Chapter Fifty

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Days passed, then weeks and I found myself growing more and more uneasy. Things were too quiet, too calm. It felt as if something was building, something was coming that we were infinitely unprepared for. We've been through too much, had too much thrown at us for things to be like this. That councilman was not going to just give up on getting to me. He was planning something, and by the weight in my gut and the quivering of my nerves it was big.  The guys tried to tell me it was fine, that the council was probably backing off because they were afraid of what I'd do, of what they'd do. But I knew that couldn't be the case. They were the council. Ruthless, uncaring. They got whatever they wanted and no one ever told them no. Not until me. And something told me they were not happy about that. And the thing is, no matter how hard I tried to voice my opinions, they just wouldn't listen. They'd kiss my forehead or my cheek, they'd hug me tightly and tell me everything was fine. But I knew it wasn't.  So I trained. I trained in hand to hand combat. I trained with my powers with Hades, I trained with weapons. Anything I could to be prepared for what was coming. I don't care if they think I'm crazy. They'd see. They'd see I was right and then wish they'd listened. I just hope that whatever was coming they would be able to handle with me, because I don't think I could do it alone this time.  "Fallon, you're taking this too far." Steel's hard voice said from behind me. I whirled on him growling, the short sword in my hand held securely away from him. Hades who had been training me since the guys wouldn't sighed and shook his head as he looked over at Steel. "No." I snarled. "I'm not. All of you refuse to listen to me, none of you believe me. But you will. I don't know when, but something is coming rather you believe me or not. And I for one would like to be prepared in any and every way I can." I shook my head, growls bubbling from my throat as I turned back to Hades nodding for us to continue.  Hades looked between Steel and I with a smirk before focusing back on me. While I held a short sword, Hades handled a broad sword that looked to be the length of my body. And he handled it with ease. I don't know how he did it and I didn't care. The difference between weapons made me have to work harder. His, though still a close range weapon had a farther reach than mine, making me have to be faster and more agile to get around his blows to get to him. I had to think faster, act faster.  And Hades trained me hard. He never hurt me, not fatally at least, but I did end up with bruises and some cuts from where his sword got me. It was paying off though. In the few short weeks I've been training with Hades I've gained muscle weight, making my body filling out with curves I didn't know I had. I had abs that showed how hard I've been working. And that's not even mentioning the fact that I've even taken Felix down in a sparring match, without my lycan. I was doing well.  "Fallon why are you so sure something is going to happen?" Steel asked. I swallowed the urge to growl again. These guys, all eight of them were really starting to annoy me. "You weren't there at the gathering when I saved those women Steel. That look in the councilman's eyes. The envy, the hunger, the lust." I shuddered at the last one. "Then he sent Alaric's father. Not only under the impression I was that awful councilman's mate, but also to hurt if not kill Alaric. The councilman was not allowed to challenge anyone at the gathering for another's mate, pack or position. But they passed that brutal law where wolves can take any mate they like regardless of species without consent. Do you really think someone in a position of power, someone who already thinks I am his mate will just let it go?" I scoffed. "You are all delusional if you think it's over."  "I think that's enough for today Fallon." Hades said as his sword disappeared before him. I shook my head with a sigh, summoning the darkness to come and take my sword. It disappeared just as Hades had, leaving no trace it was even in my hand. "Fine." I huffed, walking over to where my stuff was and grabbing my water and towel. I drank my water before wiping the sweat from my brow. As I turned to leave Steel's hand grasped the crook my of arm stopping me. I looked over my shoulder, glancing from where his hand held me back up to him with a raised brow. "Can I help you?" I asked, trying not to sound as annoyed as I felt. "If you truly believe this. And I mean honestly feel this, feel something is coming, I believe you. I will fight and train with you. And when this threat comes knocking, I will be by your side."  The sincerity in his words left me speechless. Steel. Of all people, Steel was the one to believe me? He was the one to take me seriously? It may have taken him weeks to do so but still, Steel? Not Eli? Or Lucas or Xavier or Alaric? But Steel? I was so confused. I turned my body the rest of the way to face him. His teal eyes held mine as I searched them for answers. But I saw no signs of dishonestly, no signs of manipulation. He was being entirely honest. He believed me? No, I don't think he believed me entirely, I think he believed in me. Trusted my instincts.  But Steel? I just couldn't get over it. Over and over I turned the situation over in my mind. What I told him, how I explained everything to him. What changed his mind? And why him and not my mates? My mates were there, all four of them, when everything happened at the gathering. They were here when Alaric's father attacked, and escaped, I thought angrily. I should have killed the bastard, but at that moment in time Alaric was my priority.  "Why?" I finally asked when nothing came to mind to tell me why he could have possibly changed his mind so quickly. "Because." he started. "I've been here a little over a month now. I've seen how you fight, how protective you are. I've seen the lengths you go to, to protect the people you love. I've seen you stand up to a king for people you don't even know. You have never once given me a reason to think you would make something like this up."  