Chapter 49 - Mess

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About a few days ago as well. The more I don’t leave the room. I also don't go out every Felxir. Prince Felxir just brings me blood to drink every time it comes to twelve in the morning. He knew what was happening to me. He also knew I was avoiding the five Princes, especially Krieldyr. He also helps me with Shawn. He's big now. She is no longer a baby. He can now walk straight. "Shawn, can you count one to ten?" Felxir ordered the boy. Yes, he teaches this. Only now did I find out that he was kind to children. "One, tyu, thee, fou, five, shix, sheven, eight, nine, tyen!" He has not been able to pronounce R since he was too young. This is how the vampire really is, it grows fast. You will not realize that he will be as big as you next time especially and he will grow up. I couldn’t help but smile because we look like a happy family. Tomorrow I will move out of the dorm. I decided to go there. I explained to the dear Krieldyr that I was more used to it. And very strange to his son Krieldyr especially and he knew it liked the Princess. He also knows what Prince Felxir and I did. He had no complaints so I took a deep breath. "I will help you tomorrow." I raised an eyebrow at him. "I can't. Maybe someone will see you." "That's not it. Trust me." I'm okay. He also said goodbye because Shawn and I needed to rest. "Mi mi! Wheye's di?" I was just shaken. Prince Krieldyr is the one he recognized Di since they slept here. He still visits Shawn regularly. But when he found out that Felxir was the one I supposedly loved, he didn't feel it anymore. Nakakamiss. I miss him. The next day I moved my other belongings here to the palace. Felxir helped me. No one saw us. The Princes also knew that I would move to the Dorm again but the reason I said was that I wanted to be independent. I didn’t lift Shawn because he wanted to walk. Funny because he doesn’t scold. It was as if he had matured to think. Maybe his family is too well-oriented. Until now we do not know his magic. The magic is because when her mommy is able to track a vampire wherever it is and she can also see what it is doing even from afar. And his daddy knows everything that happened in the past. Even the first man and vampire knew and he knew history. Amazing. Maybe its daddy is very smart. "Take care. See you later." I was surprised because he suddenly hugged me. I just smiled. He messed up my hair. I stared at him. Why is she sweet? He made me smile even more when he kissed Shawn on the cheek. He always does it. "Bye." He waved at Shawn. The boy did the same. He is the best teacher. He never tires of teaching my son. "Happy family ah?" I was surprised by Megan. He was already in front of me. He did the same for Shawn. I smiled at him in response. "I miss you. Even if we're together in the palace, I won't be able to find you." I have a guilty conscience. Many are affected just because of these flashy feelings. "I'm sorry Megan ah? I miss Prince Krieldyr. It's also embarrassing for Ice and other Princes. I'm also ashamed of you because you still consider Krieldyr older. I hope you'll forgive me." We entered my dorm. He hugged me. "I understand. The heart can't be taught to love others. I'm so happy for you because Felxir and you love each other. I saw you hugging before. I also saw that he kissed Shawn. For you're a family. " Yun nga e ,. The heart is not taught. A Prince cannot learn to love someone like me. I'm still pretending. I knew in the end they would hate me. "Thank you." Megan is very kind. But I think he will get angry again because Fairy and I are lying again. We kept it a secret that I was just pretending. "Or you look bankrupt. Is there a problem?" I shook my head. "Maybe I'm just tired. We've moved a lot too." "Or he rests with you bfs. I'm leaving too. Bye baby!" He kissed Shawn. Almost all of them wanted to like this kid. I arranged the things. I put the clothes in the cabinet. I also fixed Shawn's toys that were scattered. It's hard to be an instant mommy but it's good with feelings. I'm so proud of Shawn. He is quick to learn and respectful. If I were to have children, I would be like her. You have nothing else to look for. Many are jealous of me because Shawn recognizes me as mommy because I got him. And it's really good that I was the first to see him. He's the only one I love. I focus my attention on him. I want to be the best Mom. I will do everything for my son, for Shawn. He's my everything. I can't afford to lose him. I really love this child so much. "Yes!" I stopped what I was doing. Di? There is only one he calls that. Why now? Why did he come when his brother was gone? I didn't know what to do. I have been avoiding him for a long time. What happened? I don’t want to ignore it all. I