Chapter Forty Nine

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It looked as if it was a little after sunrise when we crossed back to the mortal realm. The difference in light between the realms was blinding. After being in the underworld and getting use to the dimmed lighting for the last four hours, the sudden brightness of the sun blinded me. It felt good to be home though. As much as I liked Hades part of the underworld, this was home. It always would be home.  "Fallon?" Alaric questioned as he walked out the front door. I smiled amused. Did he really not recognize me? "Hey Alaric. How are you feeling?" I asked making my way over to him. He froze a fraction of a second before he tore across the yard to me and hauled me into his arms. He clutched me to him tightly, pinning my arms to my side so I couldn't hug him back. He held me so tightly it was hard to breath, but I didn't mind, he seemed to need this. "Are you alright?" I managed to ask.  Alaric set me down, his hands holding my shoulders as he looked me up and down before settling on my face. I reached up and caressed his face. "What's wrong my love?" I asked softly. Alaric released a breath so heavy anyone would have believed he'd been holding his breath for days. "I...we, thought you left us." He said, his blue eyes staring into mine. "Oh Alaric, I'd never leave any of you, not of my own will at least. I love you, all four of you." I kissed his collar bone, then stood on my tip toes and ran my lips over his. "I love you, I'm not going anywhere." I whispered.  The sound of pounding feet pulled us from out little bubble and to the stampede headed our way. My body stiffened instinctively making Alaric pull me into his side and growl at the others. "I'm alright." I told him, patting his chest. "Fallon, what happened to you? We were going out of our minds." Eli ranted barreling into me and nuzzling his nose into the crook of my neck. I wound my arms around him and rubbed his back soothingly. "I'm sorry, truly. I didn't mean to make all of you worry so badly or scare you." I pulled away from him and kissed him gently. "I'll try and take one of you with me next time, alright?" I assured them.  Xavier pulled me from Eli tugging me into his chest with an 'oomph'. I sighed and wrapped my arms around him tightly. I guess we really didn't think things through when we decided on four days, it was too much without letting them know. I pulled away and smiled up at Xavier before turning to Lucas. My poor Lucas looked close to tears. His face was a picture of sorrow, his eyes shinning. I felt a weight fall on my chest at the sight.  I stepped forward and held my arms open wide for him. That was all he needed to rush to me, pulling me off my feet with his embrace. I burrowed my face into his neck and held him tightly, trying to reassure him I was here, I wasn't going anywhere. "I'm sorry." I whispered into his neck. He tightened his grip before putting me back on my feet and cupping my face between his hands. "Don't leave me like that again." He pleaded. I leaned into him closing my eyes. "Never." I promised.  A high pitched screech left me as I was hauled off my feet and crushed between two other people. I looked between them and saw it was Anton and Felix. "Uh, guys? Can't breathe here." I gasped. They dropped me to my feet and stepped back. "Sorry." Felix said with a smile. "But we missed ya. It is not the same around here without you." I laughed as I looked between them. "I'm sorry it was such an inconvenience." I joked.  "Girl you have no idea." Damien grumbled as he came up and hugged me more gently than any of the others. "Different is not the word he meant to say. He meant hell. It's hell here without you. Tempers raging all over the place with no one to intervene. We ended up destroying half the house with out fights. Challenges were issued. Just don't leave again. Like ever." Damien pleaded. "I don't think I can take it. Plus acting the part of older sibling just isn't me. I am not a peace keeper." He complained.  "Wait, what?" I asked furrowing my brow. "Why would you have to act as the oldest? Where is Steel? IS he alright? Was he hurt?" I noticed my tone was growing frantic but I didn't care, I needed to know he was alright and if anything happened. "Fallon calm down. Steel is fine." Damien assured me placing his hand on my upper arm. "He just hasn't been in a very good mood or a very good state of mind lately." He told me.  "Explain." I demanded crossing my arms over my chest. Damien sighed and looked over to his brothers, his eyes pleading for help. I growled turning to Anton and Felix. "What happened?" I asked, my tone hard. Felix ran a hand through his hair and sighed. "He's isolated himself Fallon. He won't see or speak to anyone. He won't eat or drink anything. I don't even know if he's sleeping."  "Where is he?" I asked my arms falling to my sides. Everyone pointed to an old rickety building I'd never noticed on the boarder of the forest. "I'll be right back." I said before making my way towards the building. Why was Steel acting like this? Was he trying to hurt himself? Punish himself? What was going through his mind to make him do this?  I ran my hand down my face, a heaviness forming in my gut and a tightness squeezing my chest. I cared about Steel. We have grown close since he came here. I've never felt so comfortable around another person as quickly as I did with Steel. There was something about him that drew me in, that made me feel like I could trust him, made me feel safe with him. I knew all of that was different now, but I couldn't let him do this to himself, I couldn't allow him to hurt himself.  I stopped in front of the door and took a deep breath to gather my courage. Finally, when I felt I was ready I knocked loudly, making sure he heard. "f**k off" Steel's voice roared. But there was no edge to it, no hardness to add to the gravely tone. It was just empty, void. What was going on with him? "I'm not going anywhere until you talk to me." I said, my voice coming out stronger than I expected it to.  