Prologue and Chapter 1 - Ezklisea Academy

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Krieldyr looked at the extent of the Academy he was going to attend. Who would not be amazed at its beauty and grandeur? This Academy is the most outstanding school that ever existed in their region. However, the vampires were the one that built this. Even though knowing that most of the beings that will be inside the academy are vampires, Krieldyr decided to enroll in the Ezklisea Academy. The high ranking officials of Arcanea already infiltrated the academy disguised as professors and other academy trustees. By looking only at appearance, one person could not distinguish a vampire from humans. This is proven to be one of the biggest problems of Archeans. Archeans are the people of the Kingdom of Arcanea that could use magic. Based on what spell one uses, they could be a witch, an enchanter, a mage, a wizard or a combination. One could distinguish them by just looking unto the color of their eyes. Both kingdoms hate each other. From the very beginning, they considered each other enemies. The Kingdom of Arcanea, where the sorcerers and sorceresses were living, has a high-ranking family, same as the Empire of Vamprielle. "Krieldyr, are you really sure about this?" asked his childhood friend, Felxir. "Yes, Felxir. If you do not want to go with me, it's perfectly fine. I can handle myself," Krieldyr answered. Felxir shook his head. He said, "I can't leave you. I don't want anything to happen to you. It's better for me to go wherever you." Krieldyr nodded and thanked his friend. At this point there's no turning back in enrolling in the Academy. They are already inside the academy as students. "For all the students, please fall in line!" a guard shouted. Krieldyr never thought that there would be many people that would be interested in going to this Academy even with the aggression between Archeans and vampires. However, he knows that there will be many vampires throughout the Academy. Krieldyr could manifest the physical features of other races like humans and vampires so hiding his identity is very easy. Krieldyr is very used to determining who the vampires are and he is the only one who can do this from their entire race. He knows who the enemies are. During his eighteen year of living, he already knows how the vampires move and act. He cannot easily be fooled. Felxir noticed a girl, he was amazed by her beauty even with her simple clothing. Krieldyr looks at the girl and he immediately knows that she is a vampire. Krieldyr tapped his friend on his shoulder that is still mesmerized by the girl. For Krieldyr, they should not waste their time other than investigating the vampires. Krieldyr observed seriously making sure no one would be suspicious of him. He realized that the number of humans studying there is in comparison with the number of vampires. Everyone around him is having conversation and they all suddenly stop as a guy in formal attire speaks through a microphone. “Attention, students of this Academy,” welcomed by the principal of the school. “Every student should make sure that they can pay their tuition fee within a week. Also, the student that got the highest grade in the entrance exam would have free tuition,” the principal added. Krieldyr did not care about the matter that the principal was talking about. The thing that Krieldyr immediately noticed is that the principal is a vampire. “I got a gut feeling that you’re that student,” Felxir whispered. Krieldyr just shrugged. He thought that it is good if he’s not the one who got the top score since it would only make the other put attention on him. “Are you ready?” asked by the principal. The crowd became noisy. Many students became excited about the announcement made by the principal. They knew about the free tuition and students that belong to the top one percent of the examiner will also receive discounts. “There were two students that got the highest score, please stand up as I call your name,” the principal said. The area became filled with louder noises. Krieldyr became irritated due to the noise, so he decided to go to the comfort room. “The two perfect scorers are Krieldyr Dwight and Hope Icerielle Kalix!” shouted by the principal. The moment that the principal announces the name, Krieldyr is already on his feet that’s why the students turn their head to him. Almost all of the students were captivated as they looked at him, not only by his intelligence but also by his handsome face. Krieldyr just stood for a minute then started to walk to where the comfort room is. He did not pay attention to people that are murmuring. “Oh! I think he’s not the one that was announced, he’s just going for the toilet,” whispered one of the students loud enough for Krieldyr to hear. "What did he just do? Maybe he’s dying in embarrassment,” teased by another student. The principal urged the two students he called to come up to the stage for proper recognition. This stops Krieldyr from going to the comfort room. He changed the direction of where he was walking and came to the front alongside the other girl. He noticed that the girl is the person that Felxir was mesmerizing a few moments ago. With the information he had, Krieldyr thought that the girl could have a high rank in the Vamprielle. He never had anyone who could rival him in terms of intelligence. It was his first time that someone could match his grade on an overall exam. Krieldyr notices that the students in the crowd have different reactions towards the girl. Like the vampires, Krieldyr could also enhance his hearing. He observed that the humans gave a good impression on her while the vampires were questioning her ranking. The crowd started to make noise again as the second rank was called. Both boys from the human race and vampire shouted in unison as a girl named Megan Schweiz came to the front. Megan wore a very sophisticated dress that would make anyone know that she came from a very rich family. While the other students were admiring the beauty Megan possessed, she did not make any noticeable act and seemed that she just wanted to be alone. As Krieldyr confirmed that the girl is a vampire, she did not give too much of an attention to her. “Get you certificate,” instructed by a middle-aged girl. The girl was the one that aroused the attention of Krieldyr. He felt a very different aura held by the girl. He knows that she is a vampire and might be one of the most important people in Vamprielle. Krieldyr feels that his identity might be revealed if he moves closer to the girl. He invoked a greater type of skill that would make sure that he manifested all the characteristics of a human for a short period of time. The girl smiled at him as she held out the certificate to Krieldyr. Krieldyr was surprised as he opened the envelope and saw that there was also money inside. He tried his best act to be like a human. He said, “Thank you very much, Madam.” The announcement ended and all of the students went home.
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