Chapter 7 - Here Comes the King

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Lucas's POV: A few days before this, Silas and I had been struggling to find an excuse to visit the Midnight Moon pack. We discussed our plans to integrate our investigation into the Midnight Moon pack. We explored the pros and cons and weighed our options carefully before making any decisions. "How about telling them you are visiting to check on the pack, get close to the people, and hear their problems?" Silas said. Nodding, I said, "That's good. But this is the first time we are doing this - me visiting them in person." "Well, yeah. Usually, you ask someone else. Do you think they will suspect something is wrong? And what about the council? What are we to tell them?" Let's do just that! We might find our mate along the way! Kali said. I...I don't think so. Let's not get our hopes up. We are still thinking if this is the best to go. "Hey, Lucas! What did Kali say?" "That we should go 'cause we might find our mate." "That's it! We can use that to convince the council!" Silas enthusiastically said. "No, no, no!" "Oh, come on, Lucas! They have been pestering you to choose a mate! This is a perfect plan. Thank goddess for Kali! Ha ha ha!" And what do you know? The council approved, and some actually rejoiced that I was proactively seeking my mate and reaching out to the packs of this kingdom. So, Silas and Elias planned the itinerary - what pack should we visit first, who were the fighters I would bring with me, and who would be left to protect the kingdom. The decision was made to inspect the packs in the kingdom's western region before heading to Idaho to visit the Midnight Moon pack. I have brought some of the best fighters for this journey - of course, Silas, Elias, Iris (Elias' mate), Tommy (third-best fighter), and his twin, Ellie. We started our journey two days ago and have already visited a couple of packs. Some Alpha and pack members were surprised, excited, and worried about my arrival. But, after spending some time with them, I am glad we were on this trip. I get to see most packs' situations, issues with rouges, and their needs. "Can we take these pups with us? They are so cute and adorable!" Ellie said. "You know we can't! And come on, Ellie! You always want to take home anything cute, pretty, or adorable!" Tommy exclaimed. "Whatever, Tommy! They make my world so much brighter!" Ellie said with an eye roll directed to Tommy. And the twins started bickering. Again. If not for them being a boy and a girl, you wouldn't be able to tell them apart. Both have brown hair, round-shaped hazel eyes, plumped lips, and even their freckles, and the place of the moles is the same! "Alright, stop that, both of you! We have to leave already, or we'll be late." Silas said. "Aren't you just so adorable, Ellie dear? Ha ha ha! There are a lot of cute pups we are going to see in other packs. So don't worry!" Iris said. Well, if there is anyone that can convince Ellie, it is her. They have been friends since they were kids. Iris is just a few months older than the twins and has been with them for most years. You might even think they are siblings because of Iris's brown hair and eyes. "Aww. Fine. I'll visit them again next time!" Ellie said with a pout. "Let's go now, triplets!" I said. "Your majesty, I hope you don't associate my mate with those two," Elias jokingly said. Elias and Iris found each other when he was 20 years old, and Iris was 18. We did not expect them to be mates because they are like cats and dogs. They often disagree and can't stand being in the same room. That's why everyone was surprised when they announced it last year. Talk about fate. Don't worry! We'll find ours too. I can feel it! Kali said in my mind. I shrugged his enthusiasm and proceeded to leave. We rode the cars and left for Idaho. Silas is with me in the car, the couple is in the car in front of us, and the twins are behind. This is the best formation in case we get ambushed along the way. After a few hours, we reached the borders of the Midnight Moon pack. In just a few more minutes, we will arrive at the packhouse. And after entering the pack borders, I can feel Kali getting uneasy. It feels like something is scratching in my mind, like he is trying to get out. "Lucas, what's wrong?" Silas asked, concerned. "Kali's sensing something. He is trying to come out." "What?! Like right now?" "Yeah! He wants to shift." Kali, you have to stop! What's wrong?! I asked with panic in my voice. Is there some trap? Rogues? An ambush? I can smell something. But I can't point out where it is coming from. Now hearing his voice, I can sense that he is uneasy yet... excited? What do you mean? I smell flowers. It has a gentle and sweet powdery scent. I sniffed the air. And there is that sweet, gentle, and calming scent. "Lucas, Lucas! We are here." Silas interrupted. "Kali is somehow excited. He said he had smelled a powdery floral scent since we entered the borders." I spilled to him what Kali told me. "Huh? But we did not pass by any gardens or flowers on the way." "Are you sure?" "Yeah, I am sure. I had my eyes out the window. You are acting weird, so I thought something bad might happen. I mind-linked everyone, and we were on high alert the whole way." If that is the case, then what is that smell? Where is it coming from? "Your majesty, King Lucas! Welcome to our pack! We are glad you made it safely." Alpha Austin welcomed us with the former Alpha Henry and Luna Josephine by his side. We gave our respects to everyone. The moment I laid eyes on the surroundings and the packhouse, I could already see how extravagant and luxurious they were living. Luxury sports cars are parked near the entrance to showcase their authority and position in the pack; the 5-acre mansion is almost as big as a stadium, and their clothes scream luxury. "Oh, what a warm welcome! We are glad that we did not run into anything on the way." Silas exclaimed. "That's great to hear! We can catch up on your trip later. Why don't you go inside and have a drink first? Would the king like that?" Luna Josephine asked tenderly. "Yes, that will be great." I kept my answer short to not give away the irritation from spilling out of me. "Great great! You can leave your luggage in the car. Our omegas will take care of it." Alpha Austin said. I got irritated more than I should have with what he said. Is it because I can feel how he disrespects them? Or how low he thinks of them? As the wind blew, I smelled that scent again. And I feel calm. The irritation I felt towards Alpha Austin somehow vanished. It is getting stronger! Kali said excitedly. I can feel him going in circles. As soon as a pair of young ladies entered my vision, I heard Kali. She is here, Lucas! Our mate!
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