[28] Giving Her To Him

754 Words
"Watch a movie!" "Eat a lot!" "Indigestion!", she screamed, pushing my slip away. I grabbed hers and ran my eyes over it. "yeah right! She needs horror movies!" "So what?", she smirked. I stuck out my tongue, "Fahim's better! f**k your movies!" "Hey!", she threw a pillow at me. My head fell off its position. Just as I was about to kick her, he blocked. "Hey! Not fair!" She attacked Fahim for blocking me and there started a pillow fight, which extended for fifteen minutes of the initial of our sleepover. Guess what, we three didn't even make amends about it but immediately switched to heads or tails, for conversation with food or movies first. Heads and she won. 'Wooho! Conjuring!" I shivered a bit. To be precise, I hated them the most. Ever since I was a child since ghosts always became a part of even fairy tales, and nightmares, there was no way I was watching one with actual ones. "No..No..No...Fami listen" She grabbed my fingers and held them close to her chest, then cuddled into the middle of us. "Don't worry. What can happen?" Exactly. What was with my heart anyway? Her fingers on my hands never felt like this before.  I cleared my throat and slowly shifted away from her to the side. With a TV and on the sides of her, was altogether a bit too exciting.  But she pulled me closer. My face felt on her neck and she slid that big head to close the gap. "Look, it's nothing...It's nothing.." I could feel her fingers running patiently through mine. "Don't worry.." Her tightening mother hold. I had never experienced it. My face slowly went forward to take a glance at Fahim.  My heart dropped. Her fingers were wrapped around his too. Though he was pulling it, unlike how she had taken mine. I didn't know what to make of that. She was clearly uncomfortable, or maybe she was excited? I don't know. Fuck Harith, stop thinking! She held your hand! So, what's wrong? I mean, what's not wrong? No jealousy, no crap for a nice night okay? "Harith, a big thing comes in minutes. So be prepared!" My conscience got triggered. Running my eyes to the screen, I winced. Something was coming, and she asked me to be prepared. Shutting one eye, I waited for the ghost. Some tree and a girl hanging on it arrived leading to the lead actress and actor making out.  No ghosts. Nothing. I burped on envisioning a rather erotic scene instead of what I had anticipated.  The tension and silence grew in the room. Usually, my jokes kept the awkwardness fleeing. But today, when the hot scene was proceeding further and further, my lips didn't help me with any good thing. I actually remained silent throughout with my fingers around hers and a head close to that nice hair. "Well, that was too much of a horror" I had to laugh. She said it, and both of us boys cracked up. 'Damn, and you said, big horror!" She shrugged and held my gaze in the dark, "Well, guess my memory isn't as sharp as it used to be" "Your memory was always lame" It was Fahim, he was counter-attacking with the first statement of the night. I and she strained our neck to meet his gaze. Before my cords could make out something, she barked, "hey! When did I forget something?' "My medicines after the burn on my hand." She smirked, "Look who got in the first place. Sheesh! Why are you blaming me then?" He smiled, or rather pulled the corners of his lips. "You caused it only" She went "Huh?" He sighed, "I was too busy admiring your pretty face to notice the acid" My mind froze. So did hers.  The tension grew again. I felt bad. Not for her. Not for him. Just for myself. Because I did the worst of what could happen then. I helped him. With my broken heart, I helped. "Yeah! Of course, he did...He even acted like a puppy, didn't he?" She pivoted her neck fast enough and held my gaze. She looked hurt. "Hey, it's right...he loves you--u" My nose sniffed to avoid causing a big deal about my stutter. Thank God, the lights were off, or else she would have noticed my tears. She kept staring at me. The TV lights being enough to show me her face. I tightened our hold. "He loves you, and you love him. It's perfect"
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