Chapter 15 - Vampire's Weaknesses

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The training begins. Krieldyr and Felxir are listening to Professor Jann's techniques. Eura is just watching and listening, she has no plans performing the new defense. "Wearing a silver necklace or anything would help you to avoid near contact with the vampires. Actually, besides the wooden knife killing the vampires, you can use a silver knife. We know it is hard to get that wooden knife so at least, we have an alternative," Professor Jann explained. "I see. That's the reason why there's no touch of silver in that Academy. They do not have rules against silver so humans and Archeans are free to wear it," Krieldyr said. Felxir is not convinced of wearing a silver item since the vampire could easily detect them as an Archean because of that. "We should avoid wearing or bringing silver in the Academy. Let's remain neutral and act that we still don't believe vampires really exist," Felxir suggested. Eura is smiling while listening to Felxir which made him a little bit conscious in his actions. However, he hopes that they will support him on this matter. He doesn't want any one of them to be revealed to vampires. "I totally agree with you, Felxir. Having the wooden knife is more safe than bringing a silver since they can detect it easily. Unlike the wood, there are many kinds of wood in the Academy, even the trees," Krieldyr said. "Well, both of you are right. We'll stick to our plans. At least, we should start creating weapons made from silver, in case the vampires have plans to attack us, especially the Kingdom of Arcanea," Professor Jann said. Krieldyr started the plan to create more weapons made of silver. He will discuss it to his parents when it is done. They are even inventing a bullet that can instantly kill the vampires. “Anyway, what I’m saying is just for you to be aware of how to deal with aggressive vampires. However, as much as possible, don’t engage in a fight. You’re nobleties and even though you’re considered as the top warrior, you shouldn’t be involved in fighting, we got an army for that thing,” Professor Jann said. “It’s as if you’re assuming that these two would do something like that,” Eura said. “Hmm. Eura, I think you should know more about these two since you’re at that age already. They’re strong but they are an i***t, so they still need to be reminded of that thing,” Professor Jann replied. Krieldyr and Felxir laughs. Krieldyr said, “Professor, you’re thinking too low about us. We could resist fighting, you know.” “That’s right, we have a calm mind and a calm heart,” Felxir said. “Then, what would you do if a vampire killed an Archean in front of you?” Professor Jann said. The look that Krieldyr and Felxir have become serious. A moment of silence happens inside the room. “See, you can’t say anything. That’s why you two still need a lecture about those things,” Professor Jann said. “But that’s too much different than the normal thing, and if that thing happened, I don’t think that the people around us would not do something and they wouldn’t do something like murdering someone in front of other people,” Krieldyr replied. “You’re wrong, the thing is, they might do that and only us, Archeans would have the ability to see through it. It’s scary but it’s possible,” Professor Jann said. “Yeah, that’s really scary. But Professor Jann, did you have any evidence that they could do something like that?” Felxir said. “It’s too early to talk about it but just make sure you guys wouldn’t do anything against them, just note everything and report it to the higher ups. That’s all, you guys need to start training,” Professor Jann replied. “But Prof-,” Krieldyr uttered but was interrupted by Professor Jann. “Enough, I wouldn’t answer any question nor listen to what you’re about to say if it’s related to that. Just remember everything I said, okay?” Professor Jann said. "Okay, okay! If that's what is best, I will acknowledge and respect that decision," Krieldyr said. They started to practice their magic. Even Eura joined them. Professor Jann is satisfied that his students are becoming better everyday. The day has passed and they learned a lot from each other. Now, they need to create more weapons that can instantly kill vampires. The King already knows about it so some Archeans in the palace helped to create the weapons made of silver. "Do the Archean students need to bring this kind of weapon?" the King asked. "If they can hide it without the vampire noticing, then we can let them have it, your Honour," Professor Jann answered. "I can bring that but I need to be careful so I won't bring any weapon against them. I will stay hidden," Krieldyr said. Eura is now interested in entering Ezklisea Academy. She wants to help Krieldyr and Felxir on their tasks however, her parents don't allow her. Even Krieldyr contradicted her decision since instead that he and Felxir will focus on spying, they need to watch and protect Eura. "Eura, finish your college at Arcanea University. You don't need to sacrifice yourself to this battle. I and Krieldyr had been trained for many years for these tasks. You'll make the tasks harder for us. I hope you understand our situation. I don't want you to get hurt so stay here, okay?" Felxir said. Eura rolled her eyes. She said, "Fine, fine! As if I have a choice. You won't even let me pass the admission, so I will really stay here." Felxir smiled at her so she looked away. She doesn't want Felxir to notice her reaction since she feels her cheeks are turning red. The feelings Eura has for Felxir is becoming more deeper. Since she doesn't want Felxir to fail on his task, she won't admit her feelings. She promised herself that after graduation, she will confess. Krieldyr saw Eura's face. He is really sure that his cousin has feelings for his friend, Felxir.
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