[30] Him and I

1020 Words
"You look very beautiful" "Where is this from? It should be very expensive, considering these beads" My eyes ran to him, who stood at a distance, with a cup of coffee. His glance kept rushing from the men to me and back. I sensed a smile on his face. He looked happy and I ended up smiling too. "Umm..My friend brought me" The aunts exclaimed,  "I didn't know women had such good taste in these traditional costumes. Considering how modern girls are these days" I shook my head "My best friend is a boy. And aunty, there are a lot of girls who express themselves through costumes. Though I'm not sure of what you would call it" The aunts laughed and the one who had attacked the new generation simply smiled and giggled, "You sure are smart, darling!" I grinned, my eyes rushing to Harith who was gazing at me. "Is that your friend?" I turned around to look at the so familiar voice. I laughed, "Seriously, Fidha, when did you escape from the attention? Ugh, I'm living it now, I guess" She giggled and squeezed my fingers, "I love him already, I guess" Her expression made me swallow in a choke. "Who-o?" She blushed. My silence would have made Harith understand I guess. "Wow-w! Awesome!" I squeezed her in a hug, to avoid those eyes from scanning my sadness. Ofcourse, what was I thinking anyway? She would reject him, after all that had happened. The moment I withdrew, the overpowering shadow made me wince. "Look whose here." His voice. It stangled me softly, like a knife cutting through a ripe mango. I looked at him, making sure he sensed my fury. He smiled, showing all of that teeth, he always did. "Your friend?", he turned to Fidha like he didn't even dare to ask me, who I was. She nodded. I noticed her turn into a puppy with eyes that barely touched his face. I smirked, "Yes, and I can introduce myself. I'm Famisha, nice to meet you." His overpowering glare didn't get to me. "Thank you sir for coming with your absolutely loving family. Fidha right here, has already approved of you" "She already had,, weeks before. You seem to be ignorant of", he marked, smiling like he had won over her in the previous life itself. I nodded, "I see that more clearly now, sir. Have you liked her since the time you saw her too?" He raised his eyebrows, "Why should I answer that?" I pouted, "Isn't that a bit defensive? Won't a yes or no do?" Fidha sensed the tension and squeezed my hand. "Go on, sir, tell me", I blocked him with the question again. He nodded and crossed his arms, "Why? Is there anything you find suspicious?" I nodded and smiled, "If you actually like her, why accept dowry, sir?" The squeeze in my fingers grew stronger. He shrugged, "Thats the way" "What way? The way you end up buying women?" Fidha shook her head, "I'm so sorry, this isn't right-" "What isn't?" I smiled, feeling overwhelmed by the look of his anger. It was my victory, something Fidha wouldn't ever get. "What happened, sir? I thought we lived in a modern world, where women and men were equal." " Considering how Fidha has a degree on art and architecture, she can gain a job too. What else difference do you and she have?" He rolled his tongue, as Fidha tried to drag me away. She looked concerned and worried. "What sir? What is so wrong?" He sighed, "Nothing. I won't accept dowry" I was astounded.  "Keep your word sir" He nodded and turned his back to me. Fidha almost kicked me right then, when his huge hands I had often grabbed during my kindergarten days, clapped. The entire attention of the hall turned to us.  I fixed my glare at Harith who looked surprised and calm at once. "To all, gathered here, I would like to make a promise right here. After a pure interrogation, I suddenly came to my senses on how idiotic I had turned out to be by accepting dowry from a woman I loved" Harith had finished his coffee. I felt his lips turn into a smile. Just beside him, Fahim's presence made me wince. "As this beautiful lady said, what is tradition nowadays? Ofcourse. The world has turned so modern that there is no difference between men and women" He turned to me and said, "Ofcourse, dear, I wouldn't do anything as bad as that." I gritted. He was playing with me. "The marriage will be in an equal share, ofcourse." I cringed hard when the stares and glares started to tense over me. "Please enjoy the evening!' With that he, walked away in his famishing suit and tie, followed by another bunch of his friends. The crowd would have killed me right then, ofcourse.  However my gaze fixed at Harith made me melt. "Its okay", he mouthed and showed me a thumbs up. I smiled, and stopped immediately, hoping nobody noticed. But the worst was yet to come. Slap! Slap! I stood, frozen. My head didn' process it until my face came to terms with the attacker. She was breathing hard. "Get out now!" Tears streamed down my cheeks all at one go. I had never been slapped except for that once when Granny had seen me in a tomboy appearance, playing with boys. "Out!" I cried, grabbing my backpacks. She didn't even look at me. But alongside, I saw Harith wth his bags too, "I'm coming too" I wanted to look at her once again. The mother like figure that I had come to love so much. Fahim's mother. "No need. You will be hurt more" I gasped for breath as Harith carried me by the shoulder to the gate. Little did I know, through the upper window, Fahim had watched us. Without a word. With tears licking his cheeks. And pure silence. The moonlight guided us out of the house, straight for the hotel. Only to welcome something I thought I would never do.
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