Chapter 24 - Access

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Krieldyr's cellphone suddenly alarmed with someone trying to find out his location. He already expects this to happen once he gets close to the princess of the vampires. "What's that, Son? Why does your cellphone sound like that?" kabadong tanong ng reyna. "Someone is trying to access my location. Don't worry, I've already prepared it. No one will know where I am," Krieldyr said. "You know our son, he is resourceful and advanced in his thinking. So he is the best to send to Ezklisea Academy. I have confidence in him that he will be able to carry out our plans well," said the King. Krieldyr detects back who is trying to take his location. He found out that Megan had that cellphone. "They didn't even pretend, they actually used Megan's cellphone to detect your cellphone. You'd think they wouldn't be that crazy when it comes to that," Felxir said with a laugh. Krieldyr tries to hack Megan's cellphone and see the messages there. He focused on getting Megan’s information. He smiled as he entered Megan's phone system without them noticing. Felxir, on the other hand, was amazed at Krieldyr's skill. He was amazed at his friend who knew a lot to do. Only once to have such a good so he is thankful that their prince is good and does not rely only on their soldiers. "Successful, we will see the contents of his messages. If someone calls him we will also hear it here. We can't just do that when we are at Ezklisea Academy," Krieldyr said. "Wow! You're really bad, Krieldyr. Your mind is too advanced. We can't reach you anymore. That's just right for us to be more against the enemy," Felxir said. "It's really good that my son is like that. I'm always nervous when you and Krieldyr are away. I feel like I'm not doing anything to keep you safe," said the Queen. "Just trust us. We know how to fight. If they like to cheat and attack backwards, Krieldyr and I are ready there. We won't let them down," Felxir said. "Mom, don't worry too much. I always talk to Dad when Felxir and I have a plan. Also, we've gone through a lot of training so we're good at fighting," Krieldyr assured. "What's that? Your Dad didn't even update me. That's unfair. But the only important thing is that you're safe. Don't get too tired, rest is also trendy," said the Queen. "You're so nervous that sometimes I don't tell you what they're doing. I'm confident they can do it right. Look, we don't know that he did something to prevent the location from being detected. So he can even plan even if the high-ranking Archeans are not from us, "said the King. The Queen just stared at him. He is still nervous because his only child is Krieldyr and he will inherit the position of the King in the next handover when the King is no longer able. He just wanted to make sure it was safe and would have his own family. The couple also left to let the friends continue what they were doing on the computer and cellphone. Krieldyr and Felxir read the messages left on Megan's cellphone. They were surprised to read about the stone that had been discovered on the mountain closest to the Dark Realm. They both have an idea on that rock because of the book they have about ancient Archeans and Vampires. "How did they find such a stone?" Felxir asked. "Maybe they have a team assigned to find such a sample. We should be able to do that in such a way that it is not used against us," Krieldyr said. Eventually Megan's phone received a series of messages. They also read that the two of them will be used in the plan that Megan and Icerielle will do. Now they understand why the two let them get close to each other. "They will also use us because they think we are human. They will definitely wear the necklace or bracelet that will be given to us. We have to do it that way within a month," Krieldyr said. "What are we going to do? We have one stone sample left but it's really only one so it can't be broken. It's really weakening the Archeans so it's properly sealed in a room," Felxir said. "I will make a way to weaken the ability of that stone. I will try to make an invisible barrier so that the energy it carries doesn't leak. I will ask Dad to let me use that. He will definitely allow me," he said. Krieldyr. They were both just staring at the screen and still intensively reading what Megan was receiving. They will do Icerielle it next entrance. Not only that, if not as well as putting a tracker like Krieldyr and Felxir to prove that they are from the Fire Domain, where normal people live. "They're unlucky because we can move advanced with their plans. We can easily mislead them. I've already met a classmate of ours in the Fire Domain and that's where we'll secretly attach the tracker they're going to put on us. It's a Fire Domain so we don't have any doubts, "Krieldyr said. "That's right, Krieldyr. You can hide that they can't really see or feel. That task is easy for you. They're really unlucky because they'll be alone again. But what is their plan to say there's a meeting their students? " said Felxir. "That's another thing we'll find out. We still can't calm down because we know their other plans. It would have been better if Megan also had contact with the Vampire Lady, but it would have been better if we could hack Icerielle's cellphone. Certainly we will know a lot of information against them, "Krieldyr said. "It's like we're fighting best friends versus best friends, aren't we? Kinda funny to see this kind of cat fight" Felxir's office.
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