Chapter 5 - Interview

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Another day has started. The classes are still ongoing in spite of the issues spreading around the Academy between the two races. Normal people have no idea of what is happening around them. Krieldyr and Filxifr acted like a human so that Icerielle and Megan who are near them would think that the two of them are just one of the human students. "Class, we will be having an activity. Get one partner, should be your opposite gender. You can now look for your partner. I will give you five minutes to do this. Once done, we can start the activity," the professor announced. Icerielle felt sad because she knows no one will choose her. She is just listening to the conversations of her classmates. Even Megan easily got her partner, Felxir. Felxir is handsome and intelligent so Megan will really accept his offer. "Can you be my partner, Icerielle?" Krieldyr asked. Icerielle widened her eyes. She can't believe that someone will really ask and consider her as his partner. She won't let this opportunity not be taken. "I don't want to look further. I think we can work together since I can see that you are diligent. You are not even interested looking for a partner but I will assure you that you can trust me," Krieldyr said. Icerielle smiled at him. Since she wants to understand humans, this is a good opportunity for her. She said, "Of course, I will gladly accept your offer. Who am I to reject? You are also a top one so I think we can work this activity easily." Krieldyr also smiled. This will be the first day to gain the trust of Icerielle. He can see that this woman is also interested in him since she thinks that he is a human. Felxir on the other hand, chose Megan to be his partner since he knew that Krieldyr and Icerielle would fit perfectly to be partners. He thinks Megan is Icerielle's assistant so they should also investigate her. "Now that all of you have a partner, I will discuss our activity for this week. Yes, this week since we need five days to finish it. I want you guys to interview at least 50 people and don't worry, I will provide a questionnaire," the professor explained. The professor passed the questionnaire to the front and asked to pass it to the other students. The professor smiled at them and he is using this activity to gather some information about the Archeans. He will give all the information to the Vampire Lady to study the capabilities and strength of their enemies. Krieldyr was alarmed but still kept to look unbothered, same with Felxir. He hopes that his fellow Archean students will not honestly answer this questionnaire. He knows that vampires will definitely choose either Acheans or a human as their target. "I will dismiss the class early so that you can work on your activity early. We will have no classes until Friday so I am expecting that you will finish it before Monday. Don't forget to record the date you interviewed them," the professor said. Some of the students got excited since they have no classes for one week on this subject. This subject is the hardest one for them and the professor is really strict and loves to intimidate students. When Krieldyr and Felxir went back to their dorm, they discussed the thing they should do for the interview. Krieldyr used his access to their exclusive website to inform the Archeans students about the interview. He even uploaded the questionnaire so that they can answer it differently. Krieldyr is using a dummy exclusive account given by the higher Archeans. Other Archeans do not know the existence of Krieldyr since every time he is in the meeting, he will hide himself using his power. "These vampires are really up to something. They love to cheat. They disgust me," Felxir said in an annoyed tone. "They are really used to it. You should be confused if they do the right things. Until now, they can't defeat us so making some cheats and wrongdoings are the best thing they could do," Krieldyr said. The King of the Kingdom of Arcanea was very concerned about the students. He knows that the Vampire Lady is plotting a bigger plan to eliminate them, and one of the possibilities is killing the Archean students first. He believes his son can find the real culprit of the murder issue inside the Academy since it already reached the Domain Lord. Krieldyr uses his ability to be invisible to check some vampires around the Academy. Unexpectedly, he got the chance to witness another murder doings. He immediately grabbed the phone in his pocket and went closer to the two vampires. They are talking about the weakness of this vampire and the other one is forcing her to kill herself. "You do not belong to the Empire of Vamprielle. You are weak and do not need to exist. You should cooperate with the decision of our Vampire Lady and be grateful you still have a purpose to her. But you need to kill yourself first before having her recognition," the vampire woman said. "Why? I am studying here to enhance my abilities and become stronger. Why are you doing this to your fellow vampires? I want to live more, Professor Matilde. Please give me a chance," the student said, asking for her consideration. Krieldyr looked closer to the woman the student called a professor. He was indeed amused when he clearly saw the face of the professor. She was indeed the professor who gave them an activity to interview 50 students. Now, they have clear evidence when the meeting of two groups will be held by the Domain Lord's personnels. The professor killed the students using her hand. Krieldyr even captured the scenes. After that, she disappeared like nothing happened. The poor student was gone so early. Krieldyr sent the video to his father. The vampires will definitely be surprised when the meeting begins. Another problem was solved and he is satisfied with the evidence he captured.
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