Chapter 6 - Friends

1040 Words
The issue of vampire students being murdered suddenly stopped. The meeting of the two Kings is not even starting so Krieldyr is now confused. Now, Icerielle and Krieldyr will start to interview at least 50 students. This is Krieldyr's chance to get to know more about Icerielle and use it to be closer with her. Since Megan and her are always talking to each other, Krieldyr knows that he can use them to gain more ideas and plans. "Do you think we can finish it before Friday?" Icerielle asked. She wants to use her vacant time to rest. After classes, she has to work as Megan's assistant so she feels tired everyday. "Yes, if we are working hard and dedicated to make it done early," Krieldyr said. "Okay! Let's start now!" Icerielle said, excitedly. She went to a crowded area and began to talk to other students. Krieldyr was confused when Icerielle chose the group of vampires to be interviewed. Some of them are human and Archeans but only one or two of them. He just followed her and helped to explain what the questions mean. They already interviewed fifteen students in just 30 minutes. They still have another 30 minutes to interview and if Icerielle wants to finish it early, they have to do it after all the classes again. I am not dumb to realize that she's targeting more vampires just to cover the fact she's one of the strongest vampire. She keeps on hiding her identity but fails to protect some of their higher authorities' secrets. How interesting is that? Krieldyr thought to himself. "You know what? I am definitely happy to be your partner. I like people who are dedicated to their studies. I understand now why you deserve being the top 1 also," Icerielle said. Krieldyr smiled at her. He knows Icerielle is starting to be interested in him. He decided to make her fall in love with him even though she thinks that he is a human. "I think we are on the same level of thinking. I hope we can be friends. It is hard to get to know someone with the same vibes," Krieldyr said. Icerielle was so happy. She has no friends other than Megan. Trax wants to be friends with her but she feels that there is something wrong with her. She doesn't like forced friendship. She likes how Krieldyr didn't ask her but just hopes to be friends with her. "So friends?" Icerielle asked. She chuckled when Krieldyr got confused for a second. Krieldyr accepted the hand of Icerielle and happily agreed with her. He really finds Icerielle interesting. He knows that vampires are not allowed to fall in love with them, humans and Archeans. He will still try to capture her heart since she's now being friendly with him. Instead of interviewing students separately, they chose to work together. They already interviewed thirty students today so they decided to go back to their dorm and rest. "How's your interview going?" Felxir asked. "Unexpectedly, I and Icerielle became friends today. I didn't know that she's easy to get. My next plan is to make her fall in love with me and use that to gain her trust and let her tell me all her plans, also what kind of vampire she is," Krieldyr answered. "Woah! That's a nice idea. Megan was hard to understand. I really don't like her," Felxir said. He was annoyed by Megan's attitude towards him. "Why? What exactly happened to your interview?" Krieldyr asked. They think Megan was being used by the higher vampires and becoming their puppet. Megan knows everything about the plans, opposite of what Icerielle knows. It made Krieldyr confused but again, the Vampire Lady will not let her daughter be involved at a bigger scene so it made Krieldyr still think that Icerielle is the princess. "60 percent of our interviewees were Archeans. She's really something. I used my power to secretly interact with our co-archean students to not be honest with their answers because it can be used against us. When Megan was listening, she was very frustrated. I think she didn't get the answer she was looking for," Felxir said. Krieldyr tapped Felxir's shoulder. He said, "You still have 3 days to get along with her. Some girls are really hard to get, and Megas is one of them so have more patience with her. We need her for our plans." "But do I still need to capture her heart? I think it's impossible because she's really hard to get along with. She's so feisty and nitpicky," Felxir asked, with annoyed tone. Krieldyr explained that Felxir does not need to capture Megan's heart. Compared to Icerielle, Megan would be the one who can harm them without thinking. He won't let Felxir sacrifice himself to her. "Although she is indeed one of the prettiest vampires I have ever seen, we still need to be extra careful with her. I don't want to be her meal for the day," Felxir added, making fun of Megan. They can freely talk about vampires when they are in the dorm since they are using magic to contradict the hearing abilities of the vampires. Not all the time they are using it because vampires will suspect them if they don't hear any voice from their dorm. Krieldyr received a message from his father. It was said that the evidence they gathered has been sent already to the Domain Lord since the vampires started to accuse them without further evidence. The vampires do not know about it so they will definitely suspect each other when the Domain Lord makes the decision. "Job well done, Krieldyr! I can see them in my mind being furious once the Domain Lord spill the truth behind the murder issue they started," Felxir said. "Karma will always go back to where it belongs. They deserve every bit of it whether good or bad." Krieldyr seated calmly and smiled at the text message he received from his father. He thought that it was just the beginning of their good revenge against the vampires. He doesn't want to hurt anyone so using valid evidence of vampires' wrongdoings is the best option for them.
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