Chapter 36 - Fool Moon

1079 Words
We have great things ahead of us. We already have a plan about how we will spend time here in the Earth Domain. However, I shouldn’t really be distracted by this, since my main objective is to observe them, especially Icerielle. I think that my plan of getting her attracted to me is nearly done. Krieldyr thought to himself. “Is something bothering you, Krieldyr?” Felxir, who was already lying down on his bed, asked. “Nothing, I’m just thinking about how great things are here,” Krieldyr replied. “I see. Then, I’m going to sleep already. Just wake me up if you get something up,” Felxir said. “Okay. Get your rest already,” Krieldyr replied. Felxir wasn’t able to respond to Krieldyr. He just had to rest before getting our dinner and now he’s already sleeping. Maybe he got too excited to visit this domain. He is really that cheerful when it comes to traveling, so I can’t really blame him. He has already used much of his energy. Nevertheless, I shouldn’t really bother him. He volunteered to join me to spy on the vampires and I really couldn’t say no to him since my father wanted someone to protect me. But that’s not what I wanted. What I want is to protect all of the Archeans and that includes him. So I should be the one protecting him and not the one to endanger him. If Icerielle is really the princess of the vampires, then I will be able to protect everyone. Krieldyr thought to himself. The picture of Icerielle flashed through Krieldyr’s mind. “She is very beautiful,” Krieldyr said. Krieldyr was shocked by what he said and he immediately looked at Felxir. I’m glad he didn’t hear that. But what am I saying? Wait, am I the one falling in love with Icerielle? That cannot be. I just admired her beauty, but that doesn’t mean I already fell for her. Krieldy thought to himself. Krieldyr sighed. I need to get this out of my mind. Krieldyr thought to himself. Krieldyr went to the balcony of their room to get some fresh air. “Krieldyr?” a person from his right side said. Krieldyr looked at the person. He was shocked as she saw Icerielle’s face being lit up by the full moon. “I-Icerielle?” Krieldyr said. Icerielle chuckled. She said, “Why are you stuttering? Did I scare you?” “No, it didn’t occur to me that you would also be on your balcony,” Krieldyr replied. Icerielle chuckled again. She said, “We met each other two years ago but we still haven’t really know each other. It’s funny that we are living in the same house.” “You are right. Then let’s talk to each other? Or are you about to sleep?” Krieldyr asked. “No, I couldn’t sleep, that's why I went outside,” Icerielle replied. “That’s good. The moon is beautiful, isn’t it? We will have a great view while we are talking with each other,” Krieldyr said. They both look at the moon that is facing their apartment. “Yeah, the moon is very beautiful,” Icerielle said while blushing. Is he saying he loves me? I don’t think so, he has a straight face and I don’t think he would mean something like that and not be flustered. He’s Krieldyr after all. Not that I really know him. What am I even thinking? We can’t fall in love with someone that is not a vampire, especially an Archean. I’m really a fool to think this way. Icerielle thought to herself. “Is there something wrong?” Krieldyr asked. “No-no, where will we start? Wait, shouldn’t we invite Megan and Felxir?” Icerielle said. “Felxir is already asleep. Is Megan not sleeping yet?” Krieldyr asked. Icerielle looked inside of their room. She replied, “I think she’s fast asleep already. She tires herself at cooking so I think it’s only natural.” “I see, she cooked for two hours. She’s very cheerful and she was very extra, so she’s really going to be tired,” Krieldyr replied. “Thank you, Krieldyr,” Icerielle said. “For what?” Krieldyr asked. “For dealing with Megan, she sometimes can be over-exacting but she is really a good person. Thank you for teaching her how to cook properly,” Icerielle said. Krieldyr laughed. He said, “It is not a big deal though. I’m also happy to help other people you know. Her cooking is not there yet but I think it will improve overtime.” Icerielle also laughed. She replied, “You know what? Megan and I grew up together and she really wanted to cook that badly. However, whenever she’s in the kitchen, it’s always a disaster. If it wasn't the case, her cooking would not be edible at all. Meat being turned into charcoal, having a purple stew, and even a meal on fire. It’s the first time I ate Megan’s cooking that is edible. That’s why I’m so happy.” Krieldyr smiled. “I now understand. But it’s very cool of you to still eat her cooking even with that experience,” Krieldyr said. It’s not that I really wanted to, but I should do everything she asked me to do. I had no choice. I don’t think that Megan wanted to be mean to me, it’s that she did not really realize that it was rude. Icerielle thought to herself. “It’s because I love her. She works for that food for too long and I don’t want to cause harm to others. That’s why I’m doing it on my own. You know, if it's someone I love, I will do things with joy in my heart,” Icerielle said, then turned to Krieldyr with a big smile on her face. Krieldyr was shocked when she saw Icerielle's smiling face. “Am I really that scary? You are always shocked at me, huh?” Icerielle said while still having the smile on her face. Damn, I cannot really deny the fact that she is so beautiful. My heart is racing and I’m having a goosebump. This is very different. It’s the first time that I've experienced something like this. Krieldyr thought to himself. “A-ahm, it’s just the first time that I saw that kind of smile of yours,” Krieldyr replied.
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