Chapter 17 - Assumptions

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Felxir eyes widened. He cannot believe that his friend easily got his target. "Wow? That was so fast, Krieldyr! Teach me how to do that to Eura," Felxir said, jokingly. "You forgot that she is my cousin. It's not easy to persuade her like me. Put more effort on her. She's hard headed sometimes," Krieldyr said. They are already back at the Arcanea. Krieldyr just took Icerielle home to her dorm since Megan waited for her. Like what they did before, they patiently waited for the two girls to go home first to avoid being caught. "If Eura doesn't like me, then it's okay. I won't force her to feel the same. Our task is more important than liking someone," Felxir said, bittetly. "Speaking of liking someone, don't you dare fall in love with Icerielle. Remember, you can't trust vampires. They might betray you." Krieldyr proudly smiled at Felxir. He's sure that it's impossible for him to love Icerielle. He said, "Yeah, I know that. I know my limitations when it comes to this kind of relationship. We are still not sure if she really likes me or she is just curious. Better be ready all the time." "At least I am here to always remind you. Archeans and vampires are not meant to each other, especially when it comes to love. Well, do you have someone in your mind already?" Felxir asked, randomly. "Even if you don't remind me, I will never ever love that girl. It disgusts me thinking that I will be in love with the wrong girl, one of the vampires who tried to ruin us. I still don't see someone in a special way. It's not in my mind, not my priority at all," Krieldyr said. Even though Icerielle showed kindness without her knowing Krieldyr was spying, he still can't trust her. He knows vampires are good at pretending even on their same blood. "I see. That's why you have enough time to get the attention of that vampire. Job well done, Krieldyr. What we need is to eliminate Megan or let's make a move to part their way," Felxir said. "Hey! I have been looking for you, guys. What's going on?" Eura suddenly appeared beside them. Fortunately, Felxir and Krieldyr were not talking about Eura this time. No one answered Eura. They just smiled at her so she was really confused by their reactions. "I guess someone is inspired? Are you talking about a girl?" Eura guessed. "You are right! Someone is really inspired," Krieldyr said then left the room while laughing so hard. Felxir and Eura are left in the room. Felxir shrugged his shoulders and then stood up ready on leaving. He tapped Eura's shoulder and then smiled at her. He's already losing his hope to be treated by Eura romantically. "Krieldyr is just kidding. Don't take it seriously," Felxir said. "Really? But I think I had heard a girl's name before entering this room," Eura said in curiosity. "It's for you to find out, Eura. Nothing special about it so don't be stressed just because of a name," Felxir said. Felxir was confused because Eura's facial expression looked jealous. He doesn't want to hope anymore so he shook his head and also left the room. Just like Krieldyr, he will now focus only on his task. He thought a love life would just hinder him finishing his task earlier. "Wait! Wait, Felxir! Why are you two always leaving me? You are getting on my nerves, huh?" Eura shouted. "Kindly look closer to the one who is keeping you and cared for you," Felxir adviced. "What do you mean?" Eura asked, totally confused. She doesn't know why Felxir has changed his behaviour when he's with her. "Felxir!" Eura glared when Felxir was already out of her sight. She's kind of scared of losing Felxir but this is not the right time for her to confess her feelings. Her knees got weakened so she sat on the sofa behind her. She said, "Three years, Felxir. Please wait on me, I promise to confess my feelings for you when all the things are right. I am wishing you to achieve all your goals and tasks in that Academy. I will also wait for you. Please don't be in love with someone else. I hope you feel the same way, like what I feel for you." She wiped all the tears which kept on falling from her eyes. No one can hear her so she's brave enough to tell it to herself. She feels so weak right now and no one can understand what she feels. After three days, Eura packed her things to get home since the semester will start in a few days. She did not bother to bid goodbye to Krieldyr and Felxir. The King and the Queen were the only ones who knew Eura's family left the palace. "Did you see Eura?" Krieldyr asked Felxir. "You should be the one to ask. I did not see her for the past few days. We need to get back to the dorm tomorrow so that no one can see us where we came from. 3 days before the classes is the best day to go back there," Felxir said. "Well, I just want to say goodbye for the mean of time to Eura but she's not around," Krieldyr said. "Are you looking for Eura? Didn't she talk to both of you? They went home already since she needs to prepare for the next semester," the Queen said. Felxir was shocked. Eura and him had no proper communication since the last day they talked. He even teased Eura and it made him feel guilty why Eura didn't bother to say anything before leaving. "That's weird. We will see her next vacation again. I will just message her to always take care of herself and her parents," Krieldyr said. "Yeah, it's really weird. I thought you two fought because she kept hiding her face on us. I saw the redness in her eyes like she cried a lot," the Queen said. "Thanks for the information, Mom. I will contact her immediately to know her status," Krieldyr said. "That's great. Just make sure your cousin is safe and does not have a hard time with us," the Queen said. "I will leave you two here. I have many things to do. Always remember what Mom told you, okay? Please don't dare to sacrifice your own life. As much as possible, avoid fighting the vampires." Krieldyr looked at Felxir with amusement. He knows that Eura left without a word because of Felxir. Maybe Eura thought that Felxir is the one who has a girl, not me. This is definitely a misunderstanding. But what's the problem if ever Felxir has a special someone? She did not even confess to him. She's really weird. Krieldyr thought to himself.
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