Chapter Forty Five

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I hit the ground, all the air in my lungs whooshing out of me in one big huff. My head hit the ground making me see stars. I sat up rubbing the back of my head, willing the dark spots in my vision away. "Was that necessary?" I groaned, sending my best glare to Felix through my pain. He just stared down at me with a stony but amused expression. "You need to train." He said shrugging. "You won't get any better if I go easy on you."  I sneered at him as I hauled myself to my feet, wobbling slightly before catching my balance. He may be right, but that didn't make it hurt any less. I may be used to pain and it may not effect me like it does most, but a hard enough blow to the head could knock anyone out cold. "Why do I need to learn to fight when I have a lycan that can fight?" I whined. Felix chuckled as he approached me. "Fallon, you're twenty six and can't fight. You can't always depend on your lycan, she won't always be able to help you. There will be times when she is worn out and unable to come to you."  I threw my head back and groaned. "Can we at least take a break? We've been at this for over an hour." Felix shook his head. "No Fallon. You need to learn endurance as well." He said nothing else before he lunged for me. My eyes grew wide and on instinct I dropped to the ground. Felix soared over me, landing in a crouch behind me, his eyes blazing. I knew we were just training, that he was just trying to teach me. But the look in his eye struck fear into me. This man was going to kill me, and the other seven men were just standing on the sidelines watching.  No. I mentally scolded myself. I survived twenty years of torture, twenty years of pain. I can survive one man, I can fend off one man. I spread my feet shoulder length apart to ground myself and crouched low to the ground. I snarled at Felix, but he just smiled back at me. His lack of fear, lack of self preservation irked me. It angered me.  I roared my rage and kicked off towards him. I knew how to fight, at least to an extent. In the second it took to reach him I analyzed him. His stance, his blind spots, any openings. I looked for weaknesses. I noticed during our last encounter he favored his left side, meaning he had a prior injury to his right that didn't heal correctly. He always threw a punch or a kick first. When he kicked his body would flinch to one side, telling me which leg he'd use. When he would punch, his muscles would punch together and tighten telling me he'd use that arm.  I smiled to myself when I saw his body flinch to the left. He was bracing his weight on his left leg and was going to round house kick with his right. Right as I reached him, he done exactly what I thought. I ducked, taking advantage of the opening I landed a hard blow to his gut making him double over. I then quickly threw an upper cut, knocking his head up and throwing him off the ground and onto his back. I wasn't strong or big enough to pin him down without my lycan, nor did I want to knock him out. So I just stood over him with a beaming smile holding my hand out to help him up.  "What was that?" Felix asked rubbing his jaw. I shrugged, chucking as I walked back towards the others to get some water. Perran, chattered at me as he stood on his hind legs pawing the air. I laughed as I leaned over and poured some water into the kitsune's open mouth. "You baby him too much." Alaric said reaching down to scratch between Perran's ears. Perran purred, rubbing into Alaric's hand happily. "Looks like I'm not the only one." I laughed giving the two of them a pointed look.  Alaric stood and caressed my face in his hand. The softness and love in eyes still stunned me. I smiled leaning into his touch before wrapping my arms around him and nuzzling into his chest. I loved being in his arms. The comfort and security I felt when he engulfed me wasn't explainable.  "Well look what we have here." A deep raspy voice belted behind me. His tone was annoyed, sarcastic and angry. And I didn't know this voice. Alaric obviously did because his entire being became so tense he could have passed for a statue. I looked up at him just enough to see the barriers snap back into place as if they'd never been torn down. I saw the anger in his eyes, the worry that creased his features.  Alaric pulled away from me stepping forward to face whomever approached, blocking me from view. His hands balled into fists at his side, his body quivered from emotion. I wanted so badly to soothe him but I didn't think now was the best time, and I honestly didn't know how.  "Father." Alaric said emotionlessly. Father? Alaric didn't really talk about his family, and I never asked not wanting to pry. But the rigidness in Alaric and the malicious look the man was giving Alaric sent waves of unease through me. I've seen the scars on him, seen that he was just as marred as I was. If I find out this man had anything to do with it, I'd tear him limb from limb.  "My pathetic excuse of a son decides to take a mate that doesn't belong to him. You dare take the mate of a council member?" The man seethes. Wait. What? I am not a council members mate. I want nothing to do with those vile people. "She is mine." Alaric growled. "The council didn't even know she existed until we took her to the gathering."  The man moved so fast I could barely track him. He was in front of Alaric and knocking him to the ground with a sickening crunch. The man lifted Alaric by the collar of his shirt, his eyes filled with hatred as he looked Alaric up and down. "Pathetic." The man spat, throwing Alaric across the yard. "I should have killed you as a child."  Anger began to build inside me. Why wasn't Alaric fighting back? Alaric's father stalked towards him, only for Alaric to stand and bow his head, ready to take anything his father dealt him. Alaric's father landed a punch to Alaric's ribs, a grunt escaped him as his breath left his body. But Alaric's father didn't care. He continued to beat Alaric like he was nothing more than a punching bag.  I opened my bond with Alaric and almost burst into sobs. He was in so much pain. He felt defeated, embarrassed and alone. Finally I couldn't take it anymore. Alaric wasn't fighting back, no one was stepping in to help. I may not know why but I didn't care. Unfortunately right as I went to move Eli gripped my arm like a vice. I turned to his in shock. Mortified he'd let this continue. He just shook his head, sadness glistening in his eyes. "I can't just let this happen." I hissed at him. "He'll kill Alaric."  "You can't win against him Fallon. Gabriel is powerful, on level with the council. If he was sent here then it was for a purpose. He wants to get a reaction out of you, he wants you to attack. You can't give him what he wants." My jaw dropped. "You're crazy if you think I'm going to let that stop me." I jerked my arm out of his grip, my eyes narrowing into slits. "I don't care who is attacking you. Lucifer and Zeus could both attack and I'd jump in to save you." I shook my head. "I won't leave Alaric."  I didn't give him time to respond before I took off. I didn't know this man, didn't know how he fought. I watched as he attacked Alaric but the only weakness I saw was his hatred for Alaric and a slight limp on his left side.  I kept laser focus on the man as I grew closer, extending my claws and fangs. I noticed the slight twitch in his body and the fraction of a second he hesitated. He knew I was coming. I crouched down right as I got to him, his claws sailing through open air as I barreled into his mid section, knocking him several yards away from Alaric.  I rolled, quickly righting myself to face the threat. Alaric's father faced me, his lips curling over his teeth into a snarl. "You dare touch me?" He roared. "You dare interrupt me when I'm punishing my son?" I growled, my claws lengthening. "You were killing him." I corrected him coldly. "I don't care who you are or how powerful. I will not allow you to kill one of my men."  "You belong to the councilman." Alaric's father sneered. My vision started to stain red, the edges growing fuzzy as my vision tunneled in on solely the man before me. "I belong to no one." My voice came out powerful, a mixture of mine and my lycan's power. But it was different this time. As if my other powers added to my voice, making it deeper, more menacing and dominant.  I attacked, giving him no time to prepare himself before I landed a power punch to the temple. The man yelped as he fell, holding his head in his hands. I wanted him to suffer, I wanted him to feel the pain he inflicted on Alaric. I wanted him to feel the humiliation, the isolation he placed upon his son.  I stalked over to him, blood lust running through me as I hauled him up by his neck and punching him so hard in the ribs I heard them crack and shatter under his skin. He yelled out, cursing at me breathlessly. He clawed at my hands leaving them nothing but shredded flesh in his wake.  