Chapter 22 - Using You

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In the few months since they decided to make weapons using and silver they have been able to produce many different kinds. Krieldyr is now with the King in the area of ​​the palace where the manufactured weapons are stored. They have also made pouches that cannot detect what is inside. That is for those attending Ezklisea Academy. "Do you think that's effective?" the King asked. "I feel that's effective. I also read in a book that silver is one of their weaknesses, especially when it comes to the heart," Krieldyr replied. "Even if they don't have a heartbeat, that's still the most sensitive part of them, what? We are just like human beings with unique abilities so our lives are more dangerous compared to them," said the King. "That's why we really need effective weapons against them. It's not enough to cast a spell or just do magic," Krieldyr said. Krieldyr held out a dagger. It was no accident that the end of it touched him so he was immediately injured. "Dear Prince! His hand is bleeding!" shouted one of their guards. The King just laughed at his son. He knew that Krieldyr could heal that. In an instant his wound was gone. "It's okay. I can honestly say that it's really sharp and it will be more effective against vampires. I can treat myself so don't worry," Krieldyr said with a smile. "I hope we're doing this successfully. It's good for Archeans who can't fight with the spell or magic they have. It's only right that we can invent something like this for it," said one of the workers. "It would be nice if we could catch a vampire to test what we did. After all, it must be very secret so that no one can reach the Deities or the Domain Lord. You know how severe their punishment is," Krieldyr said. Krieldyr knew he could do that. He is the only one who can catch the vampires without anyone else knowing. Not all Archeans can afford to do what he can. To make sure that the Deities and the Domain Lord would not find out about this plan either, he himself would volunteer. "It's hard what you want to do, Son. How can we get a vampire as a sample in the silver weapon?" the King asked. "Dad, I'll take care of it. I can secretly go to Central Domain and look for a bad vampire. We'll prioritize threats to students," Krieldyr volunteered. "Professor Jann can accompany you if you do that. It's good to have someone with you to make sure you're safe and you can really get it. After all, you both have invisibility abilities, it's easier for you to do that," King said. "All right. Professor Jann and I will talk about that. It's really good to find a vampire in the Central Domain now so that no one can see what we're going to do," Krieldyr said. After they wandered around the weapons factory, Krieldyr returned to his own room. He thinks carefully about what he will do to get even just one vampire. It's a little pitiful to hear him do your tester, but they really need it. He looked at his cellphone when he received Icerielle's message. I'm sure Icerielle or whoever Felxir's location is will not be able to detect him. His phone alarm will surely go off when someone tries to find out his location. He did something strange with Felxir's cellphone, he also felt sorry for Professor Jann. Icerielle is calling her now so she answered right away. "How is that beautiful young lady of mine?" Krieldyr's tender opening. "The sweet one. I just want to say hello to you too. I'm fine and this, my rest day today until tomorrow," Icerielle said. "Is that so? It's good that you can rest. It's bad that you're always tired and your body might give up. I'm just resting now too. I just finished helping with our business," Krieldyr lied. "I'm not tired, Krieldyr. I mean I don't get tired when you like what you do. Are you? Are you happy with the work you're doing?" ika is Icerielle. Krieldyr smiled. Icerielle almost slipped again. It was really a big thing for him to be close to this woman. When they become lovers Icerielle will definitely open up other things about him without realizing that he is referring to a vampire. "I'm happy with what I'm doing. It's also for a good future. It's a pity and we can't meet even if we're in the same Domain. It doesn't matter, we'll meet next school year," Krieldyr said. This is for the better future of the Archeans. We are still enemy no matter what. So I'm sorry if I have to use you, Icerielle. Krieldyr thought to himself. "The thing is that at a young age you already know how to do business. We're still studying but you're advanced. You know, than I'm jealous or annoyed with you because we rank together, I'm even happier when you're really that good. I can keep up, "Icerielle praised. "I'm the one who admires you. Even if no one in your family is in business or someone like me who helps in the business, you can keep up. It's good that our classmates don't talk to us that we're always together, "Krieldyr promised. "Leave them alone. If they talk to us they'll take care of their lives. It's just envy because I'm lucky to have someone like you always with me. I'm really surprised that you like me even if it's just me. You know Are there many women who are interested in you? " the language is Icerielle. Krieldyr frowned. He doesn't notice the other women because he only focuses on Icerielle. He didn't really care about anything else that wasn't included in the plan. "Really? Why don't I seem to know that? But at least, you're the only one I'm paying attention to so I'm not aware of the other women around me," Krieldyr said laughing but the truth is, he knew Icerielle only heard that because he is a vampire.
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