so remorseful of. I hope I can finish this cheating on my fellow vampires. My palms touch the opposite side of my chest. This is how I pray. It's really very cold at dawn. "We will stay here until 4am. Don't open your eyes." I nodded again. I just concentrated and prayed. I face the rock. Us two. I did not open my eyes as he commanded. Luckily, I didn’t feel nauseous. No one speaks to us. I felt my surroundings. I’ve heard a lot of birds and whatnot. It seems to light up as I take a stand e. Maybe this is night's plan. Effective nga. He and the king of magic are very different even though they are twins. Krieldyr is more powerful but Felxir is simply the best. Do not base the name on habit. I am no longer angry with him. He even helps me. "Icerielle? Princess Icerielle?" Sounds like the noise kid? Why do I hear so many different voices? Thrax dominates. "Will I wake up or not? "Hey Princess Icerielle are you okay?" I opened my eyes. The Princes are here. Why did he disappear? My head is aching. I was caught because I felt like fainting. I tried to roll my eyes. Almost all the vampires went there. I don't know why. It's bright. Seems like a normal world. Not too hot. Right. But I couldn't take my headache anymore. "Are you okay?" I saw Krieldyr. I tried to smile. I roll my eyes again. Where's Felxir? I was very close to my arm because he was the closest to me. I could already feel my eyes closing. Where is he? "Felxir?" Shawn's POV I feel something strange. There's something that I can't even explain. I left the dorm. I saw Ice and Krieldyr looking above so I did it too. I was so shocked. Don't tell me the Princess is really here? Gradually the sun shines and rises. What makes the day of the human world different from the magical is, the magical is not a natural day. It's also made of magic and it's from the Princess so our skins don't burn. For sure artificial. "Let's go." Krieldyr ordered. I looked at Rock and Thrax when they were here. We are complete. Maybe another vampire will go there as well. Many are scattered around. Everyone was smiling as they looked up at the sky. I felt joy and happiness for them and for us and for everyone. We immediately headed for the sun -shaped rock. It’s called light’s sunshaped grave. There the Princess disappeared like a bubble. It suddenly appeared. "What can you say about Krieldyr?" Ice asked. This shiver is teasing again. You can see that the Princess, Felxir, has not been able to move yet. "I don't know. I'm just hoping Shiela is the missing Princess. If not, then I might kill her for making us stupid." My saliva swallowed me. Krieldyr is very serious. He can do it without hesitation. I was nervous for Shiela. "Don't kill her. She's mine if not. We'll both kill each other if you hurt her." Ice replied. Those two are always like that. But this time we talked differently. Kill that e. For Pete's sake will they kill just because of a woman? "Chill bro. That's why you look even uglier." Pffft. I couldn’t stop my laughter at Thrax’s stretch. The two almost killed Thrax in their thoughts. Rock and I laughed. We are both neutral. Thrax, on the other hand, is the one from the c***k. "Come on. I'm tired of this arrogant joke." Krieldyr walked first. Napikon ata? We laughed more but calmed down when we were almost hit in the face by the water. Geez Krieldyr is Krieldyr. We even managed to joke while heading to the grave. There is a woman with her back turned. He was barefoot. Wearing a yellow dress. It was as if he were praying. Her hair covers her face. Her hair is straight. This is what he was wearing when he disappeared but the big version? I noticed that Thrax approached him. "Shiela? Princess Icerielle?" The only thing Thrax said. Krieldyr and Ice looked at each other. So Layt and Icerielle are really one. I saw happiness in Krieldyr's eyes but it immediately changed to pain. Pain because Layt loves Felxir. She remembered Felxir, just only Felxir. He doesn't even remember us e. Maybe Krieldyr is really the one he remembers since they are twins and they really looked alike when they were kids. Only night was the one he recognized as hurting before. Maybe that's what night was saying to her so it got her heart and convinced the Princess. "Hey Princess Icerielle, are you okay?" Thrax asked him again. We ran closer to him when he seemed to shake and grabbed his head. He rolled his eyes. Wondering why almost all vampires are here. But he rolled his eyes again. He is looking for something. Krieldyr approached him. They looked at each other but only for a moment. It was as if he was going to lose consciousness so we supported him. He grabbed Krieldyr's arm. He rolled his eyes again. "Felxir?" That was the last word he left before he lost consciousness. Krieldyr caught him immediately. He carried it until we reached the palace. The other banpira also left immediately so we didn't have any trouble. We just accelerated the pace. "What happened to the Princess?" Question of the dear king. We let Thrax explain. "She's okay. She's just weakened because of the amount of magic she's released. She'll wake up tomorrow too. She needs to rest to gain her strength." We nodded to the healer. "Pity my bfs. But I'm so happy that she's really the Princess. My bestfriend is back!" Eura said cheerfully. Silence enveloped the room because Eura was sleeping soundly. Soon we heard footsteps at the door. Someone turned the doorknob. Si Felxir. He is seriously looking at Princess Icerielle. We just let him go. He sat on the bed next to the Princess. I noticed he smiled. The pucha is genuine. This was probably the first time I saw him really smile. There is no flawed plasticity or ill -intentioned. I was so amazed by Icerielle because he changed the Prince of Darkness. The joke lang Felxir. I know you read I think. "You are lucky enough to have her. Please do take her like what I did before. She's so special to me. I know you because you are my twin. You have my trust. I am letting her go. I know she's also lucky to have you. " Ika naman ni king. He is really tolerant. He knew that Felxir would be Icerielle's choice. And after all, Icerielle and Felxir should really stay together so that if they have children, the magic of light and darkness can be improved on a vampire. I vote for two. "Thanks twin. I will do my best for her. I will love her better than you do." Okay. Felxir is really different now. I never thought he would love the Princess. "Don't hurt her if you don't want me to get her back." "Noted." I left the room. Just let me breathe. I started walking. I noticed that I haven't seen Fairy yet. I still can't believe she's my girlfriend. It was too fast but we loved each other. I can hear someone talking. I saw Fairy with Krieldyr Duke. "Yes dear king. I'll take care of it. You can count on me. A promise is a promise." Krieldyr Duke nodded and left. Fairy turned in my direction. I immediately smiled at him but he seemed pale. "Is there something wrong sweety?" He repeated. He recovered immediately. "I'm nervous talking to Krieldyr sweety. I'm sorry I didn't notice you. What are you doing here?" "You've been talking for a long time ah? He even raised you. Why are you nervous. Unless you're keeping something secret." His eyes widened. "N-Oh, I don't have any secrets. Trust me o-okay? Let's go to the dear Princess's room." He took my hand. I trust her but because what she says and does is suspicious. "Shawn, hey are you okay?" "I will be okay if everything is right." I smiled. His forehead furrowed. "Don't mind me. Let’s go." He smiled as if he was breathing easy. I hope he keeps nothing from me. If he kept anything secret, the dear king was probably an accomplice. This is a big puzzle for me. I will observe. I just won't let anyone know because I don't want to ruin my relationship with Fairy. I really love this girl no matter what happens. If I know the secret, I will keep it to myself for the sake of our relationship. Love makes us stupid but stupidity helps to lessen the pain.
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