Chapter Fifty Two

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Wolves surged out of the forest in what seemed like endless waves. The Cerberus were the first to charge in, taking out as many as they could. While some got poisoned, others were paralyzed. The ones who weren't taken out by those were burned by the head that breathed fire. The smell of burning flesh and fur filled the air making me wrinkle my nose in disgust. The Cerberus were efficient, I'll give them that. They moved fluidly and with ease as they weaved in and out of the wolves trying to reach their target. Who just so happened to be the councilman. I snorted a laugh. Well, that's not going to end well.  By the time the wolves reached us we were ready. Or as ready as we could be. We clashed in a mess of teeth and claws. Steel jumped lithely out of the way landing on the roof as he notched and released arrow after arrow in rapid succession, while the others fought with swords. I wonder if they remembered that they had elemental magic they could use? Wouldn't that be easier?  A sharp pain in my right flank made me yelp, jerking me from my straying thoughts. I turned to see a rust colored wolf latched onto me like a leech. I growled, bucking the wolf harshly, throwing him off me. He landed a few feet away dazed but still aware. I didn't have time to be bothered with him though. A wolf was sneaking up on Alaric while he was busy with another. I snarled, charging after the cowardly wolf tackling him.  He snapped and clawed at me, his fangs dripping with thick saliva. I ran my claws claws down his side tearing him open from shoulder to flank. The wolf yelped as he fell to his side writhing and whining as he slowly and painfully bled out. I chuffed, shaking my head at him before making my way back to the fight we tumbled away from.  From here, from outside the fight it looked bad. We were severely outnumbered and it looked like we were losing. But the bodies of our enemies littered the ground, while we all still stood strong. My men fought hard, the guardians fought along side them like the warriors they were. We were doing well considering the circumstances.  I jumped back into the fight taking down one wolf after the other. Blood coated my silver fur making me look red. The enemy wolves hesitated to attack me, which gave me the opening I needed to end them. It was a bloody and hard battle and I felt myself starting to grow tired, but I kept fighting. Trying to make my way back to my men.  I glanced up to where they were. Alaric was fighting like lightning. He was fast and struck with a force that rivaled nature itself. Eli was making his way through the wolves like a fish in water. Nothing seemed to bother him. His gold wolf just efficient and accurate as Steel's arrow if not more so. He was deadly, and honestly, frightening. Xavier was all brute force. His strength got him through the fighting. Lucas however was struggling. And the fae guardians weren't fairing any better. Steel even had to resort to sword wielding because he ran out of arrows.  And none of us were unharmed.  We were all riddled with claw marks and bites. Covered in blood. And even though we've killed a good bit of their army they just seemed to keep coming. Even the Cerberus was having trouble keeping up, one of them were taken down. It seemed impossible we would get through this alive.  Pain like nothing I'd felt before tore through me. I screamed, but being in wolf form it came out as a desperate and painful howl. I wanted to tear my skin from my body, rip my fur from my skin. I felt like my soul was being torn apart, like my heart was being ripped from my chest in the most painful way possible. My wolf form fell away,leaving me human and in pain.  I searched the crowd of wolves who had stopped fighting to watch me, trying to find the cause of the pain. What I saw, I wish I'd never seen. I struggled to my feet and ran the best I could across the yard to his side. He was back in his human form, his blonde hair coated in blood and sweat. His body was trembling and cold to the touch.  I grabbed his hand in mine, squeezing it tightly as tears streamed steadily down my cheeks. "You're okay, you're going to be okay." I whispered, wiping a stray strand of hair from his eyes. His eyes, his normally chocolate brown eyes were dimmed, looking more like mud. His tan skin paling rapidly.  "We both know that's not true." He rasped, before breaking into a couching fit. Doubling over spitting up blood. He dropped back down onto my lap, blood trickling from the corner of his mouth. "No." I cried. "You'll be alright. You have to be alright." I sobbed, holding his hand to my cheek. The corner of his mouth twitched into a what I think was supposed to be a smile. "I love you Fallon." He whispered, his eyes fluttering closed. "I'll always love you."  