immediately finished putting the equipment in. I adjusted myself. Shawn is in the living room. I'm in the bedroom. I peeked at them first to make sure that Di niya was here. And I'm not mistaken, they are together. They both play Shawn. I noticed that he was carrying a bag. Will I go out or not? I went straight to the kitchen to prepare food for them. I made Shawn Pancake because that's his favorite. Krieldyr, on the other hand, is okay with maybe the sandwich to him. "Hey." "It's a horse!" I was caught in my chest. Suddenly he will speak. I turned to him. He was not smiling. He was leaning against the refrigerator and crossed-arms. He looks serious or really serious. He was just looking at me so I avoided looking. I don't say a word. I'll just wait for him to talk to me. I saw Shawn sit down and kick the pancake. There is chocolate on top that he likes better. He has loved sweets since he was young. I just forbade it every day because it would damage his teeth. I remember that I made a sandwich for Krieldyr so I had to talk to him. "Ah, eat that sandwich. That's for you. Go with Shawn." He shook his head. Just now he refused the food I was serving for him. Maybe he has changed because of what I have done. "Let's talk." I nodded. He sat down next to Shawn. It's okay to hear us because he still can't understand what Krieldyr and I are going to talk about. "I want to say sorry for that Felxir. I felt cheated but I'm wrong because there's nothing on us. You're not my girl so I shouldn't feel it. I'm very sorry. I'm happy for you and for my twin. I admit, it really hurts me. Don't worry, I accepted that we're not meant for each other. Please stay the same. " He laid his hand on my head. I'm hurting too. But I'm not the Princess. Krieldyr is not the type of man who should experience this. He is very loving. "I-I'm the one who should apologize. I-I didn't tell you right away because I'm scared. I-I hope you understand me." I headed. If the best liar has an award, it's me. Annoying. I'm not like this. I wish I was normal. Why? My life is connected to that Princess. Sometimes I want to blame him for why I am in a precarious situation. "I will still be Shawn's Dad. He's my obligation. I promised to help you so I'll do that for Shawn. Not for you. I'll be the first." He stood up. I just followed him with my gaze until he disappeared. I felt my treacherous tears fall. The pain he said. He was right. Shawn was his only obligation. I can't help but miss the former. The former, including me, is taken care of, cared for and loved by him. Everything has really changed. "Mi? Why are you crying?" I wiped away my tears. "Mi, are just sad." I can't lie to my son even if he doesn't understand. "I will hug you please. Don't be sad." He hugged me. He really eases my heart. He is the one who takes away my sadness. "I'm not loved by the one I love." Then I laughed. Shawn can't understand me. I looked at him. He was looking seriously. "Yeye kweli anakupenda tangu wakati huo." I was stunned. What is he saying? Or is he too young to speak straight? Wakati? Maybe someone just ditched him. He doesn't know bad words. Weird. I don't know what he is talking about. He smiled at me. "Everything will be okay." He said. I'm in trouble again because I don't know who to leave Shawn with every time I come in. Prince Felxir can't be. It would be embarrassing if I let him take care of me. I also don't like Prince Krieldyr, I don't want to think that he's Shawn's future father, I'm going to abuse him. "I saw a cute gel." I turned my attention to him. He had a tow tow girl. Or wait, it's impossible for my daughter to have a girlfriend. I've only had a few months with him. Another, Shawn’s speed has really grown. He looks three years old. Luckily, he’s not messy unlike others. "Who is she?" I am also fluent in English with this child. After all, the Princes were the only ones talKrieldyr, so he also learned English. "She's Megan! Say hello to mi minah." "Hello po tita!" Magical vampires learn to speak faster than normal vampires. "Hi. You're cute. Who are your parents Megan?" I noticed that Megan was bigger than Shawn. It might be older than him. Megan turned her back on him. I saw Rebecca smiling at me. I smiled at him too. "Megan's parents are gone. They just died. I really don't understand what happened. They didn't explain to us how and who killed them. They always stay in the palace. The dear Krieldyr gave it to me. Megan. She's my cousin. I was also very sick when it happened because I love my aunt and uncle. But I'm building up for my cousin. She doesn't have any children yet. But she knows that her parents are gone. Ah Wait, who is that boy? I just saw that somewhere and then Megan and I followed. " I realized that I hadn't even introduced Shawn to my other friends. I