[29] The Groom's Arrival

979 Words
                          My life had been this big of a mess from day one. To this moment, when I'm sitting here, in bras and panties only, after a heck of a sleepover, I knew there was nothing more painful than the moment when a boy who liked me supported my first love story. I sighed, running my fingers through my dirty hair. Funnily, even my fingers stunk now. "I need to focus! It's Fidha's marriage in a few weeks" Yes, I was talking to myself, my mindset, which often needed a good talk before it attempted something stupid of its own. "Listen to me, no more lovey-dovey, no more big presents, nothing! No more flirting, no more eye gestures..." My mind flew to last night. When he had so easily tried to look less hurt for me and Fahim. My eyes burned from the realization. "No...No...Shit!" I was crying. My mind ran to two boys, back and forth their thoughts and feelings like I was reading from their vivid journal of imaginations.  This morning hadn't been so awkward with both of them all sleepy when I kicked them out of my room. But who knew what the day would bring? Steering away those negative thoughts with my wardrobe, I decided to get into some good-looking typical clean dress, long-sleeved with a pattiala so I matched with the other little cute girls in the crowd at their ancestral.  For today was something special. Today was the official visit of the groom's family. And we two had been specially invited by Fahim's mother. "You look.....gorgeous" I winced at the statement. In other past circumstances I would have laughed and pinched his ear, for sich an awful tease but today, when the time had brought upon this mess of a fate, my little racing heart took up all of this with such originality. But he laughed like a Joker, "You tryna look like some Aiswarya Rai, cause your not buying me on this casual wear" Gosh! Insulting and most awfully humiliating. Creasing my forehead, I looked at him. "Seriously?! That bad?" My eyes rushed to his outwear. In a neat white tucked-in shirt and black pants, he was looking like a prince. Swooped back washed hair and stud earrings(To be honest, I had never even known he had pierced his ears), with little white bracelets adorning those wrists. For a sight, he was a visual, and nevertheless, my saliva was leaking. "Your picnic wear shall be quite a startle!", he tugged at my hand pulling me towards the open gate, where almost thousands of people were making preparations for the big ceremony. I pushed him away, but he held on. Our forces collided, smashing my body against his. My fingers held onto his shirt, in a frozen numb posture.  His arms around my back: I repeat, his arms were around my back, meaning he was hugging me. "Harith-h" "The road, girl. Be careful", I felt his hands loosen. His fingers went pointing to the road. Of course, the main road with big cars of great companies was rushing in at the front gate of this often silent lane, now that marriage was brimming. Finding my fingers on his white shirt, I jerked back. "Woah Woah! Geez, sorry, man...Sheesh.." I muttered, sprinting off at a steady rate towards the gate. Only to feel his grip on mine again. I froze. My chest was going crazy with every of his little touch. The f**k, Fami? "Your not going in there in this" My gaze averted, not daring to look at him.  "Lets busy you something" I shook my head and tried to pretend to laugh, "You kidding? Its not like the whole world shall be concentrating on me. Fidha is the main show and she will be, you know...And nobody is gonna even pay attention to me, besides-" "It's your grand family, right? They are gonna know-" I pulled him, almost throwing him off the road. 'LET'S GO!' "Anything of a lacha?" I gagged, "Lacha is itchy!" He smirked, "But it will look insane on you!" Compliment. I flushed so hard, only to laugh it off like a foolish blushing s**t. "What about torn jeans?" He looked at me with that "your-kidding-me" look. "What?" "Girls these days don't live in the tradition, do they?" I turned to my back to see the shop owner mumbling while licking off the currency notes. To actually know his saliva was there in every single note made me stop Harith from collecting the change. "Just this day, please..." My eyes met his. Those blue lenses resembled that of a pouting cat who was craving for his last wish. I sighed, "Geez, the things those eyes can do.." "What?" I shook my head, "Nothing!!!" Sighing, I grabbed the pink lacha and ran for the dressing room. Hanging my head was the best option, or else he could maybe see those pink cheeks and dirty eyes. Shutting the door, I exhaled softly "Control!!!" "CONTROL!" "C-O-N-T" "Fami, all okay?" His voice. My fingers crushed the lacha in my hands. The beauty of his visual made me gasp for breath. "Yeah, all good!!" "Hmm, okay" "Need help?" "No!!" I screamed and got to get into the lacha in a rush. Only to realize that would make me the center of the attraction that day. I walked inside the hall, like a princess of Disneyland. My face was a mess, but he did manage to wash it away with a bit of scrubbing and cleaning with soap. making me look quite alright, considering the fact I did shower today morning.  But all eyes on me? It's not what I wanted. However, his fashionable look made it all feel like it was okay. We walked in and faced all those huge stares. Including my brother's. Whose eyes beamed with double emotions. Fury. Funnily, even jealousy.
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