Chapter 3 - The Human Domains

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“Is there good news, son?” Krieldyr's father asked. Even though they care so much about their son, Krieldyr’s parents still let him enroll in Ezklisea Academy. “Majority of the professors that teach us are vampires. There are also professors that are humans, I think they will teach us in the next school year,” Krieldyr answered. “I also met a strange girl, I think she is the daughter of the Vampire Lady,” Krieldyr added. “Then you should be more careful, news came to us that the Vampire Lady’s daughter is very strong both in mind and in body,” his father reminded him. Krieldyr promised to be careful, he also said that he would protect other Archeans in that Academy. He knows that they have a huge advantage against the vampires but he still keeps in his mind that it’s better to be extra careful. “Next week, we will be having a meeting. We will give advice to all Archeans who will be willing to enroll in the school. It’s a bit early but it's better so that we could find the answer to the question that they would raise during your first year in that Academy,” his father mentioned. Krieldyr agreed. He wanted everyone to be safe when they are already at the Academy. In Arcanea, there are different spells possessed by different families. Krieldyr have all kinds of spells which also one of the reasons why he is the most powerful Archean. The second week of classes already starts. There was a seating arrangement for some of the subjects taken by Krieldyr. He was lucky to have Icerielle to be her seatmate since the seat plan was based on ranking.  Icerielle looked at Megan who was sitting beside her busy on her cellphone. Icerielle said, “Megan, what are you doing on your phone? You should be reading the book that our professor gave us, he will return later and might ask us about some topic in the book.” Megan just ignores her. With her very clear eyes, Icerielle peaks at Megan’s phone and discovers that she’s reading an article about magic users. Icerielle became worried as there might be Archeans that are observing them and might have caught Megan. Icerielle forcibly tried to stop Megan. At that moment, their professor already returned so Megan was left no choice. Without the two girls noticing, Krieldyr was listening to them. Through one of his magic spells, the Lesser Enhanced Hearing, he managed to hear what Icerielle was whispering to Megan. He became more suspicious of Icerielle. After all of their classes, Krieldyr and Felxir went straight home.  “While we are at the Human Domains, should we try to acquire those special skills that could only be learned throughout the Domain?” Felxir asked Krieldyr as they were watching the television. Archeans have the innate ability to use magic, however, they have to train themselves to master and control their spells. Those magic spells have different attributes, there are spells for healing, for doing damage, for defense and many more. However, there are so-called special skills that can only be learned by spending time in a certain place. Krieldyr thought deeply, “Well, even without those skills, we are already strong. For the time being, we should be more focused on the investigation for the academy. The time would come that we can have the opportunity to go to the other Domains.” There were five domains that compromised the Human Domains. The first one or the main, is where they are, the Central Domain. Many human elites live in this place, which is also a magnet for vampires and Archeans due to availability of all resources and all types of entertainment. It’s very evident that there were many Archeans and vampires interacting with each other but they hold their grudges and hatred towards each other since they don’t want the place to become a battlefield. The other four domains are the Domain of Earth, Domain of Air, Domain of Ice and Domain of Fire. The name of the domains came from the Deity that they were worshipping. However, for Archeans, these domains are the places where they could learn special skills that are unique for each one of them which could be very helpful or could just be a normal skill. “Should we take care of one vampire and watch how they react?” Felxir asked in a serious tone. “Are you kidding? We can’t do something like that? We’re just here to investigate,” Krieldyr answered in a very worried voice. Felxir laughed, “I’m just joking, I just want to see how you react since you got that serious face that tell me you want to be stronger even though you are the strongest.” Krieldyr takes a deep breath then puts on a big smile. Well, there’s no way this guy would really think crazy things like that. Right? Krieldyr thought that he’s just imagining things. The year goes by and there are no unusual things that happen, Archeans hold monthly meetings throughout the year on the Academy matter. Krieldyr couldn’t befriend Icerielle since she’s always with Megan. However, he learned more about the facilities in the Academy. The Archeans ruler decided that the Academy is safe for students that wanted to enroll. The report also included that the Academy provided vast knowledge that couldn’t be provided by the schools present in the Arcanea.  During the opening of the new school year, a lot of new students enrolled with almost the same numbers coming from the three races. There were also many Archean transferees. The Archean are told that they don’t need to hide their identity anymore as many of them don't even know how to do that. Krieldyr and Felxir still decided to keep their identity for themselves. Other Archeans do not know the appearance of both of them so they also didn’t know that Krieldyr and Felxir are Archeans. In their second year, Krieldyr and Icerielle still have the same sections for all of their subjects while Felxir and Megan are completely separated from them.  As the week goes by, the news spread that there was murder that happen within the Academy. The victim is a vampire. This causes chaos within the Academy and throughout Hovictus. 
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