Chapter 8 - Dinner

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Krieldyr asked Icerelle out for dinner. Since they are now friends, Krieldyr thinks that maybe they can eat together since he noticed that Icerielle is always alone. “So, what do you think?” asked Krieldy. “I’m not sure. Is it okay for you?” Icerelle responded. “What are you saying? I actually wanted to accompany you. So we must go,” Krieldy insisted. “Thank you for accompanying me. As you know, I am quite used to going out on my own. I don’t have many friends here,” Icerielle said. The two quickly went out. Krieldy did not know how happy Icerielle felt when he insisted that they should go out and get dinner together. This was Icerielle’s first time going out on a dinner date with a friend. They came to a local diner where Krieldyr used to go for his regular meals. They sat down at a chair with a table in a corner. A waitress approached them. She said, “Nice to see you again Mister. So you are not alone today, I see. That is very unusual for you.” “Well, she is my new friend so I thought it would be great to take her here at my favourite diner,” Krieldyr responded. “A friend? I thought she was something more,” the waitress teases. Icerielle blushed after hearing what the waitress said. She explained, “No. no we are just friends. He insisted that we eat together here so I just agreed.” “No need to explain my dear couple of ‘friends’. Call me when you have an order to take,” the waitress winked at them and handed them a menu before leaving to attend to another customer. “My apologies for what she said. She is used to seeing me going here alone,” Krieldyr explained. “No, it’s okay. I know she was just trying to tease you,” Icerielle smiled. "Order what you want, Icerielle. This is my treat for tonight, don't worry," Krieldyr insisted. "Woah! Really? You're too generous. Next time, let me do that too. Thank you," Icerielle said. While they were looking at the menu, someone stopped behind their table so the attention of them went to her. Icerielle noticed that the girl is Trax. She does not know if she will invite her since it is Krieldyr's treat. "Oh! Hello, Trax. I didn't notice you at first," Icerielle said, then she looked at Krieldyr, waiting for him to invite Trax. "I am about to leave but I saw you two. I just want to greet the both of you. I don't even get the chance to talk to you at the Academy since you are sitting too far," Trax said. Krieldyr greeted Trax and invited her to join them. However, he really feels that Trax is not a simple vampire. He thinks that this girl was sent to the Academy to secretly protect Icerielle while Megan is not around. Krieldyr can see from Trax that she's emitting a bad aura or something he does not like for a girl. "You are really handsome, Krieldyr. Aren't you a celebrity?" Trax asked. "If not, why not try to audition for that job or apply as a model?" This girl is testing Krieldyr's patience. He thinks that this is just a challenge for him to prove he is harmless when he is with Icerielle. He smiled at Trax, giving her more assurance that he is really kind. He answered, "I don't want attention and I want a simple life. Also, my priority is to finish my studies so that I can help my parents in our business. You too can join modelling and audition to become a celebrity. Both of you are gorgeous and have the face they are looking for." Trax is impressed with him. She really finds Krieldyr handsome and has a unique charismatic personality. When the first day she saw him, her attention immediately darted to him. Unfortunately, he is too far and sitting beside Icerielle. At first, she really likes Icerielle to be friends with her but now, she is easily irritated at her. Since she does not want them to eat alone together, Trax even ordered a drink and small cake to share with. "Trax, you can order what you want. This is my treat so add anything you like," Krieldyr said. So it would turn into a dinner date with Icerielle if I didn't come here? Krieldyr is too kind to treat Icerielle. Now, I will try my best to join them so they won't be seen together by the other people. Trax thought to herself. On the other hand, Icerielle was very happy that the three of them are getting along with each other. Icerielle can see that Krieldyr has only one friend and that is Felxir. She thought that having more friends would make Krieldyr's experience in the Ezklisea be memorable. After the dinner, Krieldyr insisted on taking them home to ensure their safety. Trax feels more secure and comfortable around Krieldyr. This made Trax more attracted to him and starting to like him in a romantic way. When Krieldyr felt good according to his plan for the dinner, he went straight to his dorm. He knows that anytime, Icerielle will secretly follow him. Just a minute, his instinct was right since he can feel Icerielle's existence around him. He just ignored her and he got inside the dorm. Just like a simple human, Felxir and him greeted each other normally. Icerielle followed Krieldyr just to ensure he was safe. She knows that not all vampires can resist their hunger towards the human blood. She doesn't like Krieldyr to be some vampires' dinner. She just can't turn down Krieldyr's invitation for dinner. When she saw Krieldyr was safe and sound, she immediately went to her dorm. I am definitely happy that I have new kind friends. Krieldyr and Trax are good at me and I hope they will not harm or hurt me in the future. Icerielle thought to herself. "Why are you going home late?" her adoptive mother asked. "Mom?!" Icerielle was stunned to see her adoptive mother in her dorm with Megan. "Why did you not tell me that you are going to visit me?" They hugged each other. Icerielle was not able to go back to Empire of Vamprielle because she had to assist Megan. Megan chose to stay at the biggest dorm near the Academy with her. Megan has a task to find the prince of the Kingdom of Arcanea. They believed that he would be studying in Ezklisea Academy to spy. "I want to surprise you! Tomorrow is your birthday so I brought something to cook and a cake. I will sleep here so that we can celebrate the exact date of it," her Mom said. Icerielle nodded. She thought that she won't be able to see her mom again because last year, she was with Megan all the time. Although Megan gave her a cake and gift, the feeling of celebrating with her mother is still a different happiness for her. "Thank you, Mom. You always wanted to see me happy. You didn't let me feel I am alone and you even accepted me as your own daughter," Icerielle said.
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