Chapter 39 - Shin

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“This place is more cheerful than the Central Domain,” Icerielle said. “You’re right. Everywhere I looked, I could see people laughing and smiling with each other. And unlike the Central Domain, there are a lot of vegetables and fruit stands here rather than entertainment shops,” Felxir added. “It’s because the Earth Domain is the center of agriculture. The price of goods here is relatively lower than in the Central Domain,” Krieldyr explained. “Hmm, that means that everything we bought here is fresh. I can’t wait to taste what Megan’s cooking is going to be. Well, if only she wouldn’t burn it down,” Felxir said. “You’re starting that again?” Megan exclaimed. “Just kidding. But honestly, I can’t wait to eat a meal with fresh ingredients. Like those carrots where you can still smell that they are just picked up from the ground,” Felxir added. “Maybe you should eat that thing right now and be like the rabbit that you are,” Megan said. “You know that rabbits don’t usually like carrots, right?” Felxir replied. “Hmp. I know that, I just want to make fun of you,” Megan responded. “Enough with that, let’s bring back the groceries we bought and let’s schedule our first visit to the Earth Domain Central Development,” Krieldyr said. After an hour, the four were already at the entrance of the Earth Domain Central Development. “You guys are students of the Ezklisea Academy, right?” the guard of the building asked. “Yes, we are. Are we allowed to visit this place?” Icerielle asked. “Of course, of course. The academy has already sent us a notice about you guys. Although you are too early and I don’t really know the process here. You can go and ask the person at the information desk, I’m going to give you your visitor’s ID. Just wait for a bit, okay?” the guard said. “Hey, how did he know that we are from the Ezklisea Academy?” Felxir asked. “i***t. You know, I’m really wondering how you get to the top of our class with that kind of brain,” Megan said. The guard laughs. He said, “Well, you got the badge from the Ezklisea Academy and the only people that have that are people from there.” “I-I mean, you are right. But there’s also a chance that we are a spy from a different research department, right?” Felxir said. “Hmm, there weren’t any cases like that here in the Earth Domain. However, I think there’s one in the Fire Domain. But don’t worry, I know the faces of all the students that will visit here,” the guard replied. “Huh? How do you know that?” Megan asked. “The academy also sent me your faces and identity. You are Megan, right? And this boy is Felxir. Then we have Icerielle and Krieldyr,” the guard replied. “What?! How do you know our names?” the four exclaimed. “Wait, does it mean you memorize all of that? Like there are more than one hundred students that will be visiting this place, right?” Krieldyr asked. “Yeah, I memorized all of you. The headmaster of the academy sent it to me two days ago and that’s more than enough time to memorize it,” the guard replied. “Woah, how smart are you to do that?” Felxir asked. “I think all of you could also do the same. I’m also at the top of my class there, in the Ezklisea Academy, so I’m fairly smart,” the guard replied. “You’re an alumni? And at the top of your class? Woah, that’s amazing. Why did you end up being just a guard of this building?” Felxir asked. “Hey, that’s a rude thing to ask. But I’m also wondering why,” Megan said. The guard laughs. He said, “Actually, I am taking part in important meetings here in the Central. It’s just they needed a guard that could apprehend anyone who would barge here with weapons and I’m the perfect person for that role. So, in short, being a guard is not only my job here, I’m also a researcher.” The four nodded. “Anyway, here’s your visitor’s ID. Don’t lose it or you’ll be identified as an intruder,” the guard said. “Thank you, sir guard,” Icerielle said. “It’s a bit awkward for that kind of name,” Felxir said. The guard laughs again. He said, “I’m Shin. Just find me if you want to ask something again.” “Thank you again, Sir Shin. We will surely come back to ask you many things,” Krieldyr said. “I’ll wait for you,” Shin replied. The four went to the information desk to schedule their first official visit. “Welcome, students from Ezklisea academy. What can I do for you?” the receptionist said. “We are here to schedule our first visit,” Krieldyr said. “Hmm, actually there’s a ready schedule for all of the students? Aren’t you guys not notified?” the receptionist asked. “Ahm, we don’t have anything of that sort,” Icerielle said. “Wait, are you guys the top students of your class?” the receptionist asked. “Yes, we are,” Megan replied. “I see, that’s the reason. According to your academy, you’ll be the one who will set everything up here in the Earth Domain and, I think, for the rest of the domains. In this kind of case, I need to talk to the principal researcher. You need to come back here again tomorrow so you can confirm your schedule,” the receptionist said. “So it’s one of our handicaps, huh?” Felxir said. “Actually, it’s not. The rest of the students are scheduled for next week and you can have yours this week. The academy lets you work on your own phase so you can have more interesting projects,” the receptionist said. “Ohh, what a nice idea. During our time we don’t have that kind of privilege even if we are at the top of our class,” Shin said. “Well, even if we don't have that, we still manage to get the first prize, right?” the receptionist said. “Wait, so you guys are both at the top of your class?” Felxir exclaimed. “Yup!” Shin and the receptionist said.
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