Chapter 10 - Karma

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Megan texted Felxir that they are on their way. Krieldyr at Felxir are only waiting for them and the staff are already prepared for the surprise. "Is this enough?" Krieldyr asked. "More than enough since we just know her here in Academy," Felxir answered. They finally saw the three girls walking towards the restaurant. Felxir signed to the staff to be ready, especially the two holding the confetti popper. "Happy birthday, Icerielle!" All of them greeted Icerielle, including Megan and Trax. Icerielle was stunned for a moment. She started crying because of happiness. She hugged her friends and she is thankful to have them. On the other hand, Trax felt jealous of Icerielle because of the effort and money that Krieldyr has done for her. She can't believe Krieldyr will do that even though Icerielle and him became friends just a few weeks ago. Krieldyr handed Icerielle the flower bouquet they bought for her. Icerielle blushed as she took the bouquet. This is her first time receiving that kind of a gift. She really appreciates all the effort they made. "Wow! Thank you so much, guys. I thought we'll just have dinner but I can't believe the effort you have made for my birthday. I even cried because of overflowing joy and I am sorry for that," Icerielle said. "You should not be sorry because of the happiness you are feeling right now. You deserve to be happy and be treated right," Krieldyr said. "This restaurant looks more beautiful and presentable for this kind of event. Job well done!" Megan said. They started to eat and talk about different topics. It's also good for Krieldyr and Felxir that they are getting Megan's trust. It is not on their plans but since it is happening now, they will take advantage of her. "Do you believe that there are vampires?" Trax asked Krieldyr. "Well, I don't!" Megan interjected. Trax is getting irritated at Megan but since she is the princess, she needs to be extra careful of words. She knows that Megan can order the vampires to kill her whenever she wants. "They are just fiction, right? I see vampires in books and movies. If they exist, it would be exposed by the media. I don't believe them," Krieldyr said, with double meaning. He could not really trust vampires because all of their doings are attacking them behind their backs. "If there are vampires, I would like to court or marry one and let her turn me into a vampire too. Vampire's abilities are so cool! I love watching movies, that's why," Felxir said. The three girl vampires are satisfied with the answer of Krieldyr and Felxir. They can see that they can trust the two of them. They are innocent and have nothing to do with the Archeans. After the surprise birthday party, they went home. Krieldyr secretly hid himself to follow Megan and Icerielle. He needs new updates about the vampires' plan against them. "Do you really think they are just normal humans?" Megan asked. "I think so. They don't show any signs of being an Archean. I don't feel any power within them. My eyes are focused on them and I believe that we can really trust them," Icerielle answered. "You are really good. Keep it up!" Megan said. This is added to Krieldyr's ideas of Icerielle being the princess. She knows more than Megan, however, she cannot determine who are the magic users of a magic to hide themselves. Still not a good sign of being a princess or she is just not aware of using her enhanced senses. Megan and Icerielle entered their dorm. Krieldyr still followed them inside. He can make a portal to go out when he needs to, so he took the risk to follow them. "Do the high authority vampires tell you new plans?" Icerielle asked. "As of now, they are cleaning their mess about the murder issues of vampires students. That professor is so useless and didn't even think that someone could take a video of her. What a careless woman she is!" Megan said. She is really upset about this kind of karma that brought them. "Well, you should know that attacking our own students is not a good idea. The vampire students who were killed are a big loss for us. They can still be at their best but sadly, they are forced to be killed. Why not just accept the fact that the Archeans exist and be friends so no one will be harmed," Icerielle said. Upon hearing Icerielle's statement, Krieldyr was surprised. He can't believe that she's even more kind than Megan. Maybe she is really kind but their Vampire Lady is not. However, it is better if Icerielle will be the next Queen of their Empire. I believe she can change the mind of the vampires. Krieldyr thought to himself. Megan rolled her eyes. She doesn't really like Archeans so she's not in favor of being friends with the Archeans. It is like Archeans have viruses so she would rather eliminate them than to be friends. "That's hard, Icerielle. As you can see, they will not accept that kind of friendship. One race should be eliminated to achieve peace," Megan said. "It depends on the mindset of the higher authorities of the Vamprielle and Arcanea. That's why we have the Domain Lord, to be fair and punish the one who will do sins. Didn't you realize that Archeans have never been punished by the Domain Lord? It's always the vampires. I feel like we are the bad ones," Icerielle said. "Well, we don't know the history. Let's just support our Vampire Lady. You should support her and be thankful that you are here," Megan said, still rolling her eyes against Icerielle. She left the living room and went straight to her room. Icerielle just sighed and could not help herself but to go to her room also and take a rest. She's really tired of this kind of mindset. Instead of looking for peace, their higher authorities are just making war against the Archeans. She knows that the vampires are the one who always start it and she's not happy about it. Krieldyr went home to their dorm. He told Felxir what he had heard earlier. They indeed need to be careful when Megan is around because she is the puppet of the higher vampires. "That woman is really a bad influence on Icerielle. We should lure Icerielle out to lessen their connection and attachment to each other," Felxir suggested. "It is not easy to do tho. They are at the same dorm and it will be hard to kick one of them to their dorm. The thing I should do is to influence her to be kind," Krieldyr said.
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