My heart sped up as panic overcome me. "No." I screamed. "Open your eye. Wake up." I shouted shaking his shoulders. "Lucas, wake up. You have to wake up. You can't leave me!" I cried. Wave after wave of anguish washed over me. I couldn't feel anything else, only pain, only gut-wrenching heartache. "Lucas!" I screamed shaking him harder. "Please. Please wake up." I sobbed, dropping my forehead to his.  His skin was so cold, his body so still and lifeless. I couldn't take it. It was too much, too much pain. I didn't want it. "Please wake up." I whispered brushing my lips across his. "Don't leave me." I begged. "I love you. I love you so much." I cried pulling him onto my lap and clutching his head to my chest.  Rocking back and forth I begged and pleaded for him to come back to me. For him to just speak to me, touch me, smile at me, something. I couldn't handle the fact that I would never hear his voice again. Never hear him tell me he loves me. Never feel his arms around me or feel his lips on mine. I would never get to see his chocolate brown eyes melt when he looked at me. I couldn't handle the fact that I would never see him again. Never hold him again. God please don't let this be real, I begged.  "Fallon?" It was Steel. His voice was gentle, soft. But I didn't want his voice. I didn't want his touch. I wanted Lucas's. I wanted the man I would never see again. I wanted the man I would never get to speak to or touch again. I wanted my love. Part of my heart and soul. I wanted revenge.  Rage began to replace my anguish, darkness replacing my tears. I gently lay Lucas's head on the grass as I stood. My entire being trembled with my fury. My lycan was seething, as she burst forth in a mist of darkness and shadows. "Who?" We demanded. Our voice easily carrying over the now still crowd of wolves.  They all shifted back, and humans surrounded me. I didn't care. I'd tear each and everyone of their heads from their body to find who took my love from me. I'd make them suffer, make them wish they'd never followed that councilman, make them wish they'd never been born to rise against me.  Silence surrounded me, as my question remained unanswered. We didn't like this. In a burst of speed we grabbed two of the closest men by their throats, one in each claw, lifting them off the ground until we were nose to nose. My lycan growled in their faces, her rage and her fury rising with every minute. Quickly, she bit the head off of one man and ripped the head of the other, throwing their bodies into the gathered crowd.  "I'll ask again." We roared. "Who?" The ground trembled under our feet as the shadows rose, pulsing with our anger. Darkness surrounded our body, covering us. The familiar cold seeped into me, as the darkness's power took hold. I closed my eyes relishing in the boost it gave. When I opened my eyes I knew they'd see my sapphire eyes glowing back at them, my darkness rising off of me like smoke.  " wa...was  the cou....coun...councilma...councilamn." A man nearby stuttered. I snapped my eyes open, boring them into his dull and frightened green ones and nodded. I turned, my eyes scanning the crowd for the coward, for the evil and vile man who will pay for what he did.  I caught him. He was trying to slink away, sneaking around the underbrush of the trees. Trying to stay hidden by bushes and large oaks. We howled, my lycan putting so much force behind it, so much of her anger it seemed as if the world around us froze.  We didn't have to move to get the councilman. The shadows and darkness merged, creating something entirely different as they shot forward, wrapping around the man making him scream in pain as they brought him back to me.  As he was held before me, dangling mid air by whatever force the darkness and shadows created I was at a loss. What could I do to him that would cause him as much pain as he has caused me? That I will feel for the rest of my life? At my thought thorns seemed to sprout from the new force, piercing into the councilman's skin in thousands of different places. And the thorns pulsed just as the shadows did, in time with my heart. Which was beating hectically.  Blood pooled under the man as the thorns continued to stab him. Over and over, thousands and thousands of times at ones. There wasn't an inch of his body that hadn't been pierced. I c****d y head to the side and just watched in fascination. The shadows and darkness certainly do have an imagination. This wouldn't kill him too quickly. It would be slow and painful. But I still felt it wasn't enough. He deserved more.  Suddenly his arm shot out to the side. Shadows wrapped around it greedily before twisting. They twisted and twisted until snaps were heard and his screams echoed off the trees around us. But the shadows didn't stop. They continued to twist his arm until nothing was left. His arm was nothing but a mangled piece of flesh with no hope of healing. One by one the shadows and this new force brutally twisted his limbs, ringing them out as if they were a dirty wash cloth.  "Fallon that's enough." Xavier shouted. I snapped my head to him, my anger rising. "Enough?" I bellowed. "You think this is enough?" I laughed manically. "It will never be enough. He will never be able to pay for what he's done. I will destroy him. I will send his body back to the council in pieces to show them what will happen when they come."  I shook my head, raising my hands above my head and raising the councilman with them. "He killed Lucas." My voice broke. "He has to pay." The councilman continued to rise. The force the darkness and shadows created happily obeying my commands. When he was far enough in the sky I could hardly see him, I let him go. And I watched with a smile as he plummeted to the earth screaming and splattered all over the ground. There was nothing left. He was almost completely flattened.  "I'm sorry." A man whispered. "No one told us we were fighting a lycan." He bowed his head before dropping to one knee and kneeling before me. "Please forgive us your highness" He pleaded. I scoffed, waving my hand dismissively. "Leave." I commanded. "Clean 'him' up first and leave, all of you." I yelled.  Everyone jumped into action at my words. I just shook my head. Anger was still coursing through me and I didn't want to let it go. I didn't want to feel the pain again. I didn't want to feel the anguish. "Fallon?" Eli asked gently. "It's time to come back to us." I shook my head, my lycan agreeing with me. "We can't." I said emotionlessly. "You have to feel it Fallon. You have to deal with it, please." He pleaded. "We can't loose you too."  And I broke. I completely and utterly shattered. My lycan fell to the back of my mind and curled up into a ball as she howled and cried her pain. I dropped to my knees and buried my face in my hands and sobbed. My body shook with the force of my cries. I pulled away enough to crawl over to Lucas. I cupped his now white and frigid face between my hands placing a kiss on his forehead.  "I'm sorry." I cried pressing my face into his chest. A chest I could never nuzzle into again. "I'm so sorry. It's my fault. It's all my fault." Denial started to take root in my heart and I jerked my face away from him and grasped his shirt between my fists. "Wake up Lucas!" I shouted. "Wake up." I shook him, and jerked him as hard as I could. "You can't leave me. You can't." I screamed. "You're supposed to be here. You're supposed to be with me. We were supposed to grow old together, have a family. You have to be here." I sobbed. "Please."  I started pounding his chest with my fists as I begged him to wake up. "Just open your eyes." I screamed. I broke down falling to the ground beside him and curling up into his side. It was cold but I didn't care, how could I? It was Lucas. "I love you Lucas." I whispered brokenly, running my finger tips along his cold jaw. "I love you so much."  Warm arms circled me and pulled me to them, I fought to get away but couldn't. And when Xavier picked Lucas up and started to walk away I lost my mind. I screamed and begged for him to bring Lucas back, I pleaded for him not to take Lucas away from me, not again. But he didn't listen, he just kept walking and never looked back.  "Bring him back please. Get him back." I begged brokenly to whoever was holding me. "I am so sorry little wolf." Steel's voice was broken. "We can't bring him back. He's gone." My hands flew to my head and I shook it hard. "No. No, he's not. Xavier has him, he took him." I countered. "Xavier has Lucas. Please. Please get him back." Steel's arms tightened around me and he buried his face into my shoulder. "He died Fallon. He's gone, he's not coming back."  He died. He's gone. Those awful words were on repeat in my head. They shouted and echoed back at me over and over and over again. Lucas is dead. No. Please. Please. Don't take him from me. I pleaded with whatever god was listening. Please bring him back.  But I knew they wouldn't. I knew it was too late, and it was my fault. If I had never came here, if I had never escaped Lucas would still be alive. They never would have been targeted. The guys would be living happily, oblivious to the fact that I even existed. But now, because I escaped, because I came into their lives and loved them, Lucas is dead. My sweet, kind fun-loving, playful Lucas. The man who always tried to see the bright side of things. How could he be gone?  "Please tell me I'm dreaming? That this is a nightmare?" I sobbed, turning and burring my face into Steel's chest. "I'm sorry little wolf." He whispered. "I wish I could." Sobs wracked my body again as I broke down in Steels arms. He held me as I broke, held me as I soaked his already blood stained shirt with my tears. But no one could ever possibly know how much it actually hurts. Know how it feels to have a giant hole in my heart where my love was supposed to be. To be missing a part of my soul, of my very essence. How could I ever get over this? How could I possibly get through without my Lucas?
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