[27] Sleepover

768 Words
"Get those strawberries..." I stood up and took to the table. They were there as they should have been. Then, laughing to myself, I fed her one of the raw ones. She popped them inside and gagged, "Heck?" I had a fit! I was laughing so hard and at the same time, inviting her friendly punches. "Hey! It's not funny, Harith! Sheesh, they taste weird...", dabbing a towel on her tongue, she shifted cross-legged onto the inside of the bed. I sat down on the floor and hid my hands in my pockets. It was getting cold. "So hows today is weird to ask...Therefore, how was yesterday?" She smiled at my lame joke, "You don't fail to surprise me, do you?" I shrugged and stared at her, for an answer. She was in a red top and mini pajamas, the regular ones she dried and washed after we shifted to the hotel. I still recalled how weird she was, after the fight with a loving brother, on how she spilled, "Its better I don't stay here, his f*****g apartment!", seconds before coming to a closure, "He comes or not, who gives a damn! I'm hella staying here!' I still recalled her funny moments now and then. I still saw her as the missing link; the one who never could stay still with happiness and a life of love. The girl who intrigued to me to such an extent that she shook my heart. "These strawberries are f*****g delicious!" I cleared my throat. Her gaze ran to mine. The washed away kohl hang there giving those lashes a beautiful touch. "You never use those words right?" "No, your wrong", she sneered and popped another berry inside. I laughed and crossed my legs. "You cold?", she asked. I shook my head, tugging at my big hoodie. "Then can you stay here for tonight?" I almost coughed in shock. My eyes didn't run to her, instead jammed in the space between a yes and no. My eyes couldn't lift to meet hers. I didn't know why. A thousand reasons ran through my head for two matters. One; why the hell she was asking me. Two: why I was over acting, because I was nothing to her. Just a friend! But since some lingering feeling was changing all this bitter thoughts, I gave every matter a million views again and again to see if she was testing me or maybe I was just imagining. "Not because I feel alone, which I'm always, now that I'm here, but I need someone to talk for the night so it passes away as quickly as possible" I held her gaze, with a lot of courage. She had been staring at me the whole time. God, is this a test? If yes, I f****d up, didn't I? "Umm..Yeah..?" Her sullen face lit up. I exhaled in relief. "Great!", she marked. "You brushed?" After a rather hectic schedule of grabbing my brush and my nightwear from the top floor (where my actual bedroom was, after the rooms got changed with a lot of mishaps of booked customers; which is a big story that I'll tell you later), and came running back inside. "Brushed?"' She hadn't changed. However, she looked at ease now. I didn't know what one would call this. It could be a sleepover, had it been with a lot of snacks and maybe a movie or a lot of drinks. But without anything, within a random question, I had fallen for her request to sleep a night with her. Merely, to talk as she said. "Did you or didn't you?'' I gawked at her words, that interrupted m thoughts. "Brush..." I laughed, "Why? We gonna kiss or something?" Uh Oh! I almost lost my control when my joke caught her face like a fish and shook it. She went from smiling to not so sure and finally grim. My hands shook like a vibrator, "Sheesh, why do you look like that?" "Its a f*****g joke!" I jabbered like I had never before. But she almost made me choke when she said, "Well, what did you say?", her eyes ran past me, and I shook upon sensing the sound. I hadn't turned even half way when the door opened, catching my attention. I met his gaze. There he stood, in blood and flesh, with a pillow in his hand. I gagged. "Fahi-" "f**k, what the hell is he doing here?" I stared at him, grittinhg my enamel together. He looked hurt too. Our faces collided towards her voice. "I called you both..Lets have a fun sleepover!"
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