
The Werewolf King's Mate

second chance
female lead
weak to strong

“I, Austin Miller, Alpha of the Midnight Moon Pack, reject Cory Hemmings as my mate.” I knew it. I knew he would reject me. He would because I am an Omega. A servant to his pack.

“I, Cory Hemmings, accept the rejection.” I ran away. “Oh, Moon Goddess, why?” I called out as tears flowed.

Cory lost her parents in an attack. She lost her pack. Now, she had lost her mate.

But when she met Lucas Dacre, sparks flew instantly. Is this her second chance mate?

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Chapter 1 - 6 years ago…
Cory's POV: I have dreamt of meeting my mate since I was a kid. My other half. My fated one. I learned about mates when I was 12 years old. My parents taught me that when the time comes, there will be someone who will love and protect me more than anyone else. I believe it. As I observed my parents' interactions closely, I noticed that their love story commenced at a pack gathering when they were both 18. My father arrived early and quickly formed a bond with the pack members and guests. However, it was the sweet scent of vanilla and jasmine that drew him toward my mother, his mate. Ever since then, they have been inseparable, and I, Cory Hemmings, was welcomed into their happy home just a few months later. We have been living contently together ever since. For years, our pack has been a peaceful and loving home for my family. My father, a highly regarded beta, is known for his strength, kindness, and compassion towards other members. People often comment on how much I resemble him, with my light brown hair, hazel eyes, and dimples. Meanwhile, my mother is a skilled doctor who tirelessly tends to injured fighters and those in labor. Despite her busy schedule, she always finds time for my dad and me. And let me tell you, my mom is absolutely stunning! With her long, curly blonde hair and beautiful blue eyes, she is truly a sight to behold. "Mom, I want blue eyes too!" Upon hearing this, my mom laughed. "But darling, you have the prettiest hazel eyes! Just like your dad's! And I love them just like I love your dad's." She said while caressing my cheeks. "Hmph. But your eyes look like the sky!" I pouted. And this time, it was not just my mom who laughed but my dad too. "Okay, kiddo! I will tell you when you grow up what you can do to have blue eyes! It will be our little secret." my dad winked and kissed my forehead. "Alright. It's a promise, okay?" "Yes, little Wolf. I promise." I went to bed that night not knowing what awaited us. That evening, a gang of vicious rogues ambushed us. My parents gallantly rushed to assist the Alpha and our defenders, while I anxiously waited for their safe return. I fervently prayed to the moon goddess for their safety, but their destiny remained uncertain. It was a devastating moment when one of the fighters arrived at our home, as I could see in their eyes that things would never be the same again. The attack resulted in the loss of the Alpha, as well as my parents and several other fighters. The only soldiers who survived were the best, including our Gamma. Unfortunately, the attack left us with nothing, so our Gamma reached out to the neighboring Midnight Moon Pack for assistance.I was welcomed into their pack by their Alpha, Henry Miller. However, when our eyes briefly met, I couldn't shake the feeling that something was off. Unfortunately, my intuition proved correct as the Alpha treated everyone poorly, like slaves and dirt. Some members of the pack left secretly to become a rogue or join another pack, while others, like myself, were unable to leave and remained behind. It has been six long years since that fateful incident. I remain a member of the Midnight Moon Pack, serving as an Omega. Each day is a repetitive routine; rising at 5 am, getting ready, cooking breakfast, tidying the packhouse, cooking dinner, washing dishes, and finally resting. Initially, the pack treated me with kindness and sympathy, but when I turned 16, I was unable to shift into my wolf. Everyone assumed I was wolfless and treated me differently. I received physical abuse, including punches, kicks, and bruises, whenever I made mistakes or angered someone. Fortunately, some of the other Omegas were kind enough to help me heal my wounds. One of them, Lola, became my friend. She is about 2 years younger than me, and we both came from the old pack. She was still a toddler when we were attacked, so she couldn't remember much of it. We stick together as much as possible to support one another. "Ouch!" I expressed discomfort as she tended to my fresh injuries. "I'm sorry! Just a few more. I'll be quick, I promise!" Lola said. She finished applying the ointments and bandages after a few minutes, and there was now some relief from the pain. "Cory..." Lola paused. I know what is going on in her mind. I know she thinks that this is way too much and that I should stand up or run away. "Lola, I understand your concern. However, I cannot leave because if I do, they may find another Omega to torment or harm. I do not want that to happen." I told her that I couldn't let anyone else get hurt. It would weigh too heavily on my conscience, and I simply wouldn't allow it. "It's just that your body might fail. It might not cause any more pain. I don't want you to..." I pulled her into a hug. She's scared, and so am I. I don't want to die this young. I desire to find my soulmate before departing from this world. Someone who will rescue me from the troubles around me, shield me from harm, and embrace me unconditionally. "I know that look," Lola said with a smirk. "You're daydreaming! You're thinking about your mate!" I blushed when she said that. "Well, of course! I've been thinking of my mate ever since I learned what mates are. And, in a few weeks, I will turn 18! I am just so excited!" She laughed. "Oh, a hopeless romantic! And I am excited for you too! I hope he'll be kind, strong, and hot!" She placed emphasis on the final point. However, I, too, share the same hope! Everyone is entitled to their dreams, aren't they? "How about you? You'll turn 18 soon, well, in 2 years. Are you not looking forward to meeting your mate? "Of course I am! It's just that..." she exhaled." I am scared that it is someone from this pack. I don't know what I am going to do about it." "Do you think he will reject you?" "Yes. Although he may not turn me down, what if he happens to be one of the bullies?? It feels so wrong to be with him, you know." "Especially if it is Austin Miller. Though, I don't think the moon goddess is that cruel. I could never be mated to an Alpha like Austin Miller," I thought to myself as we both let out a sigh. He's the soon-to-be Alpha and a notorious bully. Upon my arrival at the Midnight Moon Pack, I encountered him standing at the entrance of the pack house. His beaming smile was utterly captivating, and I couldn't help but smile back. Despite his father's reputation for being merciless, I hoped we could form a bond. He would often sneak me food, engage in playful banter, and spend time with me. However, his demeanor changed abruptly, and he began to ignore me once he discovered that I hadn't undergone my transformation yet. The Alpha's son was more severe than the others when it came to subjecting me to torture and punishment. "CORY! Go to the pack house now! The Alpha is calling for you!" An Omega called out. I wondered what it could be. "I'll be there in a minute!" "NO! NOW!" She sounds mad and frustrated. "HURRY UP! You know how the Alpha is when we're late!" I hurried to get patched up by Lola before making my way to the packhouse. By the time I arrived at Alpha Henry's office, I was already gasping for breath. Despite this, I didn't have a moment to rest and immediately knocked on the door. "Alpha Henry, is there something I can help you with?" I asked politely. "I called you 5 minutes ago! Tss. You're slow because you don't have a wolf!" He growled in frustration, acknowledging the truth of the situation. It was undeniable that the others possessed superior speed and strength due to their wolf genes. "I called you here because you need to prepare for my son's birthday. He will turn 18 next week!" Oh right. It's Austin's birthday! "Now, I don't want you to ruin anything and make sure everything is perfect. Are we clear?!" He said with a low growl. A warning. "Y-yes, Alpha," I said and was dismissed.

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