Chapter 2 - The Beginning

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Business Management was the course that Krieldyr took. He needed to obey his parents on whatever they wanted. He loves his parents very much so he does whatever he can to make them happy. Personally, Krieldyr wanted to be a doctor, he wanted to research more about medicines but his parents argued that they could heal one another using their magic. “It’s very sad that even though we have the same course, we only have two of the same subject,” Felxir said as he took a deep breath. “It’s okay. Both of us could protect ourselves, you should not worry about that part,” Krieldyr responded. Felxir just nods. He knows that Krieldyr is very strong but he could not take off his mind that the thing that they entered is still very dangerous. “I almost forgot, be careful of the daughter of the Vampire Lady. One of our sources said that she is the same age as us, she might be one of our classmates,” Krieldyr reminds. The two friends were having a conversation with each other as they went to the Academy. There were dorms that are nearby by the Academy so they chose to stay there so they could be safer. The Academy which was located in the Central Domain is also very far to Arcanea so they decided to live this way and only came home to their family during weekends and vacation. “I have a bad feeling about that Icerielle. Even her name is very strange,” Felxir said. Krieldyr smiled. They both have the same thought. For the time being, he just needs to observe that girl. “What are you saying, even your name is kind of strange,” Krieldyr answered. On the other side, Icerielle is very calm as she walks to the Academy. She also chooses to live in the door so traveling is not a hassle for her. The only thing that is important to Icerielle is to finish her study and assist Megan. “See you later?” Megan asked Icerielle before they took a separate way. Icerielle answered. She goes straight to her first class. She came to the room very early so she could pick a perfect seat for her. She chose the seat at the far end of the back row because she does not want any attention. A few moments after almost every student had entered the classroom, Krieldyr and Felxir also entered. Both of them take the attention of almost all of the students in the room. They pick empty seats in the second to the last row. Krieldyr already decided that he should be as near as possible to Icerielle so he could gain her attention. Icerielle noticed a girl that entered their classroom. She was puzzled that even with so many empty chairs, the girl chose to sit next to her. She also noticed that Krieldyr did not pay attention to that girl. “Hi!” the girl greeted Icerielle. Icerielle just nods to the girl. She does not know what approach she needs to do. “Hello, I’m Traxiyee. You can call me Trax. How about you?” the girl smiled as she introduced herself. Trax gave her hand for a handshake. Icerielle hesitates to take Trax’s hand but in the end, she takes it. Icerielle felt that Trax’s hand was very cold. She knows that Trax is also a vampire like her. “Icerielle, Ice for short,” Icerielle answered in a very low voice. “Oh, you’re Hope Icerielle? I saw your name on the bulletin outside the classroom. So you’re one of the students that got a perfect score in the entrance exam. Sorry I was not able to attend the orientation so it’s my first time seeing you,” Trax said in amazement. Icerielle looks at Trax in the eyes and realizes how beautiful she was which could be compared to Megan’s beauty. If only she could read people’s mind, Icerielle already did it. She does not trust anybody. She only trusts Megan even though Megan is very strict to her. “Friends?” Trax asked. "Sure," answered Icerielle reluctantly. She does not want to embarrass the girl so she just accepted it. She thought that with just that, they could not be considered as true friends. Why do I feel that she’s a good person? Or what I feel is wrong? Should I become careful about her? Many thoughts clouded Icerielle’s mind.   The professor on their subject came and most of them were amazed by his appearance because he seemed to be their age. Krieldyr remains calm even though he knows that the person in front of them is a vampire. He felt the great power that resides in the professor. He’s not just an ordinary vampire. The professors gazed to where Krieldyr and Icerielle were seated. He has a mesmerized face as he looks at them. One by one, the students introduced themselves. After all of the students were finished, the professor also introduced himself, his name is Prof. Flavien Genesis. In Krieldyr's mind, he thought that he should be extra careful about hiding his identity. He was thankful that he managed to teach Felxir on how to do a high level spell that could make the other think they are human beings. Krieldyr thinks that they were successful as no one looks at them with doubt. “Should I accompany you to your next class?” Felxir asked Krieldyr. Felxir always takes care of Krieldyr, which makes it look like he’s the guard and assistant of Krieldyr.  “There’s no need for that, Felxir. I can take care of myself. I think you should be more mindful of yourself,” Krieldyr answered with a smile on his face. “Also, my next class is just nearby. Let’s just see each other on our last subject,” Krieldyr added. Felxir could not argue. He knows that Krieldyr is very hard headed so he just obeyed what he wanted. Krieldyr notices that he has the same subject and the same section for all of the subjects with Icerielle. He does not want Icerielle to become suspicious of him so he chose to take the front seat for his other subject. When they were going out of their classroom, Icerielle unintentionally bumped into Krieldyr. She was so anxious about Krieldyr. “I-I’m so sorry. I don’t have any intention to do that,” Icerielle stuttered as she spoke to Krieldyr. She was surprised when Krieldyr smiled. She noticed that Krieldyr is just a human. She noticed that he’s a human being. She wonders why there is a human in the Academy as she knows that they only accept either vampires or Archeans. Krieldy walked quietly as they got into their car. Icerielle just watched them as they walked. Icerielle felt that there was something about that guy. But she knows for herself that she’s amazed by the guy’s intelligence. “So, who are you looking at?” Megan asked. Icerielle did not notice that her friend is already besides her. Even though she’s just an assistant to Megan, Icerielle treats her like a friend. “It’s nothing, I’m just not used to seeing many humans around. I thought that this Academy only accepts vampires and Archeans,” Icerielle replied. “It’s within the plan, Ice. The Elders decided that we should let humans study in our Academy. There were also many human professors here as they are the one that are knowledgeable in terms of technology,” Megan confirmed. Icerielle became more curious about Krieldyr. She seems to want to befriend him so he can learn more about other races.
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