Chapter 16 - Pretending

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Days fly so fast. Today is the enrollment for the next semester. Krieldyr and Felxir went back to their school to submit the requirements. "Did you see Icerielle?" Felxir asked. "I haven't yet. Maybe she enrolled earlier than us. It's okay not to see her, we'll meet her in the classes anyways," Krieldyr answered. Two weeks from now, the classes will begin. Krieldyr does not have time to bond and to have conversations with his classmates like Icerielle since his focus is to train many Archean students to fight. "Speaking of Icerielle, there she is, together with Megan," Felxir said. "Looks like they saw us too. Felxir waved his hand to the two girls. The two immediately saw them since they have sharp eyes. Krieldyr has no choice since Felxir grabbed his arm going to Icerielle and Megan. "What a coincidence," Megan said. "We've been here one hour before the enrollment. We didn't come yesterday since we thought there is a longer line," Felxir explained. "Well, same thought tho. As you can see, there's a few students here. Looks like some of the students are really studious," Megan said. Icerielle looked at Krieldyr keeps on silent. He is just straight looking at the way they are walking on. Krieldyr noticed the gazes of Icerielle so he smiled a bit. Felxir and Megan saw the interactions of the two. Felxir signalled to Megan to walk on a different path with him. Unexpectedly, Megan followed him and she even grinned at the two after leaving with Felxir. "Oh? Where did Megan and Felxir go?" Icerielle asked. "I also don't know. I feel something strange about the two. Let's give them time for each other," Krieldyr said. "You are right. Maybe Megan had changed her preferences when it comes to a man. Well, I hope they will treat each other right," Icerielle said. A smile showed up on Krieldyr's face. He didn't think it would be a good day to talk to Icerielle. Since they are talking about the two, which he's the one who started the topic, it will be an advantage to him to get the attention of Icerielle. "How about you? What are your preferences or likes about a man?" Krieldyr asked. Icerielle blushed at the question that Krieldyr asked. She looked away so that Krieldyr would not notice it, but unfortunately, Krieldyr already saw it which made him more amused. "Uhm, maybe someone whose attention is with me. I want a guy who will only love me and won't look at the other girls around. Just like he is only interested in me. Kind and always serious with his priorities. Of course, the one who can love me truly," Icerielle said, shyly. Krieldyr nodded. This is what he is doing right now. He secretly smiled when he found out that he's the one Icerielle's describing, except the last sentence she had said. "Wow? That can also be me. I want my future girlfriend to feel secure," Krieldyr said. Icerielle also smiled at him. She literally described Krieldyr and saw what would be his reaction. She noticed that Krieldyr is only talking to her and Megan when she is with her. She finds it cute that someone is seeing her as his only girl friend. "I believe that you can be like that. The girl you will be with is surely lucky to have you," Icerielle said, happily. At least she knows that this man is really kind and honest. Her trust in him becomes bigger and stronger every time they are together. Krieldyr looked at Icerielle's eyes. He thinks that it is the right time to start pursuing Icerielle so that he can now start the plan he made before. Gaining her trust will help him know more about the Vampire Lady's plans. "Actually, didn't you notice that you are the only one I am comfortable with?" Krieldyr asked. A moment of silence between the two has occurred. Icerielle didn't expect that the topic would lead this way. She doesn't know what to say so she's just waiting for Krieldyr to speak. "I don't usually care about the girls around me but when I first saw you, I felt something different. I just thought we are just the same rank, that's why I became curious about you. I have realized that I am really interested in you. I hope that our friendship will not change after hearing this," Krieldyr said, lying about his feelings just to get Icerielle. Icerielle can't believe it's really happening. She was confused at first but she found herself smiling. They have already been together for so long since the day they became classmates. She can't deny from herself the fact that she's interested in Krieldyr. "I don't know how to start this but I actually do feel the same, Krieldyr. I am happy to know that you are interested in me. This is my first time admitting my feelings to someone. I hope you'll consider it," Icerielle said in a low voice. Krieldyr felt relieved after hearing that. She's literally that easy to get? This is just the beginning of getting along with her. I'm sure that I can get more information about the Vampire Lady from her. Krieldyr thought to himself. He held Icerielle's hand. Lying is now becoming his new technique nowadays. He said, "If you will let me give me the chance to court you, I promise that it will be all worth it." Just like humans, Icerielle felt the redness on her cheeks again. This will be her first time that someone is courting her. She doesn't know if Megan should know about this. "Of course, Krieldyr. I will allow you to court me. Not just you, I would also love to prove to you I am worth having for," Icerielle assured. "Really?!" Krieldyr said, pretending to be shocked. "Thank you so much, Icerielle. You don't know how happy I am today!" Krieldyr hugged Icerielle. He uses his magic to let Icerielle feel his warm hug. Since this is his first time hugging Icerielle, he felt the cold skin of her which made him feel weird. school to submit the requirements.
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