Chapter 9 - Icerielle's Birthday

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Icerielle woke up from the smell of food. She felt hungry so she stood up and went to bathe early. She recalls that it is her birthday today and her mom slept in their dorm to celebrate with her. "Good morni---" "Happy birthday, Icerielle!" Megan and Icerielle's Mom greeted. Icerielle didn't even finish her greetings because she was surprised by the confetti popper that the two prepared for her. "Oh my! Thank you so much, Mom and Megan. I thought we would just have a simple celebration yet you chose to surprise me and even cooked more food. I feel like my birthday is so special today. You even decorated and let it look like I am celebrating a simple debut," Icerielle said, trying to hold her tears back. "Your mom is so dedicated at making you feel happy so I helped her. Happy birthday again, Icerielle," Megan said. She handed Icerielle a cute paper bag. "This is my gift for you. I hope you like it!" "Wow! Thank you so much for this, Megan. You are always giving me a gift every birthday. I surely will love it," Icerielle said, excitedly. "Megan also bought a cake since she did not expect I would bring one. I am happy that you have Megan as your friend. Please promise me you're going to finish your studied," Icerielle's mom said. They took a picture before eating. Icerielle thought of Krieldyr that she can invite him with Felxir and Trax but their food is somehow different from the original humans' food. They adapted to the humans' culture so that no human will think vampires do really exist. However, her mom cooks with a twist. "Icerielle is one of the top students. Actually, she's our top one together with her new friend. You are so lucky to have a daughter like her, Auntie. She has a bright future," Megan said. "You are right! I am very lucky to be her adoptive mom. Even though we are not rich, I will still do my best to secure (I cerielle's future. I am sure that she will get what she deserves," Icerielle's mom said. Icerielle shrugged and just smiled. It is true that they are not capable of buying things they want so she wants to pursue her dream. Her adoptive mom is one of the most important for her so she will also do her best to give her a better future. After eating and celebrating, Icerielle and Megan need to go to classes so they bid goodbye to Icerielle's mother. Megan promised that they will go home when the semester is over. They have a one month vacation after the semester. Krieldyr was amazed to see the happiness in Icerielle's eyes when she entered the classroom, together with Megan. He is curious why Icerielle has a different vibe today. Then he saw an expensive bracelet worn by Icerielle which made his suspicion about her increase. "Wow, you look happy and gorgeous today. Have some good news?" Krieldyr asked, as soon as Icerielle sat next to him. She smiled widely at him. She said, "Today is my birthday and my mom visited me so I am very happy. Even though we are not rich just like other students here, I am still rich because of the love my mother is giving to me." Krieldyr was confused why Icerielle said she's not rich when he thought she's the vampire princess. He still convinced himself that this is just one of Icerielle's pretentiousness. "Woah! Happy birthday, Icerielle!" Krieldyr greeted her. "So do you have a celebration?" Icerielle felt sad because she can't invite them to their dorm. They would not understand some of the things inside their dorm because they are vampires. So she thought of having dinner again with him and Trax. "Well, my mother went home already so there's no one who will cook for birthday celebration. Let's go out later for dinner? What do you think?" Icerielle said. "Sure thing. I can't say no to your invitation," Krieldyr said. "Let me pay for the expenses later. This is my gift for you. Invite all your friends or real friends so that we can truly celebrate your birthday with your loved ones. I will reserve the whole venue you'll be choosing." This is too much for Icerielle. She doesn't like a big celebration for her birthday. She just wants to celebrate with a few friends so reserving the whole restaurant is not a good idea for her. Megan, Trax, Felxir and Krieldyr are the only friends she wants to celebrate with. "No need to reserve the whole restaurant, Krieldyr. I will only invite your friend, Felxir, as well as Megan and Trax if they are available. I don't want you to spend too much," Icerielle said. "Count me in, Icerielle. Don't worry, I will share the half price of reserving the whole restaurant," Megan interjected. Once again, Krieldyr was amazed at how Megan shows off her richness. She is so vulgar that's why it is one of Krieldyr's key to get some ideas about the vampires' plan against them. "Your friend is too generous, Icerielle. Don't reject our offer. Birthday is just once a year so better to make the most of it," Krieldyr said. "Who am I to say no, right? Okay, I will agree to both of you since this will be my first time celebrating my birthday with more than two friends," Icerielle said. Deep inside, she is very happy because no one asked her like this except for Megan. She is so curious how rich Krieldyr is. She remembered that his family has a business but she doesn't know how big and popular it is. Krieldyr and Felxir went out early to reserve the favorite restaurant of Icerielle. He talked to Megan on what Icerielle really likes. Megan agreed to surprise her friend again. Even though Megan is a bit harsh to other people, she is still a good friend to Icerielle. "Buy a cake and flowers, Krieldyr. I am sure Icerielle will really appreciate it. You want to capture her heart, right?" Felxir suggested. "But where to buy? Do you know where the marketplace of this Domain located? I don't see one," Krieldyr asked. "Sir Jann said that there are only a few shops here and a marketplace here is not allowed. They need to go to the nearest Domain to buy some food or anything since they have malls, markets or any kind of shops. We don't have much time so let's look nearby the restaurant we reserved," Felxir explained. "Is that so? We really need to explore more," Krieldyr said. They found a pastry shop and the prices of the products are really expensive. That's why only fortunate people study and live here. However, it is not a problem for Krieldyr and Felxir since they are funded by their King and both of them also have an extremely rich family. "Do you think she will like this cute cake?" Krieldyr asked Felxir. "I don't have experience giving gifts to girls like this except from my mother. You are the one who had ex-girlfriends so you might have ideas." "I think this minimalist cake is better. It is also a same-day customized cake so she would feel important to you," Felxir suggested. "Alright, I will have this one," Krieldyr ordered. "We will leave to look for a flower shop so we'll just come back later to pick it up." Felxir asked the staff the nearest flower shop here. Luckily, it is just four shops away. They immediately went to the shop the staff pointed out. Felxir helped Krieldyr again to choose the flowers which Icerielle would love to have. Krieldyr bought a large bouquet of flowers since he learned that it is Icerielle's 20th birthday. She's not a teen anymore so for Krieldyr, turning to 20 should be celebrated. He is just months older than Icerielle. They went back to the cake shop to get their order and immediately walked towards the restaurant they reserved. They hired someone who will decorate for Icerielle's birthday so it's not a tiring day for them.
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