Chapter 21 - End of Semester

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Icerielle watched as Krieldyr left. Krieldy got into a car and left. The semester is over. Return the students to their respective domains. Icerielle tried to follow Krieldyr secretly to find out if he was really from the Fire Domain. When he saw that Krieldyr looked like they were heading in the direction of the Fire Domain, he decided to go back to the dorm because Megan and the soldiers would pick them up from the palace. He knew Megan might get angry if she didn’t get back right away. Icerielle felt a little sad. He seemed to prefer to just stay in the dorm in case he knew Megan wouldn't let him. What he said to Krieldyr then was not true. He was not happy with life just like this. He can’t really do the things he wants to do. When he arrived at the dorm, Megan immediately appeared in front of him. It seemed hot -headed and really looking forward to Icerielle. "Where did you come from again? We've been waiting for you for a while. You're really tired of acting," Megan asked calmly. "Are you with that normal person again? What's his name? Is he really Krieldyr? Well, at least it's not a loss if you just make him an experience. Pathetic." "I just checked to see if what Krieldyr was saying was true that they were from the Fire Domain. I lied that we also live there, I didn't think they happened to be from the Fire Domain. They're kind, Megan. They're even better two be friends more than the rest of us. Even if you don't trust each other either, don't you? And at least they both have no idea what we are and what we are capable of. I trust those two, "Icerielle explained. "Is that so? Or him when I'm asked where I'm from, that's all I'll answer so we don't get bogged down. So it's confirmed that they're human?" Megan asked. Megan doesn't really trust anyone, even their fellow vampires, except for the ones she's been with for a long time and she's really trusted ever since. He was sure that Icerielle would not betray him even if she had a relationship with someone. He would even prefer to have a relationship with the person first so that they can prevent the spread of information about them and the plans that the two of them will carry out if any. "Yes, they're both human beings and I'm sure of that information. I've been with them for a long time so I already know a lot about the two of them. My eyes can clearly see that they're going to the Fire Domain, not on what we know is the way to Arcanea. They also normally talk when I try to listen to them secretly in their dorm, "Icerielle replied. "That's good then. And at least you can say you can trust them because they don't know that people like us exist. Just keep doing what you're doing to them and make sure they don't know anything about your true identity," he said. by Megan. "Anyway, we have to go back to the palace. We'll have an announcement when all the vampire students get home. I don't know the full details yet. They're already waiting for us to come back. I've been waiting for you for a while, you're really slow." Krieldyr and Felxir, on the other hand, smiled at what they heard. They managed to get Icerielle to follow the two of them. Krieldyr felt that Icerielle was just around because he already knew its presence. He was able to immediately give a signal to Felxir and they quickly understood each other. What Icerielle didn't know was that she was the one who followed the two. Icerielle and Megan have left. Krieldyr would have liked to comply but he thought now was not the right time to do that. He didn’t yet know what was going on with the Vamprielle and especially he didn’t know what the Vampire Lady was capable of. He could not be buried in that very place otherwise, that would be the end of his life. He must first think of another step to take before he can make another move. Krieldyr and Felxir never spoke again. They will be the first to return home to Arcanea. They both make sure that no one can follow them. Krieldyr used magic again to make Felxir and him invisible. "Thank you and you arrived safely and peacefully," Krieldyr's mom said. "Our son seems to be in a good mood," the King said. "His plans are in line." "That's true, dear King. She's got the heart of the vampire we suspect is a princess. That's a good start," Felxir said. "Wow, the speed is really fast. Who wouldn't fall in love with my son?" excited said the queen. “You two will still be careful. . He is not your enemy. " To this day the Queen's fear and concern for her son have not disappeared. He was more comfortable when Krieldyr was at the palace and on vacation. "We also found out some information from Icerielle and Megan. They will have a meeting for the vampire students. The Vampire Lady must be planning something again," Krieldyr said. "Their evil against us is not really over. What will they gain if they are the only ones left in Hovictus?" th of the King. "It will be difficult for them to take over the whole of Hovictus. They will be able to fight the Deities and Domain Lord if they do that," Krieldyr said. "We still can't say. They turned around to attack. But the good thing about the Deities is that they haven't shown up to humans, vampires and us. People just think it's fiction but they still believe it because that's it the tradition, "explained the King. "How can I find them to teach new knowledge on the use of elemental magic?" Krieldyr asked. Only Deities can help Krieldyr to have elemental magic or power. That was one of the hardest tasks Krieldyr would go through because he still had to find them. "That is what we are not sure yet. But what others say will show up on his own when he finds out that you are good and the welfare of others is what you always think," the King replied. "All right. I'll just do my best so that they can trust the knowledge they will teach. Elemental magic is a big thing so I need to study it," Krieldyr said. They went up to the table. Felxir is also included because Krieldyr's brother is also considered by the King and Queen here. They have a lot of trust in Felxir so they welcome him to the palace anytime. "You don't have another breastfeeding woman today?" the Queen asked. "Nothing yet, Mom. I don't have such things in mind yet. Serving as the prince of Arcanea is more important to me. Both of us need me more," Krieldyr replied. "Is that so? You're really very kind. You don't think about your own pleasure. You put service first. I'm proud of you, son," said the Queen.
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