Chapter 23 - Mother's dream

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Icerielle is now lying on her bed. Her adoptive mom is knocking now so she just woke up. "Yes, Mother?" Icerielle asked. "Is there a problem?" "Nothing, Icerielle. I just want to say hello to you. Did Megan's family really treat you well?" Mother asked. Icerielle wondered why that was the question that immediately came up to her. Sometimes there were random days that really worried her mother when Icerielle's stay at the palace was prolonged. "They treated me well. Only once did they really have a lot to do," Icerielle replied. "Why? I notice you're very worried when I'm there?" His mother was almost in tears. It held Icerielle's hands. He said, "I'm sorry, Son, if this is the only life I can give you. You should be the same. You deserve such a good life." "Mother, what are you saying? Any state of life as long as you are with me is fine with me. I do not seek a luxurious life. Just living a simple life is fine with me so don't be sad there "I'm happy with what we have now. I'll work hard and study hard for both of us," Icerielle encouraged. His mother hugged him. Icerielle couldn't understand why her mother was always like that. What Icerielle knows is that her adoptive mother knows nothing of who her real parents are. "You're really very thoughtful, Mother. Let me, promise that we will have a good life after I study," Icerielle assured. "Yes, Icerielle. By the way, you look happy lately. Has a man been capturing you?" his Mother's joke. "You really are, Mother. What are you thinking. But someone is flirting with me. I hope he's really good after all," Icerielle said. His mother's eyes widened. He said, "Wow! My daughter is really a virgin. But was what I heard right? Human? She's not a vampire?" Icerielle's mother was nervous. She did not know how she could forbid her son to fall in love with someone of another race. He already knew what could possibly happen when Icerielle continued it to the end. "Don't worry, Mother, it's not serious. I just want to experience having someone like this who really cares about me. We won't be until the end just in case. Besides, one more time, in time now I can trust her two friends even more than the other vampires, "Icerielle added. After they talked and finally Icerielle rested first. He just knew in himself that he was really happy when they were with Krieldyr. It is important for him to enjoy first and not just think about stress. Icerielle returned to the palace after her rest day. Even though they are vampires not all are rich or able to buy what they want. They also lead a normal life, especially when it comes to money. This is how they lived inside Hovictus. "Icerielle, I wish I had a favor for you. We just need to do this," Megan said. "What's that, Megan? You're surprising sometimes. You suddenly pop up everywhere," Icerielle said laughing. Icerielle was actually nervous about what Megan would say. It only asked for favors once but they were a bit difficult. "We need someone who can be trusted for the plan we will carry out against the Archean students," Megan explained. "Then? What can I do with that plan?" Icerielle asked. "Didn't you say that Krieldyr and Felxir are real people? I think they are the ones who can help with the plan. But before we can really trust them, we need to track if they are really from the Fire Domain," Megan replied. Icerielle frowned. Krieldyr and Felxir are kind but he doesn't want them to be involved in what they will do against the Archeans. As much as possible Icerielle wanted no other person to be affected. After all, the two sides should no longer quarrel. "What is the plan and why do they have to be involved? They won't be harmed if we do that? I think they are real friends," Icerielle said. "Don't worry, they can't be hurt. Our higher vampires have discovered something that can help hurt the Archeans. They got a strange rock from the mountain near the Dark Realm. They read from the old book that it's effective pageant. of cast spells and magic users. They just want to know if what is written in that book is true, "Megan explained again. "What has people got to do with this plan? And how can we track them?" Icerielle asked in astonishment. Megan laughs at Icerielle. He knew as if he was really falling for Krieldyr. Megan admits that Krieldyr is handsome and weird that if it was a vampire, she would definitely like it too. "They'll make a necklace with that. We'll make them wear it and we'll observe others around him if they react. We can't wear it because we might get weak as well. There's not as much certainty in that stone. The ones who took the ones stone is also in full protective gear for safety. No one wants a vampire to try to touch that and touch their skin, "Megan replied. Icerielle took a deep breath. He thought that something more serious was going to be done that might ruin the two. "It's good if it's just like that. And at least I can be confident that they're safe because the stone has no effect on humans unless it's toxic. Let's do that at the entrance. Just make sure they don't touch it?" ensuring Icerielle. "Yes, I'm sure they won't be affected. Also, Archeans also know who the human or vampire is. They probably feel more like we're vampires, unlike us who are a bit confused with humans and Archeans because they're almost the same. body system, "Megan said. "Just tell me what we're going to do to make sure they're from the Fire Domain," Icerielle said. Icerielle is determined to prove to Megan that Krieldyr and Felxir can be trusted.
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