I punched him again, sending him sailing out of his grasp. He landed on his back, bouncing a few times before coming to a stop. Pain filled moans fell from him as he tried to crawl to his feet. I didn't let him. I crouched over him, wanting nothing more than to see him bloodied and broken like he forced me to see Alaric. I pounded into him relentlessly, bones crunching under the force. Blood spurted from him, running from his ears his nose, even gurgled sickeningly from his mouth.  It wasn't until someone grabbed my arm did I stop. Even then I cast a death glare at whoever stopped me from making this man suffer. My vision still tinged in red showed me Alaric. His face was crumpled in a painful grimace even though he tried to hide it. Bruises and cuts covered his face. His arm cradled his mid section telling me he had broken ribs.  The red in my vision darkened, I growled at the sight of him being hurt the way he was. Turning back to the man I struggled against Alaric's his hold, not wanting to hurt him more than he already was but wanting to break free and kill the man beneath me. "Fallon." Alaric's weary voice mumbled. My head snapped back to him. "Fallon, please stop. He's not worth it." Alaric's voice was barely above a whisper, his pain leaking through.  "He may not be, but you are. He deserves death." I seethed. Alaric just closed his eyes and sighed gently pulling on my arm. I stood, stepping towards him and cupping his face in my hands. I didn't even know I was crying until Alaric wiped my face with his thumb. "I'll be alright little star." Alaric whispered. "I just need some rest." I nodded putting my arms under him to help him to the house, casting one final glare over my shoulder before washing my hands of the man. Maybe he would do us a favor and go back to the council and tell them what happened. That attacking my men is not the way to get to me. Then again they may try harder next time.  It was then Hades decided to pop in, bringing the six Cerberus with him. My eyes widened before Eli quickly took Alaric's weight and I was all but tackled by the beasts. Tails wagging, odd yips coming from their mouth they licked me all over. "Ew. ew. ew Stop." I yelled waving my arms wildly around me. They did as I asked, dropping onto the haunches staring at me with their tongues hanging out.  Ew. I groaned shaking my hands and head trying to get the saliva from the beasts off me. I need a shower and I need one now. I could take one with Alaric and help him get cleaned. Hades was walking towards me smiling but I just lifted my hand. "Nope, nuh, uh. I'm going to shower, then we can talk." I breezed past him, helping Alaric up the stairs and into the bathroom. He needed a shower anyway so Cerberus saliva won't hurt.  After I got the water set, I helped Alaric undress despite his protests. "Let me take care of you." I whispered pressing my forehead to his. I knew Alaric didn't like feeling vulnerable, but I wanted to take care of him, wanted him to know I was here for him that I wasn't going anywhere. That no matter what I was his and he was mine. "How are you not disgusted with me?" Alaric whispered closing his eyes.  "I could never be disgusted with you." I said. "There is nothing about you that could disgust me, or deter me away from you." He stayed quiet for a moment, not knowing what to say. "I didn't fight back." He murmured. "Alaric look at me." I said softly, gently pulling him to face me. He opened his eyes, his blue eyes sad. "I may not completely understand why you didn't fight back. But I can only assume that he raised you to believe anything he said no matter how horrible the things may be, so you just accept defeat before even trying. But listen to me when I tell you. You are not pathetic. You are an amazing man. You're strong and protective. You're caring, and brave. You give yourself without asking for anything in return. I love you Alaric. I love you for who you are. I don't want you to change a single thing."  I finished setting the water in the shower as I continued to help him undress. He remained quiet while I helped him under the water and washed the blood away from his body. The cuts and bruises tore my heart but I did my best not to let it show. After we were both clean we quickly dried and dressed and got ready to face my father. "I don't know what I did to deserve you Fallon. And I don't know why you accepted me, but I'm glad you did. I love you little star." Alaric placed a kiss on my fore head before laying back onto the bed and closing his eyes. I pulled the covers over him and stayed with him, holding his head in my lap and running my fingers through his hair until he fell asleep before going to talk with my Father. My men would always come first. 
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