Chapter Forty Six

1485 Words
I slowly eased myself out from under Alaric, laying his head gently on the pillow before covering him completely. I stood there and looked down on him a few minutes. Even now he didn't look completely relaxed. His brow slightly furrowed, lines shown on the corner of his black and blue eyes. His lip was split and swollen. I swallowed a cry before kissing his forehead and quietly slipping out of the room. There was nothing else I could do for him to help right now. He need quiet and rest to heal.  I hadn't even made it down the stairs before the shouts hit my ear. I rolled my eyes and sighed. One reason guardians were a bad idea. They knew nothing about my life or the people in it. Right now they were in a screaming match with Hades, not even knowing they were screaming at a god. This should be interesting to watch.  I slipped out the door unseen thanks to the Cerberus that had taken up guard there. I leaned against one of them patting his shoulder as I watched events unfold. Steel was mad. His pale skin an unusual shade of red, veins throbbed in sync with his heart on his neck and forehead. His fists were balled at his side as his body shook with rage. The air around him was quivering with some kind of magic that made me raise a brow. Wow, he's really going all out isn't he?  Hades on the other hand was scarily calm. His hands were clasped behind his back, his silver grey eyes were regarding Steel with admiration, annoyance and anger. He kept his posture straight, his shoulders squared and head held high as he took the barrage of insults Steel threw at him for approaching me. It wasn't until I saw Hades's mouth twitch did I intervene. That was all the reaction I needed to know that Steel was going too far.  Steel, that's enough." I said walking out from beside the Cerberus. "Father, stop playing with him, he's not a toy." I reprimanded. Steel gaped at me looking between me and Hades, while Hades just smiled widely. "Come now Fallon." He faked a whine. "I was having fun with him." I just shook my head exasperated as I walked past him and over to Steel. "Steel, it may be wise to ask who you are throwing insults at before hand." I advised. Turning to Hades I motioned towards the four fae. "Father, these are my guardians appointed to me by king Cassius. Steel, Anton, Falix and Damien. The women I save were apparently fae. One of them being the kings daughter."  "Wow. Gaining the favor of king Cassius isn't easy. And for him to give you guardians is a big deal." Hades said surprised. I rubbed the back of my neck nervously. "Yeah, well I tried to tell him no but he wouldn't listen. He said the guys could go back after everything is settled but after everything I've heard I don't think I want them to. I think I'd rather they stay here where they are treated properly. Now can you tell them who you are so they don't end up making you mad and you doing something that'll make me mad?"  Hades laughed placing a heavy hand on my shoulder. "I'm sorry Fallon, but it's funny to watch the reactions they give after they've already made a fool of themselves." Hades chuckled. Steel growled under his breath at Hades remark. "Steel." I warned grasping his bicep. He looked down at me with his brows furrowed. I just shook my head and pointed to Hades, whom I gave a pointed look.  "Fine, fine. As you wish daughter." He sighed dramatically. "I am Fallon's father, Hades, god of the underworld." His voice came out strong as he proudly announced his title. Steel stiffened under my grasp, his muscles coiling tightly. I looked up at him hesitantly only to notice he was frozen. His jaw dropped, eyes wide and fear clear all over his features. I looked around at the others and noticed they weren't fairing any better.  I pulled away from Steel and walked in front of him to look up at him. He didn't even register my movements as he continued to gape at my father who was all but rolling with laughter. I rolled my eyes before turning back to Steel. "Steel?" I asked, waving my hand in front of him. No response. "Steel?" I asked elongating 'ee' snapping my fingers in his face this time. He still didn't respond. I huffed irritably, crossing my arms over my chest. "Steel." I demanded.  When he still didn't respond I turned on Hades. "You broke him." I accused. Hades, who was finally just gaining his composure, burst into another round of hysterics. "It's really not that funny." I said, trying not to stomp my foot at him like a child. I looked back at Steel who hadn't changed position, hadn't moved, just stared. His brothers circled him with beaming smiles and chuckles. "Stop that." I demanded. Pointing my finger accusingly at them.  "But we've never seen Steel like this." They whined, their shoulders slumping. "I don't care." I said putting my hands on my hips. "You keep on and I'll let Hades have a go at you." I arched a brow at them in challenge. Their eyes widened and they quickly put their hands in front of them shaking their heads frantically as they backed away from Steel.  I turned back to Hades. "Fix him." I demanded pointing to Steel over my shoulder. Hades chuckled, cracking his knuckles as he breezed past me over to Steel. "As you wish." He said lightly, then punched Steel square in the jaw. My jaw dropped. Hades just punched him. Actually punched him. "I know you could have done that a better way." I growled kneeling down to Steel, who was now shaking his head from side to side.  "Are you alright?" I asked softly, turning his head gently, examining his jaw. He looked up at me, his teal eyes wide and....fearful? He flinched away from me and scooted backwards. I know he was just my guardian but it still hurt. I closed my eyes and stood, a heavy sigh falling from my lips. "I'm still me Steel. Just because you know who my father is now doesn't change that fact." I looked over to his brothers who were gaping at Steel in shock. "Make sure he's alright and taken care of please." I said.  I turned to Hades, who now lost all humor and was staring daggers at Steel. "Just leave it." I pleaded. He looked up to me and nodded stiffly. "Can I go train with you today?" I asked. Hades flashed me a smile. "Of course." He beamed.  I nodded solemnly before turning to my men. I gave each one of them a hug and soft kiss. "I'll be back soon." I assured them. "Keep on eye on Alaric and Steel for me please." Eli growled, his golden eyes melting holes into Steel's head. "He hurt you." I cupped Eli's face in my hands bringing his eyes to mine. They softened as he tucked a stray hair behind my ear. "He's not the first and he won't be the last. I'll be alright. He doesn't have to like me, he just has to tolerate me until his king decides otherwise, then he can go home if he chooses." Eli shook his head and pulled me into his arms holding me tightly. "Your heart is too big and too forgiving." He told me gently.  I chuckled. "What's life without forgiveness?" I asked. "If we don't forgive each other then everyone on the planet would be fighting each other, even the five of us. No one is perfect, everyone makes mistakes. If Steel decides he is frightened or wary of me then fine. I can't change who I am nor would I change it." I kissed Eli's cheek before turning to Steel who was being hauled to his feet by his brothers. "I am sorry you found out this way Steel. I promised I wouldn't say who my parents were. I see now that my power isn't the only reason why I shouldn't tell anyone." I shook my head sadly. "I am sorry."  And in a way I was. I didn't have anything to be sorry for other than how he found out, his reaction was on him. Even after what I told him about me never wanting to be the cause of people's fear, he is the one now frightened of me. "I'm ready." I mumbled, walking to my father's side. He nodded, placing his hand on my shoulder. "I'll have her back soon." He assured my men. Then the yard I knew vanished, and the bluish grey one stood before me. 
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