Chapter 37 - Game

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“Am I really not smiling too often?” Icerielle asked. Krieldyr laughed. He said, “Yeah, you are not. You laugh sometimes, but that’s the end of it. Having to see your genuine smile is really one of the best scenery I have seen.” “Best scenery huh? You’re exaggerating,” Icerielle replied. “It really is,” Krieldyr said. Icerielle became flustered. “Are you flustered?” Krieldyr asked. “What? No way, I’m just, ahm, taking a deep breath?” Icerielle replied. “Why?” Krieldyr asked. “No-nothing. Anyway, our conversation is supposed to get to know each other. Why are we talking about stuff like that?” Icerielle exclaimed. “Relax, you might wake Megan and Felxir with your voice,” Krieldyr said. Icerielle covered her mouth. She said, “I’m sorry about that.” “So, what do you want to know about me?” Krieldyr asked. “Hmm. Let me see. About your family. Felxir told me that you have a wealthy family, but I haven’t seen them at all at the academy. Even during the parents’ conference meeting. Is your family really that busy?” Icerielle asked. Well, the real reason is that the vampires will know my identity as the prince of Arcanea, since they know the faces of my parents. Though they wouldn’t be able to go even if I didn’t have to hide my identity, since they are busy ruling the Kingdom. Krieldyr thought to himself. “Yeah, they are really busy. But I come home every once in a while, so we are able to have a bond. Sorry I haven’t been able to introduce you to them but the time will come that it will happen,” Krieldyr replied. “It’s fine. You don’t have to worry about that. I haven't even introduced you and Felxir to my mother, even though she comes to the academy sometimes,” Icerielle said. Considering that she’s the vampire princess, then her mother is the Vampire Lady - the highest vampire in their empire. I’m very astonished that they would do something risky like that. That means it’s not her real mother, right? Or is she not the vampire princess? But if I were to consider everything, she’s the best possible one due to her characteristics. Megan is also something to be aware of, but I have a hunch that it is really Icerielle. Krieldyr thought to himself. “Anyway, is this your first time traveling around other domains?” Icerielle asked. “Not really, aside from the Central Domain, I was able to travel to the Ice Domain and the Air domain,” Krieldyr said. The Kingdom of Arcanea is on the southwest side of the Hovictus and it is connected to the Air Domain. We owned a small part of the Air Domain. That’s why humans don't know about the pathway from the human domains to the Arcanea. But Icerielle knew that my family was living in the central domain. Saying that I live in the Air Domain is a give away that I’m an Archean. However, unlike me, she’s saying that Megan and her are living in the Fire Domain, which is located in the northeast part of Hovictus where, just like the Kingdom of Arcanea, lies the Vamprielle Empire. I’m sure that they also control a certain part of the Fire Domain. Krieldyr thought to himself. “How about you? Have you been here before?” Krieldyr asked. “Not at all. Megan and I are only traveling between the Fire Domain and the Central Domain. So it’s really refreshing to see other things here in the Earth Domain,” Icerielle said. “You’re right. The Earth Domain has many landforms and it is where the highest mountain in Hovictus is located. According to the pamphlet, there are also many temples and ruins here. If we have free time, we can visit those places,” Krieldyr said. W-wait? Is he asking me for a d-date? Icerielle thought to herself. “Oh, with Megan and Felxir, right?” Icerielle asked. “Of course, they would be angry if we just left them here and did all the work,” Krieldyr replied. Icerielle's face became red. What the hell am I thinking? Of course, it is not a date. Icerielle thought to herself. “Megan is really not a fan of sightseeing but I think I could convince her,” Icerielle said. Icerielle's face became worried. She will surely accept if Krieldyr offers it. She has a plan to make Krieldyr her partner and having to go sightseeing with him is a big step. I don’t really like her plan at all. N-not that I don’t want her for Krieldyr. It’s just that it is too risky and I think that Krieldyr is a good person to be used to just like that. Icerielle thought to herself. “Hmm, are you sad that she might not join us?” Krieldyr asked. “Ahm, yeah. She might miss a good memory here in the Earth Domain,” Icerielle replied. “If you are really that worried, I’ll make sure that she will join us in sightseeing,” Krieldyr said. “Then, I’ll take that offer. If you cannot do that, then you owe me something,” Icerielle replied. Krieldyr laughed. He said, “Do you really think that I’m not good at convincing other people? Anyway, the game is on. What do you want from me if I am not be able to do that?” “Hmm. If you cannot do that, then you have to get me those chocolates you gave me the last time?” Icerielle replied. “Huh? You already finished all of those chocolates?” Krieldyr asked with shock on his face. “Hey, don’t judge me. Those chocolates are so good that I wasn’t able to stop myself from eating them. There are still a few left but I just wanted more of it since I haven’t been able to share it with Megan,” Icerielle replied. “You’re crazy. And to think that Megan did not even take part in it. Well, then we will have that,” Krieldyr said. “How about you? What prize do you want if you are able to pull it off?” Icerielle asked. “Hmm, I’ll think about it first. But you should be ready for whatever it is, okay?” Krieldyr replied. “Okay!” Icerielle exclaimed.
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