Chapter 51 - A Paradise

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I woke up in the sunlight. Day? Or wait, day? I followed where the light that hit my face was coming from. The window is open. Yes, there is a day. And I remember what happened to me. I just don’t know how I got here. I feel like I'm in the palace again? "Hmm" I turned around because I heard a whimper. Dayle, by the way. So they are here to watch over me. They are very kind and very caring indeed. I smiled when I saw Felxir sitting across from me. Still crossed-arms. He's also sleeping. He looks so calm. I hope he's always asleep. I laughed softly. If he could only r******w I think, I'm sure I would be fascinated by him. It's a good thing he didn't leave me. It's a good thing he brought me here. He is an ideal man. Luck may be expensive. I just smiled again. I tried to get up. I touched his face. She looks too tired to take care of me. *blag* Later they woke up because the door was closed. "Krieldyr, walked out." Fire's turn. It seems like nothing else has sink-in to what has happened. Wait, don't tell me that he saw my smile and laughter at Felxir? Why didn’t I think Krieldyr was here too? Have I become selfish? "Leave it alone Princess. Rest first." I nodded to Fairy. I noticed that Fire stood up. "I'm just leaving. I'll follow Krieldyr." Fairy smiled at him but seemed to ignore it. Is there something wrong with the two? I hope I wasn’t the reason then. I’ve broken a lot. "We're out first huh? Tara Ben and Ice. You love when you're together too." Air is better than Megan. If I wasn't in this situation, I would definitely be obsessed with those two. So there are only three of us left? "Fire. My fire feeling is that he has a suspicion. I know him. He saw Krieldyr, duke and I talking last night. Don't worry, I will fix the problem with him. If he ever finds out, I will convince him to keep it as a secret. I'm so sorry Icerielle and Felxir. " I seem to be slowly opening up. Next time, everyone will know and maybe Krieldyr will kill me. Well I will accept the consequence since it's really my fault. I deserve it. "As what Fairy said, she'll take care of it. Don't be praning there. What do you think the two of us are doing? Even the king? Do you think we'll leave you?" I shook my head. Case still won’t get out of my mind that I’m cheating on my neighbor. "I'll leave you two first. I'll just keep in touch. Rest first, Shiela." I also said goodbye to him. "Do you want to wander to another part of the palace garden? So that you can at least relax." He held out his right hand in front of me. I accepted. I felt the strange touch on my skin again. But I feel very comfortable when he is with me. I hope he's oops. He was reading my mind. Soon we get to land with purely candies? It's cute here. "Everything you see here is edible. Even the grasses and the sand. Try it." It's amazing here. It looks like the one you just watched at Disney Land and the Charlie and the Chocolate factory? I've watched it for so long that I almost forgot about the others. I tinry to take a leaf from the tree. It tastes so good. I would much rather live here with Dayle. "Can you take Dayle? He'll definitely be happy when he gets here." He smiled at me. "Okay all right. Wait for me here. Don't leave. Promise?" I smiled at him and nodded. He was about to turn around but I pulled him away. "Always smile Felxir. It suits you." He messed up my hair. He has left. Am I wondering if I really like him or not? Because of my meditation, I have almost tasted all kinds of candy and chocolate here. The magic is really great. Back to Felxir, if he was the first one I met, would I be able to fall in love with him too? Because for Krieldyr, I thought he was a little bad at first. But as time goes on, I really appreciate who and what he is. I just saw myself falling in love. As for the night, I was angry with him at first but it disappeared because of his good treatment of me. Though he calls me a young lady, he never forgets to treat me like a princess. The ones that the king's twin showed me are better. But because it's my heart, Krieldyr is still shouting. I'm waiting for the right time to forget how I feel about him. Because until now, I am still not struck by the fate that neither the king will ever love me, that even if I am not the Princess he loves. "Me!" I turned to see two men smiling at me. We looked like a happy family. "Uncle night got me hihi. We ran away from di. I missed you!" I immediately picked him up and hugged him. "I missed you too baby. Look oh, isn't it cute here? We will call it 'Dayle's sweety land' haha. You can always play with your Uncle night here so you have a lot of candies and chocolates. I will go here if I have time "Is that okay to you?" He nodded. He couldn't speak anymore because he already had a mouthful of various candies. He likes sweets so I'm really sure he'll like it. "This place is called Sweet Magical Land. All the land or place you see and see here in the palace is the work of our father Krieldyr Duke." Oh he's really great. He seems to be the strongest here. "You're wrong. My twin is the most powerful." Hmm, that's right. "How about you?" I asked him.
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