Chapter Fifty One

1935 Words
I took as slow as humanly possible to make my way back up stairs. I did not want to have to face Steel and tell him what my lycan did. Damn horny beast. I still couldn't believe she decided she, we, needed another mate. I ran my hand down my face nervously, stopping outside the door. Did I really want to do this? Did I really want to go and possibly make a fool of myself with Steel? Possibly ruin the friendship we have? And worse, possibly face rejection? I just don't know.  I have to. I didn't have a choice. I sighed, twisting the door knob and stepping out into the kitchen where everyone was waiting for me to join them. I gave them all a small smile , taking my seat to the right of Eli who sat at the head of the table. Next to me was Xavier, across from him was Lucas then beside him Alaric. The rest of the table was filled out by the fae leaving Steel at the other end of the table facing Eli. Giving me an unobstructed view of him. Great.  "Are you alright Fallon?" Anton's voice asked, snapping me from my thoughts. "Me? Oh, ya. I'm fine." I ranted taking a bite of the food in front of me. I didn't even know what we were eating, I just needed something to distract me, keep me from talking. He have me an odd look but didn't say anything. Steel on the other hand was studying me. I mean full on staring at me trying to find out what was going on.  I couldn't do it. I felt like everyone was looking at me, like they were trying to pry my head open. I shot out of my seat and bolted out the door. I didn't stop until I got to my little dock I loved sitting on that over looked the lake. I haven't been out here in a long time. Not since things got so out of hand. It's sad really. Not being able to take the time to enjoy what's right in front of us.  "You left in quite the hurry." Steel said sitting beside me. I closed my eyes and hung my head. "Yea, I guess I did." I muttered. Looking at the rippling of the waters below me. What was I supposed to say? What could I possibly say to make this alright? To make it sound like I wasn't losing my mind? Because no matter what scenario I play out in my mind it always leads back to me being crazy. "Penny for your thoughts?" He said lightly.  I smiled as I looked over at him. "I'm not sure if you want to know." I said honestly. "You might think I'm crazy. I think I'm crazy, or I at least I think I sound crazy and it's my own head." I chuckled. Steel scooted closer to me and grabbed my hand. "I won't think you're crazy." He assured me. He seemed so sure, so positive of that fact. And his hand in mine felt so natural, like that was where it was supposed to be. Ugh! "Okay, but you're going to have to bear with me." I told him. I took a deep breath and looked over to him. "Do you know how a wolf finds their mate? Or how a mate works for a wolf?" I ask. He shook his head no. "Essentially, the wolf is the deciding factor. Say the male is wolf and the female is human, fae, vampire, ect. The human part of the male werewolf can love the woman and accept her. But if the wolf does not agree or approve then the relationship could never work. The wolf side could hurt or possibly kill whoever he tries to mate with that the wolf don't agree upon." Steel watched me for a minute, his eyes contemplating something. "What about lycans?" He finally asked.  "Lycans are essentially the same but a little different. A werewolf usually only has one mate. But can have more than one if they are more powerful than most. The more powerful the wolf the more mates they draw. Power draws power. And lycans require strong mates not only as partners but as protectors if the lycan is female. But like with wolves the lycan must agree with the mate in question." I answered.  "Why are you telling me this?" Steel asked. I sighed, pulling my hand from his and clasping my own hands together nervously. How am I going to say this? "Well. It seems seems as though..." I stopped and took a deep breath. "It seems as though my lycan chose you." I finally said squeezing my eyes tightly shut. I didn't know what I was expecting or why I closed my eyes like that but I did.  "Fallon?" Steel's voice was gentle as he called me. I slowly turned to face him, opening my eyes hesitantly unsure if I wanted to see what lay within them. What I saw surprised me though. It wasn't disgust or distrust. He wasn't appalled or amused. He looked serious and hopeful. "Are you sure?" He asked. "Are you positive she chose me?"  I tilted my head in confusion at his question but nodded my head. "Yes, I'm sure. Kind of hard not to be with my lycan. She is very specific." I expressed. Steel sighed, his entire frame seeming to relax at my words. I was more confused now than ever. Why was he so relieved? "Uh, Steel?" I asked, skeptically. reaching over and placing my hand on his arm. He grabbed my hand in a vice like grip and pulled me onto his lap making me yelp in surprise.  