Chapter 4 - The Murder

1021 Words
When the Holiday came, the King of the Kingdom of Arcanea grabbed the opportunity to gather all the Archean students of Ezklisea Academy. It seems the news of some of the vampire students being murdered circulated fast around the Academy. The Archeans do not want them to be blamed. Krieldyr and Felxir started to investigate secretly. They feel that there is something wrong with these vampires. They are probably plotting scenes so that the Archeans would feel bad about this and the Domain Lord will side with vampires. "Does anyone here have an idea of what is happening with our opponents? Or do you even know the news that some of the vampire students are being killed?" the King asked. The students started to say that they will not kill anyone. No one from them admitted the wrongdoing. The King believes that it has nothing to do with them. He was convinced that this is just a plot from the vampires. "Be careful when you are inside the Academy. We do not know what are the plans of our opponents so always be prepared to fight when things went differently. You must protect yourselves," the King advised. Krieldyr is just listening and observing his schoolmates. It is easy for him to track down the traitor if it's with them. However, there is really no sign that it might be one of the Archeans students. "I don't think it is just a simple murder. Those killings are intended to threaten or harm someone. Probably us," Krieldyr said to his father. The meeting was done and Krieldyr and his father only the Archeans left. They are talking about the different angles of the killing issue. His father agreed to him. He said, "You must protect yourself at all costs. You are the Prince and they are trying to find you by doing these dirty tricks. Instead of seeking peace, they really want it that way, eliminating all of us." "Maybe they are aware that our Kingdom has a powerful Prince that can lead to their fall once again. They are really used to it, attacking opponents behind their backs," Krieldyr said, grit his teeth due to disappointment. The students went back to the Ezklisea Academy. The following days became more chaotic. Not just one, but more vampire students were being murdered. The Archeans are alarmed of what is happening since some of the vampires are now starting to blame them. Krieldyr and Felxir act like they don't know what's happening. Since Icerielle is near him, he should not act differently. Vampires knowing he is the prince would bring chaos and difficulties among the Archeans. Icerielle on the other hand is hiding her fear. She is also a vampire so she can be a victim of murder. Also, she's always with Megan since Megan is the vampire princess and needs to have tighter protection. "You look so frightened, Icerielle. Penny for your thoughts?" Megan was amazed since it was her first time seeing Icerielle being like this. "Well, aren't you alarmed or what? Some vampires are being murdered. We can be their next target, for pete's sake!" Icerielle answered, worriedly. Megan laughed at Icerielle's reaction. She's not alarmed since she is one hundred percent sure that no one will hurt her. For her, it is definitely a murder but she knows it has nothing to do with the Archeans. Krieldyr and Felxir accidentally saw the two talking at the back of the library. They pretended that they were just sitting beside the window. Krieldyr used his lesser enhanced hearing so that he could hear them clearly. "Why are you laughing? You are making me so confused," Icerielle complained. "Do you think Archeans would go that far? They will not kill vampires that easily since they are in the Central Domain. They are still respecting the Domain Lord and Deities. But we are not like them," Megan proudly said. Icerielle raised an eyebrow. She totally got more confused from what she had heard from Megan. "What do you mean that we are not like them? As far as I know, our Empire is breeding excellent and better vampires," Icerielle said. Krieldyr just laughed in his mind. Icerielle is blind from what the real situation is. She believes that they are on the right path. Megan flipped her hair and proudly looked at her assistant. She honestly answered, "Some of the weak and emotionally unstable vampire students are being forced to kill their own life so that it would turn out the Archeans did it. It is still the plan of the Vampire Lady. Just calm and relax, you are definitely safe," Megan explained. Krieldyr heard all of their conversions without Icerielle and Megan knowing. They are using the back of the library building because they know no one would hear their conversions since it is designed for Megan and some of the higher vampires to use it as their hidden area for meeting or plans. "That's why you said it is still like a murder. Being forced to kill their own life is also a type of murder. Even if they don't kill their life, one vampire will do it so they chose to do it in their ways," Icerielle said, clearly she understood the situation. However, she's not happy with these thoughts because instead of making the weak vampires stronger, they chose to eliminate them one by one. When Krieldyr hears nothing, he decides to go back to their dorm. He told Felxir what he has heard and they are convinced that Icerielle is really different from other vampires. Their thoughts of Icerielle being the Vampire Lady's daughter became clearer to them. They immediately told the news to their King. Now, they need to find some evidence that these are vampires' doings and plans. Since they have high technologies, they can take a video of one of the victims from far distance. "They will pay for this. Blaming someone for their own sake just to get the trust of the Domain Lord is really unforgivable," Krieldyr said, and had more disappointments from the opponents.
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