Chapter 35 - Dinner

1098 Words
“Woah! What is that good thing I’m smelling?” Felxir asked. “Oh, you’re up already, Felxir. You were like a dead person the way you slept earlier,” Krieldyr said. “Well, I couldn’t get enough sleep before coming here so I got tired. Anyway, what’s that?” Felxir asked. Megan went beside Krieldyr and hugged his arms. She said, “Krieldyr helped me cook, by helping, I mean he taught me a lot.” “Interesting, we’ve never had our lunch so it’s an early dinner, right? I’m starving, let’s eat already,” Felxir said. “Alright, then I’ll call Icerielle so we can eat together,” Megan said while smiling then went upstairs. “Is it me or is she more cheerful than usual?” Felxir asked. “I also don’t know, she came to me to ask about the favor you talked about earlier,” Krieldyr replied. Felxir put his arms across Krieldyr’s shoulder. He said, “Oops, am I the one who said that? My bad. But it’s alright, being close to Megan would also help us, right?” “You got a point, so you better not act obviously,” Krieldyr said. “You are really a worrywart. I am just fine,” Felxir replied. “Okay, okay. But you also worry a lot so don’t make it look like I’m the only one that is like that,” Krieldyr said. “Fine, fine. So, how was your cooking? It’s been a while since you did that,” Felxir asked. “I don’t know, I’m really not the one who did most of the cooking stuff. I just taught Megan and just assisted her when she couldn’t get what I’m teaching,” Krieldyr replied. “So we are going to taste how good you are at teaching, huh?” Felxir said. “Don’t get your hopes up. I tried tasting it. It’s not the best but I could say that she works hard for it. So don’t say any bad things later,” Krieldyr replied. “Don’t think of me as a bully, I have soft heart for girls you know,” Felxir replied. “Oh, there’s really a dinner already cooked,” Icerielle said while walking down the stairs gazing upon Krieldyr and Felxir. “I made it with the help of Krieldyr so you should be excited, Icerielle,” Megan said. Felxir went to get plates and utensils for all of them while Krieldyr started taking their food on the table. They sat on a table which had exactly enough room for them. “Woah, it looks edible,” Icerielle said. What the? Is it really something amazing while looking at food? Felxir thought to himself. They went and helped themselves. They took their first spoonful of the meal. It’s not really that bad but I think there’s a lot of things that need improvement. Felxir thought to himself. I was sure I was able to teach her properly and she messed up only a few times. However, the taste of this is not really what I’m expecting. Does she put unnecessary things here when I’m not looking? Well, I just have to properly observe her next time around. Krieldyr thought to himself. Icerielle sobbed. Icerielle is crying? Felxir thought as he was shocked hearing Icerielle. “Icerielle? Are you okay?” Megan asked panicky. “I’m okay, Megan. It’s just, this food you made is really great. I’m very proud of you,” Icerielle said. Felxir face looks away with a grimace on his face. I can’t imagine what she has experienced to praise food like this. Felxir thought to himself. Guess she ate a lot of experimental food Megan made. Krieldyr thought to himself. Megan and Icerielle ate happily while Krieldyr and Felxir just ate barely what they could. “Anyway, I found a pamphlet here and I noted things that we could visit here in the Earth Domain,” Krieldyr said. “That’s great. There’s a lot of good news today, huh?” Icerielle said merrily. Krieldyr and Felxir stares blankly. “What’s the matter?” Icerielle asked. “Nothing,” Krieldyr and Felxir said in unison. After they finished their early dinner, they went to discuss their plan in the Earth Domain. “There are ten big research facilities here in Earth Domain so we have to at least visit half of them,” Krieldyr said. “Hmm, why not visit all of them? We have two months here so I think that that is enough time for all of them, right?” Felxir said. “Having to visit all of them is indeed good for us since we will be able to learn more about their technology here. However, as it said in the pamphlet, most of them are doing the same research and it is more on competition with each other rather than a cooperation. That means that most of the time, we will be getting the same things from them,” Megan said. Felxir nodded. “Aside from that, if we are going to visit all of them, we will not have time to explore and enjoy ourselves here in Earth Domain. We also need to free our mind for some time so we can be more productive,” Krieldyr added. “Hmm, so we will be picking the facility that is ahead of the others,” Icerielle said. “Yup, and I think it is the Earth Domain Development Center,” Krieldyr replied. “We should also pick the Savannah Research Institute,” Megan said. “I see, so aside from picking the top research team, we will pick a facility wherein the research is very different from the others. That’s a good choice,” Felxir said. They list down five research facilities and put them on a bulletin board in the living room of the apartment. “I think this is a good start already,” Krieldyr said. “So how will we be able to enter those five? Will they just let us in if we say we are students from Ezklisea Academy?” Felxir asked. “Oh, we also have that problem. The academy just started this kind of project, visiting other domains. They usually just invite researchers from the four domains so I don’t think all of the research facilities are informed,” Icerielle said. “That problem is really big but we shouldn’t really worry about that, it’s either we can enter or we cannot. Let’s just mind that after we confirm it,” Megan said.
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