I smiled as I walked over and hugged him. I could only reach around his waist, because of his height and me being so short but all the same. "Thank you Steel." I said letting how much I truly meant it seep into my tone. "Steel's arms wrapped around my shoulders and he rested his chin on my head. "You're welcome Fallon." He whispered.  His scent of pine and cider filled my senses, making me sigh and lean my head against his chest. Wait. No. That's not supposed to be how I responded to him. He didn't have a strong scent like that to me. Him and his brothers all smelt the same, they smelt like moss with a hint of fresh snow. Obviously a winter fae thing. But somehow Steel now smelt of pine and cider, the intoxicating scent calming my frayed nerves, helping me relax.  I stiffened as I pulled away from him, my eyes burning holes into his chest. What was going on? Why was this happening? Why did he all of a sudden feel more comfortable to be around, feel safer, more like home? My eyes widened as realization struck me. No. no, no, no, no, no. You didn't, I whined to my lycan.  But as I looked up at him, his teal eyes staring down into mine the word "Mate"  was whispered through my mind. I groaned internally. Was four not enough? I shouted at her in my mind. You had to add a fifth? Steel was a very handsome man though. His skin was as pale as mine, maybe a little lighter. His silver white hair hung down to his eye brows in loose waves. He had sharp cheek bones, and a pointed chin. His teal eyes though always seemed to captivate me. They were such a unique color that I found myself thinking of them often. s**t. I groaned. I guess it's my fault too.  "Uh, Steel. I...I think I should go. I have to..uh...I have to talk to the guys about something." I stammered. Steel gave me an questioning look, but let me go and nodded. I shot him a small smile before taking off into a run towards the house. I was so not ready for a fifth mate. Four was hard enough as it was. Before I met the guys, I'd never imagined having more than one man in my life and now I have five? This can't be happening. The bright side? I have no feelings, no connections, no nothing towards the other three fae. They just feel like friends, brothers even. Steel had always been different. I knew from the moment I first spoke to him, I just didn't want to believe it.  "Guys!" I shouted as I walked in the house slamming the door behind me, cringing as the glass in the door rattled with the impact. "Fallon? What is it?" Lucas asked rushing to me. I wrapped my arms around him and snuggled into his chest. "I have to talk to my mates. Together. In private." I said looking towards the fae who entered with my men. "Sorry." I shrugged. They nodded, shrugging their shoulders uncaring. "Hey, it's your house." Damien smiled. "I'm good with waiting and watching TV." He beamed. I snorted a laugh. Of course he is okay with it.  I led all four of my guys down to my room and sat cross legged on the bed waiting for all of them to get comfortable. All their eyes bore into mine curiously as I sat in front of them fiddling with the rumpled sheets. I never made my bed, why should I? I was just going to sleep in it again and mess it up. It was a waste of time.  "Well, lycan...she...uh, well..." I stuttered not really knowing what or how to say what I needed to. I took a deep cleaning breath. "Mylycanchoseanothermate." I rushed out one long breath. The words jumbled together making it sound like I'd said one long and unintelligible word. Lucas snickered while the other three just furrowed their brows. "What?" Xavier asked confused.  "UGH!" I groaned loudly, picking up a pillow and shoving my face into it. Why was this so hard? Eli pulled the pillow away from my face making me look at all of them again. "You may want to slow down Fallon." Eli smiled. "We could not quite understand what you were trying to say."  "I'm worried about telling you." I admitted. "I'm worried how you'll feel, how you'll react." I dropped my head into my hands with another groan. Why did I have to do this? "Fallon there is nothing you could say or do to get rid of us." Eli assured me. "Nothing you could do or say to make us stay angry at you. Yes, there will be times when we get angry at each other, which we've already found out. But we will always, always make up again. You have nothing to fear or worry about from us."  "Fine." I breathed through my hands. I lifted my head and faced all four of them. "My lycan chose another mate." I whispered. They all smiled. I gaped at them, well that certainly was not the reaction I was expecting. "Steel!" They said in unison. I was floored. How in the hell did they know before I did? "Huh?" Was all I managed to say.  Xavier laughed. "It was obvious love." He chuckled. "The way you were instantly drawn to him. The way you trusted and opened to him so quickly. It was bound to happen, it was just a matter of time. We all knew it was coming and we're all okay with it."  "It's Steel you have to tell this to." Alaric interrupted. My eyes widened and I shook my head so furiously I gave myself a headache. "Yeah, uh, no." I said balking at the idea. I was not about to go and explain mates and that my lycan chose him, or that I had feelings for him. They all laughed at my reaction to the idea. "Fallon you have to." Eli said with a smile. "If you don't your lycan will. She is an alpha and an alpha will do anything to get their way. She will fight you to take over and claim him."  "Claim him!" I yelped. "What does that mean?" It couldn't possibly mean what I thought it did. No, there was no way. "When an alpha wolf claims their mate, they mark them." Eli pulled down his shirt and showed me his mate mark, telling me exactly what I feared. No, there was no way I was about to let her out and assault Steel. Would she assault him? Would she just tell him? I couldn't take that chance.  I picked my pillow back up and screamed into it, releasing all the frustration with it. I felt better when I pulled the pillow away from my face, only for my face to flush when I saw them all staring at me with goofy grins. "Stop it" I groaned. "I'll tell him. Just let me shower and change." I demanded shooing them out of my room. This was going to be so hard. I thought, as I fell back onto the bed. 
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