Chapter 6 - "New" Luna

915 Words
Cory's POV: After Austin left, Lola and I cleaned the whole packhouse, the cabins, and other areas where the werewolf king might visit. We took a quick break - grabbed a piece of bread and water. It has been an hour and a half since our break, and Chloe still hasn't arrived. "Do you even think she is coming?" Lola asked. " I don't know. Maybe. Maybe not." I said with a flat tone. I couldn't care less if she has a good eye for styling. I don't want to see or talk to her. I want to lay in my bed and sleep even for a couple of hours. "I just want to rest. We have been cleaning and rearranging furniture all day!" Lola exclaimed. "I know! I feel the same, but we cannot leave. Who knows what kind of punishment awaits us if we do not meet with Chloe and finish this." If not for the Alphas' and Luna's wrath, I would leave everything else and rest. But after more than ten years of being in this pack, I know resting right now is unacceptable. "Let's just wait for a couple more minutes." I stand corrected. Chloe arrived a few hours later. Yes, hours. When she arrived, she looked around the set-up and decorations for the king's arrival. "Ugh, I now understand why you needed me. All these are horrible!" Then, she looked at us from head to toe. "Well, what do Luna and Austin expect from you two anyway? You have no sense of fashion at all! You look all so dirty and smelly! Yikes! Oh well, that's why I am here." She said with so much pride. I cannot get annoyed because I somehow believe what she said. Compared with Chloe, dressed in a branded dress and shoes, freshly manicured nails, and her new hair color that compliments her skin, I am standing in my ragged clothes, chipped nails, and tangled and messy hair. "So what are you standing there for? Get to work!" "Yes, Chloe. So, where do we start? Luna Josephine did not like the dishes." "Hold up! Chloe?! First, we are not friends for you to call me casually by my name. Second, you are an Omega. And lastly, I am your new Luna. I expect a high level of respect from you!" We held our heads down. "Yes." "Yes, what?!" "Yes, Luna," we said simultaneously. "Good! Now, change the plates with fewer patterns. Look for something with solid colors. No wonder Luna Josephine was agitated. It looks like you have a whole garden of flowers and plants here! Ha ha ha!" The whole setup looks great! The plates have this sweet floral design that makes everything look fancy. And the green runners and napkins perfectly match the flowers on the plates. Those silver utensils are super shiny and add to the fancy vibe. The vase in the middle is overflowing with flowers, making everything look so pretty. Oh, and remember the goblets! They have these cool leaf patterns on them that complete the whole look. Oh, OK, I get what she meant by the whole garden thing. Lola and I spent the entire time following Luna Chloe's directions. We listened to her, from the tableware to the color of the vase, the flowers, the curtains, and basically everything. And I have to admit, everything looks better than before. After a few more alterations, Chloe finally decided that we were done here. "Oh, just look at how wonderful everything is! All thanks to my exquisite and expensive taste! I'm confident that everyone will be impressed with the transformation I've made to the packhouse. It's now fit for a king! Perhaps the king will also be impressed with me, and perhaps he will even favor me." Lola looked at me and rolled her eyes. I gestured for her to stop before Chloe noticed. "Now, I have to go. Austin is expecting me tonight." Oh, my heart. My poor broken heart. How much more will it sting before it completely stops? Lola grabbed me and turned us both toward our chamber. "Don't mind her! Come on! Let's get some rest. We only have a couple of hours to prepare breakfast and wake everyone up for school." "You're right! I am so tired, and I seriously need a shower. We have been working all day and are covered in sweat and dust." "Yeah, you kinda stink. The new Luna said so!" Lola sarcastically said. "Oh, Lola. You know she's right. She's going to be Luna soon. Once they have the ceremony, we have to call her Luna Chloe. We better get used to it." As we were near our chambers, Lola slowly stopped. "I know that. But it was supposed to be you! You were supposed to be Luna. And you are more than fit to be Luna. You are kind, compassionate, brave, and every other characteristic a Luna should have. While her..." I stopped her before she ended up saying something negative that others might hear. "This is the moon goddess's plan, Lola. There is nothing we can do about it. And me, a Luna? Do you even hear yourself?" I sighed exhaustedly. "You know what, let's not talk about this, Lola. Let's get some rest. Alright?"At the same time, I heard my stomach growl. Yeah, we last had a proper meal on our break. "Your stomach says otherwise." We stared at each other and just started laughing.
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