My arms wound around his neck by instinct anchoring me to him. I raised my brow at him as I turned to look into his now blazing teal eyes. "I've felt a connection to you since the moment I met you." Steel whispered, his hand rubbing feather light up and down my spine. "I've tried to ignore it. To just be your guardian, your friend. But when you disappeared that first time, I barely knew you and about went crazy. So when you left again for four days. I lost it. I had no will, no fight to do anything. It was like when you left you took all of me with you without you ever knowing. I never said anything because you already had four mates, you were happy. There was no way you would want or need to add a fifth. You don't know how incredibly happy this makes me Fallon." He whispered, leaning his forehead against mine.  I ran my finger tips down his jaw and his hands tightened around my hips. "I felt the connection too you know. When we first met, before my lycan accepted you? I felt that connection too." I whispered to him. His eyes brightened at least ten shades at my words. It was an amazing sight to see. "Promise me something?" Steel asked, his tone growing serious. I nodded hesitantly. "No more mates. No more men." He said almost harshly.  I burst out laughing. Steel's arms around me the only thing keeping me from falling into the lake. "Steel, no offense but I never planned on a fifth. I'm glad I have you now don't get me wrong." I said cupping his cheek. "But I promise. If she chooses anyone else I'll lock them away or ship them off to Timbuktu where we can never see or hear from them again. I don't want or need anymore men. I think the five of you will drive me into an early grave as it is."  Deep growls sounded behind us making us shoot to our feet. All six of my Cerberus surrounded us, blocking the dock from whoever was posing a threat to us. I tried to see around them but it was no use, they stood over a foot taller than me. "Can you see anything?" I whispered to Steel. "Shift, now." He whisper hissed. "Howl a warning call the others."  He didn't know I had another form other than my lycan. Well, I guess he's about to find out. I called to my lycan, quickly shifting into my silver wolf and releasing such a loud and powerful howl the Cerberus stopped their growls and whined. Steel looked over to me in shock. I just huffed and shook my head at him as I walked forward, Steel on my heels. I somehow knew in this form I could communicate with the Cerberus, I don't know how I knew but I did.  "Surround us. Get us to the others."  I commanded them. The beasts barked their reply, giving us a large enough opening to step into before closing around us again, forming a barrier of nothing but pure hell hound muscle. I bet the six of them could take out half an army on their own.  We made it slowly but surely across the yard and back to the house where the others were waiting. My men were in their wolf forms, my guardians all held weapons. And once Steel reached them, the air around his back quivered revealing a sleek bow and quiver full of varies types of arrows. Nice. I thought as I watched him notch an arrow to his bow.  The Cerberus split. Three taking one side of me and three taking the other. I already knew they were not going to leave my side unless I commanded them away. "I want one of each of you to stay with one of my men. That  means one with Eli, one with Lucas, one with Xavier, Alaric and one with Steel. The last one can stay with me. But I want all of you to keep an eye on everyone." It wasn't asking much seeing as how each of them had three heads.  Movement from the forest edge caught my attention, my eyes snapping to where it came from. If I had been human I never would have seen. But being lycan, being wolf it was obvious. Nothing short of an army stepped out of the forest. The only thing leaning in our favor right now was that they were all wolves. But even then there were so many I wasn't sure how we would manage it. "New plan." I said to the Cerberus. "Take as many out as you can as quickly as you can."  They all growled and snarled, seemingly liking the new plan.  When the slimy councilman from the gathering stepped out I wanted to rip his throat out. "Just hand the girl over and we can all go home in peace." he said cockily, a smug smile slithering across his face. I took two slow and deliberate steps forward and growled, saliva dripping from my fangs. My men all came and stood by my side, equally menacing snarls and growls rumbling from their snouts as they faced the councilman.  The Cerberus even stepped forward, their jaws snapping and chomping at the man just waiting to take a bite out of him. His eyes snapped to the Cerberus before sliding back to me. "Very well." he breathed. Clapping his hands together he began rubbing them against one another before throwing them out in front of him in some grand gesture. I knew it was all a show though, and I knew the moment he threw his hands out all hell would break loose. And hell was coming for us.
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