apologized to Rebecca. "Like Megan, her parents also died. But that was a few months ago. It's the speed of time. I didn't talk to you about her because I was in the palace then. I was the mother of that child. I don't like it as much. He will experience what I experienced without a grown up parent. I'm sorry if I didn't even introduce my son to you. The speed with which he grew. He was still a baby when I adopted him. Look now, he's grown up. I'm so proud of him. " "You're really very smart, Icerielle. Even when you were young, you took over raising him. How old are you?" July is my birthday but I don't say anything. I will be 20 again this year. "I'm 19. Are you?" Yes, it is difficult to raise a child when you are old enough. I can handle it for Shawn. Also, nothing is paid to this Academy. Almost everything is free. "I'm 21. You and Megan are the youngest. All I know is that Eura is 20, Invi is 21, Tricity is 22, Rainbow is 20, Reez is 20 and the Princes are 21. Xander is 21. "We're not the same age." Ah, in my long time here I only now know their ages. Surprisingly, they are still studying at that age. "The question is, will we be students for life?" He suddenly smiled. "Actually, we're done. I just remembered to say that our last training was with you. We've been training since we were kids. We're good enough so we don't have to study anymore. Especially the ones. prince. The only ones left among our friends are you, Eura, Reez and Invi. Invi may not go to school anymore. She learned quickly. " I was sad. But I should be happy because I won't see Prince Krieldyr much anymore. I can move freely. I don't plasticize myself. Bahala na. There is a reason for what happens in the life of every vampire. "It's okay with me. The case I'm having a problem with is Shawn. I can't take care of Felxir ~ Manang." His eyebrows rose. "Who is manang?" I took a deep breath. I can almost say Felxir's name. His identity is still hidden. I don't want him to be ruined just because of me. "The one in the Cafeteria. He gives me Shawn's milk." "It's like this, Xander and I will take care of Shawn since Megan and I are close. It looks like our pet also has a playmate. The manang you're talKrieldyr about is the one who also provides me with Megan's milk. But I think They can eat. They're big. " My problem has been reduced. I immediately hugged him. He fell from the sky. It's good and he's smart. He said he is really kind. "Thank you so much Rebecca ah? Just don't hesitate to call me if there's something silly or something that made Shawn look bad ah? It's annoying sometimes but sometimes it's time to think." "It's nothing. Why else would we be friends if we don't work together? Or let's introduce Megan and Shawn to our friends. I'm sure they'll be happy because we have naughty kids to be with." I picked up Shawn. I knew he was tired of playing and then I would introduce him to his future aunts and uncles. Rebecca and I talked as we walked. I told him what had happened to me in the palace. I didn't mention Felxir and Krieldyr. I will just let the Princes tell them that there is nothing between Krieldyr and me. "Hey!" Eura waved at us. He immediately approached us. He looked at Shawn. Her eyes widened. I looked at the others, the reaction was the same. I think they already know Megan. Shawn is the only one I haven't introduced to them yet. "Shawn, kiss your titas and titos." I took him down. He immediately approached my friends one by one and kissed them on the cheek. When he finished he suddenly ran away. I just swallowed my saliva because the five Princes are already here. He hugged Krieldyr who immediately picked him up. So, Krieldyr and I looked back and forth with our friends. I do not know what to say. "Omg. You two have a child right away?" We turned to Tricity as if she could not be accepted. I know he still likes Krieldyr. As a friend, she accepted me for the man she had long wanted. This is the hard part, you are accepted but I am still not the Princess. The difficulty of my position. I didn't really like that. "Hi-No no." That's all I said. "I can't really read what you're thinKrieldyr. You really are Princess Shiela este Princess Light." I smiled hard at Reez. "I saw Shawn when he was a baby somewhere. I was led by pity but with joy in my heart. I felt sorry for him because he might feel like an unrecognized parent like me. I was glad because God seemed to bless me for Shawn to stand as her parents, to play the role of mother to her. Is she big enough? " I was happy because their reaction seemed so proud. Almost all of them were smiling except for Ice and Krieldyr. "How about Krieldyr?" Ice's question seemed to pour cold water on me. I don't know how to answer his question. I'm nervous.
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