Chapter 38 - A Bookworm

1096 Words
“So? What happened last night?” Felxir asked. “What do you mean? Is there something important that I need to talk about?” Krieldyr replied. “Hey, don’t mess with me. I know that you stayed up late talking with Icerielle. Though I don’t have the energy to eavesdrop so I really don’t know anything you talk about,” Felxir said. “Oh, did we wake you up? Sorry about that. For what happened last night, hmm, let’s say that I made a little progress,” Krieldyr replied. “That's good news. So, what are we up to today?” Felxir asked. “I’ll help Megan prepare breakfast first so you can relax for a bit. Don’t do stupid things, okay?” Krieldyr said. “I understand. Guess I just read my book. I’m behind my schedule,” Felxir said. “Who puts a schedule on reading books? What an i***t,” Krieldyr said then left the room. “Hmp. He don’t know the struggle of a bookworm, if I wouldn’t put schedule on reading books, I might end up finishing it in just a day,” Felxir talked to himself. “Krieldyr, you’re up already,” Megan said. “Yup, did I make you wait?” Krieldyr asked. “No, just right on time. I finished bringing out the ingredients we talked about yesterday,” Megan replied. “Okay, then let’s get started,” Krieldyr replied. Megan is really early this morning, she didn’t even wake me up. Guess she is really that dedicated to her plan. I hope she didn’t forget to prepare herself before going out of the room. I just finished mine and I really want to bother them so I guess I’ll just get some fresh air out here. Icerielle thought to herself. Icerielle opened the sliding door to their balcony and sat on the chair outside of it. After a few seconds, the sliding door from Krieldyr and Felxir’s room also opens which get the attention of Icerielle. Felxir noticed Icerielle and the way she immediately looked at him. “Oh, you’re expecting someone?” Felxir asked. “Ahh, no. The sound of the door just got my attention,” Icerielle replied. Felxir laughs. He said, “Sorry about that. Did I bother you somehow?” “No, I’m just getting fresh air here. So what are you up to?” Icerielle asked. “I just thought that this is the perfect place for reading my book,” Felxir replied. “I see. You really like reading books, huh? What is your favorite book though?” Icerielle asked. “Oh, it’s an easy question. It’s the Magical Vampire Academy. I read that a couple of times already. Do you want to borrow it?” Felxir asked. A fantasy book about vampires? But the title implies that vampires used magic which only Archeans possessed. Is he testing me? Icerielle thought to herself. “Hmm. If you recommend it, then I’ll try reading it,” Icerielle replied. Felxir walked inside of their room to get the book. Woah. She seemed relaxed when I talked about vampires. She’s good at hiding her identity. Well, it is expected if she’s really the vampire princess. Felxir thought to himself. As Felxir went out again. He signaled Icerielle and immediately threw the book at her. Icerielle was shocked but she was able to catch the book effortlessly. Damn it. I made it look like I was testing her reflexes. I nearly ruined my favorite book because of it. Though she caught it easily, that’s a relief. But she might have caught up to what I’m up to. Felxir thought to himself. “I’m sorry, Icerielle. I was so used to testing Krieldyr that I nearly hit you with the book. In the worst case, my book might be ruined. A-ahm, not that I didn’t care about you though. Take care of it, okay?” Felxir said. “It’s fine, Felxir. Thank you for this. You can continue reading now,” Icerielle replied. He is surely testing me. I think they already know that Megan and I are vampires. Megan has to know about this. Icerielle said. “Anyway, I’ll be going inside already. Enjoy, Felxir,” Icerielle said and waved. Felxir waved back. I messed up. If she’s wary of us, then she should already see through me. Should I report this to Krieldyr? Nah, I don’t think so. It is just minor and I have to catch up with my book. Felxir thought to himself. After finishing their breakfast, the four prepared and went outside. “Woaaaah! There’s a lot of people here,” Megan exclaimed. “Of course, Megan. This is this Domain’s Plaza,” Felxir replied. Megan hit Felxir’s shoulder. She said, “Of course I knew about that! I’m just astonished since I’m not really going outside.” Felxir holds his shoulder where Megan hit him. He replied, “I understand, but do you really have to hit me?” “You know, Felxir. You deserve that,” Krieldyr said. “And why did I deserve that?” Felxir exclaimed. “I’m sorry about that, Felxir. Are you still hurting?” Icerielle asked. “See, Krieldyr. That’s what a friend's reaction should be. Anyway, thank you, Icerielle. I’m just kidding. It doesn’t hurt at all. I think Megan hold herself back,” Felxir replied. “Hmp! If the same scenario happens again, don’t be surprised if you are going to lose one of your shoulders,” Megan said. “Yeah, yeah. Sorry about that. So, what are we doing here?” Felxir said. Krieldyr facepalmed. He said, “What an airhead.” “What?!” Felxir exclaimed. “We are here to buy some groceries,” Megan said angrily. Felxir become confused. He said while tilting his head and squinting his eyes, “B-but we have a lot of that back in the apartment, right?” Icerielle pulled Felxir and whispered, “Megan messed up earlier so they had to use more ingredients.” Felxir stands up straight and turns to Megan. He said, “You-.” Megan looked at Felxir with pierce eyes that made Felxir stopped from talking. Krieldyr walked between the two of them. He said, “Stop that already, let’s just use this time to gather information about this domain. We also need to familiarize ourselves with places that we will certainly have to go to so we will not get lost in case we are separated from each other.” “Fine,” Felxir replied.
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