The door flew open. Steel's large frame eclipsed the door, his wide teal eyes piercing mine looking wild and almost frenzied. His shoulders heaved heavily, his nostrils flared. But when he saw me, actually saw me, he deflated. His entire being just gave out, dropping him to the floor. I caught him the best I could, cushioning his fall, but it wasn't much. "Steel?" I whispered, wiping silver hair from his eyes. "Steel, look at me." I pleaded shaking him gently.  His teal eyes peaked open, looking up at me. I sighed in relief. Four days is a long time to go without food or water. "I'm sorry Fallon." Steel rasped. It sounded bad, it must hurt him to talk. I tried to shh him, but he lifted his hand to my lips and stopped me. "I never meant to react to you the way I did. I trust you, I know you. I know you wouldn't hurt anyone who didn't deserve it. Your soul is too pure, your heart too big for anything less. I'm not afraid of you little wolf, I could never be afraid of you."  His words had silent tears rolling down my cheeks. He wasn't afraid of me, he trusts me. I smiled down at him, watching as his teal eyes brightened. "Can you stand?" I asked. "You need food, water and rest. But I can't get you to the house alone." He groaned, but slowly hauled himself up to his feet. Considering how short I am compared to him, I didn't exactly offer much help in getting him to the house, but hey, it's the thought that counts.  We did however get to the house and get him sat at the table, where he downed at least five pitchers of water and ate even more sandwiches. That man was starved. But now I bet he's going to regret eating and drinking so much so quickly.  "Guys. I'm sorry about everything. After what happened before I left, my father and I thought it best I stay gone a little while to let things cool down. I never meant to worry anyone. I never meant to scare anyone. And I certainly never meant for anyone to try and hurt or possibly kill themself. Time here and time there works differently. Thirty minutes there, is twelve hours here. So one hour there is one day here. For me it's only been four hours. I didn't think to deeply about it, and for that I'm truly sorry." I apologized.  Before the guys could answer I heard soft claws running across the floor above me making me chuckle. Oh, he was going to be mad. I turned just in time for Perran to leap into my arms, nuzzling and rubbing his face all over mine as his chattered and purred chaotically. "I'm sorry for leaving you Perran." I whispered. "Everything happened so quickly I didn't have time." The kitsune pulled away, the fur around his eyes wet. The sight made my heart ache. "Oh, I'm sorry." I cried holding him to me. He purred, before climbing to my shoulders and behind my hair where he liked to sleep. His tails wrapped around one shoulder while his head rested on the other.  "That creature is a hellion." Lucas whined. "All he did while you were gone is fuss and chatter as he chased us all around the house." I laughed. That sounded like Perran, he liked to scold the guys for their behavior. "What were you doing when he done it?" I asked amused. Lucas slumped back in his seat and mumbled something. "I'm sorry what? I couldn't hear you." I teased. Lucas glared up at me "Fighting with Anton." He grumbled. I burst out laughing, holding my stomach as I doubled over. "It's not funny." Lucas said.  "Oh, but it is." I managed to say between breaths. "Perran was chasing all of you around the house fussing and scolding you for doing things he knew I wouldn't like. It's priceless. Then you complain about him doing it." I laughed again, picturing Perran chasing poor Lucas through the house, his nine tails sparking as he chattered loudly.  "Just promise you're not going anywhere again. Not that long and not alone." I was surprised it was Steel that asked this of me. I turned to him with a furrowed brow, confused but touched by his concern. "I promise that I will do my best. But that's all I can promise." I replied honestly. He nodded his understanding, before closing his eyes and resting his head on his hands.  "Fallon, we have a surprise for you." Eli said. "We've been working on it since the women came and you've had to share a room with us. We know how you like your privacy and being alone, so we've done something for you." I looked between my four guys who were all smiling as they led me through the kitchen to a door I never noticed.  They motioned towards it and I slowly opened it, flicking on the light switch to reveal stairs. Ok? I thought as I started down the stairs. Did they plan on locking me in the basement now? What I walked into though was the opposite. It was a room. A very large room. Plush cream colored carpet covered the floor, a large king sized bed with baby blue covers sat in the center of one of the walls. An antique looking wardrobe sat on the opposite wall with a matching dresser. They somehow even added my own en suit bathroom. My paintings also lined the walls. It was amazing.  "Thank you." I exclaimed bouncing up and down excitedly. I threw myself into them enthusiastically and hugged them each tightly. "It's beautiful. I love it." I ran and threw myself on the bed, my body bouncing a couple of times before settling. I giggled as I burrowed down into the bed making myself more comfortable. I didn't know how tired I was.  I sighed in contentment as I closed my eyes. "We'll let you get cleaned up and get some rest." Alaric said coming over to me and kissing my forehead. "I know you must be tired." I nodded weakly, not opening my eyes. I was too tired. I honestly don't think I could even move at this point. Alaric chuckled and picked me up cradling me in his arms. I snuggled into him as he pulled the blanket down and lay me in the bed covering me up. "I love you." I whispered to him as I snuggled into my pillow and let sleep consume me. 
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