Chapter 11 - Adventure

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Another semester has finished. As usual, both Icerielle and Krieldyr got the same grade. One month is their vacation so Krieldyr and Felxir will be having a time to explore the Central Domain. They need to familiarize themselves with it so that when something wrong happens, they know where to go. "Icerielle will go home with Megan tomorrow. Let's wait for them to leave before doing our task for this sem break," Krieldyr said. "That's right. Make sure that they will really leave and not be waiting for us to leave first. I don't think they trust us hundred percent," Felxir warned. "Stay here and pretend that we are here. I will check on them tomorrow," Krieldyr said. They still have no news about the plans of the Vampire Lady. Krieldyr wants to see who is Icerielle's mother she was talking about on her birthday. Even if he wants to follow her going to Empire of Vamprielle, he's still bothered that someone can see him. Krieldyr has a weakness too. He cannot overuse his powers for the whole day. He also needs to rest to get back his strength once he uses it. However, he can control the usage of it. "Did Professor Jann give you an update?" Felxir asked. "Not yet. When we go home at Arcanea, he will be going to tell us all the news he gathered from teaching. I said that he should wait for us after exploring the Arcanea. He even insisted on joining us but I disagreed because no one should know about our communication and relation with him," Krieldyr said. "That Professor is really strong too. Maybe your father sent him here without hesitation since he knows that Professor Jann will look for your safety," Felxir said. "If I will make the decision, I think that it's best for him to stay in Arcanea. I don't want him to be hurt. He is one of the best teachers in Arcanea so we should not risk their lives because of the vampires," Krieldyr said. Another day had passed. Krieldyr went out early to check on Icerielle and Megan. Just right on time, Icerielle went out of the dorm, followed by Megan. There are some guard vampires fetching them. Krieldyr felt that these guards were from the palace of Vamprielle. So one of them is really the daughter of the Vampire Lady. This is the first time seeing these guards from their palace protecting a student. Given that the Ezklisea has its own guards, they still chose to be guarded by the experts of this job. Krieldyr thought to himself. What made Krieldyr more confused was the moves of Icerielle. Megan looks strict, powerful and authoritative. Icerielle is the opposite of Megan and she even preferred peace over war. "I want to buy something first for my mother. It's been six months since I met her," Megan said. "Okay, Ma'am. Where do you want to go?" one guard asked. Megan said her instructions. They are even using a car. Krieldyr thought that vampires can be easily tired too, that's why they still need cars. "Aren't you going to buy something for your mom, Icerielle? Go pick whatever you want, I will pay for it," Megan said. "Thank you, Megan!" Icerielle said. "You know that you and Xeri are the only friends I can trust. Spending time and money with you is not a waste of effort," Megan said. Another question was formulated in Krieldyr's mind. If Icerielle is the daughter of the Vampire Lady, why is she sometimes out of money? Megan looks rich since spending money is not a problem for her. If it's not Icerielle, then the princess is Megan? I need to find it out. Krieldyr thought to himself. He followed them even inside the gift shop. Icerielle just chooses one simple gift for mother, while Megan bought the most expensive gift she saw. "Are you sure about that gift, Icerielle? Will Madam like your gift? It is just simple and cheap. Go and get another one. Just buy that one, additional gift for your mother," Megan insisted. By the word "Madam", Krieldyr's suspecting Icerielle's mother got him expect more about the Vampire Lady. "Yes, I am sure about this one. She likes small stuff for display. She will like it. It's enough, Megan. You don't have to spend too much money. You should at least learn how to save money," Icerielle said. "If you say so. You love saving money, I need to learn from you. However, sometimes I really can't resist buying some clothes and gifts," Megan said. "I know that. You also deserve that since you are working hard to follow the favor of our higher authorities. Don't feel sorry about spending money on your things. The thing you should avoid is buying unimportant materials," Icerielle said. "Ma'am, we need to get home early. Aren't you two done with buying gifts? The Queen ordered bringing the both of you at the exact time she said," one guard said, nervously. "I will just pay," Megan said. "Get in the car, Icerielle. Don't wait for me." Icerielle followed her. She went inside the car and some guards were protecting her. There are also guards left for Megan. Both of them should be Krieldyr's target due to confusion at which one is the princess. What he needs is to still make Icerielle fall in love with him. He thinks that Megan is not admiring his intelligence and looks because he's just a normal human. It will be hard for him to get the trust of this woman, unlike Icerielle who is very friendly and still curious about a human. When Megan got inside the car, they immediately left the place. There is a gate going out the Central domain, straight path to the Vamprielle, which is between the two domains, the Ice and Fire Domains. He knows it well since Earth Domain is at southeast and Air is at southwest. The path going to the Arcanea is straight to the far northeast. The path is also between the two domains. However, the domains are well-guarded and not easy to enter so Krieldyr and Felxir have no plans on it. The people of Domains do not hinder them and it's not even a threat to Archeans. Only vampires are the one who keep on ruining their kingdom. Krieldyr went back to his dorm and told Felxir that Megan and Icerielle had left.Another semester has finished. As usual, both Icerielle and Krieldyr got the same grade.
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