Chapter Forty Three

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We had barely crossed the threshold when Selene barreled passed me and into the embrace of the Cassius and the woman I was assuming was her mother. I just smiled tightly and went to stand in front of the other women, crossing my arms over my chest. I don't know why I still felt the need to do so, but I did. The women all gave me confused looks but I just shrugged in response.  The soft sobbing of the two women pulled my attention back from the women to Selene and her reunion. She was being held tightly by her mother while her father stared at me in what almost seemed like respect. "You still protect them from their own." He said it as a statement but I answered anyway. "You may be the King, but you have given me no reason to trust you. Hurting your own child I can only hope is not something you or her mother would do. But hurting these women for not protecting their princess? Now that is something I can see any king doing, no matter what realm."  Cassius shook his head. "Selene told us you were new to our world. I just didn't believe how new. You see young warrior, women in our realm are not trained in combat. Our men protect the realm, while the women stay home and tend to the young, run homes and businesses. They keep the realm running while the men fight. I never expected the women to be able to keep her safe, just keep her company. The warriors that were with her was supposed to keep her safe." Anger flashed across his eyes "They are all lucky they didn't make it out of the attack. Otherwise they would have perished by my hand."  I looked from Cassius to my men, who were standing just behind him at the door. Cassius followed my gaze and my men instantly bowed from the waist down. I didn't even try to stop the growl that bubbled up from me. Cassius has done nothing to earn their respect. He arched one perfectly manicured brow at me in question. "You do not like them showing me the respect I've earned?"  My arms dropped to my side as I stood to my full height. "That's where you're wrong. You've earned that respect in the fae realm, and maybe some supernaturals here. You have yet to do anything to earn mine or their respect. And even then, I will not bow or kneel to anyone, and neither should they. Either way it goes respect is earned not given freely. And I refuse to respect a man I've never met, nor one who had yet to prove they are worthy of my respect." I kept my tone firm, kept my eyes on his.  "I like this lycan." Cassius said turning to his wife and daughter. "The others were too consumed by power. This one has morals, she has a spirit I haven't seen in many years." Selene's eyes widened and her jaw dropped, while his wife looked from me and back to Cassius. It was hard not to crinkle my brow in confusion, but I managed quirking my brow at Selene. "He doesn't like anyone." She answers my silent question. "Much less compliment them."  I choked on a laugh, my hand shooting to cover my mouth. "Well, it seems we have one thing in common then." I murmur. More to myself than anyone else. "You don't like people? Even your own?" Cassius asked intrigued. "I love my men, and I like my father. Humans have more than shown their true colors to me, while the other wolves have proven they are barbarians. Though this may not be true for all humans and wolves I still do not fancy the idea of getting to know either anymore than I already have. I already have trouble coming for me because of the stunt I pulled saving the women, which I don't regret. I'd have saved them even if I knew what was to come. But the wolves in charge are power hungry, and they want me. I just have to figure out their plans. I'm glad the women have somewhere safe to go because they wouldn't have been safe here much longer."  Cassius's eyes hardened. "What stunt? What trouble?" I looked over to my men who nodded at me to continue. I shook my head and sighed. "I had to defeat an alpha of the pack they were being held in to save them. A female alpha is rare and they want me. They don't know I'm a lycan and I plan to keep it that way. Lycans were hunted to extinction, I have no intention of being added to that list. The councilman who witnessed it is jealous of my men, so I'm assuming they would want to take my men out first with the idea it would weaken me."  Even the thought of that man laying a finger on my men sent waves of anger through me. Shadows pooled at my feet licking up my body in my defense. My kitsune pup race down the stairs and jumped onto my shoulder nuzzling its head under my chin to comfort me. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. "They have no idea, I have no idea what would happen if they took one of my men from me." I finally said opening my eyes.  "You're not just a lyacn." Cassius mumbled as he stared at me. I shook my head, keeping my lips tightly sealed about my parentage. "What else are you?" I shook my head at him. "I can't tell you that. I swore I wouldn't and I won't." I state firmly. Cassius rubbed his chin between his thumb and index fingers thoughtfully. "Have your men explained the fae to you? Their power?" He asked. I shook my head. "Well fae are split into four kingdoms. Winter, spring, summer, and autumn courts. We are the royals of the winter court, you can tell my the silver/white hair. Fae have a very specific skill set. We are very well trained in combat and our power is solely nature based. Meaning we can control and manipulate the elements." Cassius lifted his hand in front of him palm up and tiny flakes of snow drifted down to his hand. "There is no way to indicate which element you will be born with, if any at all. This makes us more powerful most, other than the witches."  "Why are you telling me all of this?" I asked. "Because we have to get Selene back home. I will be leaving four men behind. Each one able to control one of the elements. One for fire, one for water, one for earth and one for air. They will be your guardians, your protectors."  My eyes widened. "What? No. Why?" I spluttered. "You saved our daughter, our only child, putting yours and the lives of your men at risk in the process. I leave them as thanks, and a promise that we will return to assist should you find yourself in need."  "No. Look. There is no need to thank or repay me." I sighed pinched the bridge of my nose. "I saved their lives not even knowing who they were. I don't want or need payment. No one should ever ask to be repaid for saving a life." Cassius looked at me like I'd grown two extra heads. I just groaned. "What?" I demanded. "You're an odd one warrior. But the warriors will stay and protect you. Once the danger has passed they are free to come home. I assure you the men who will stay behind will have no family to return to, so their lives won't be uprooted. They all may even be thankful to be away from the court for a while, so you'd be doing them a favor."  "I want to meet them first." I relented, knowing this was not an argument I was going to win. Cassius nodded, his eyes growing distant before focusing back on me, a smile plastered across his face. I wonder what that's about? I thought as four men approached the open door.  They were all young. Too young to not have family. The first man stepped forward bowing at the waist. "I am Felix I wield the element of earth." He stated as he straightened, his teal eyes staring into mine. My hackles rose at the lingering eye contact, my lip curling over my teeth as a growl tumbled from my lips. "Lingering eye contact challenges an alpha." Eli explained to the man. "Unless she initiates eye contact keep your eyes on her nose. Otherwise she will make you submit." He tried to warn. Felix's eyes widened before dropping to the center of my face. My muscles relaxed as the second man stepped forward. "I am Anton. I wield the element of air." He said bowing and moving to stand beside Felix, making room for the next. "I am Steel. I wield the element of fire." He said, repeating the bow and moving to the others side. The last man stepped forward. "I am Damien. I wield the element of water." He bowed, with a bit of a flourish making me smile. Before throwing me a wink and moving to get into line with the others.  They all looked oddly similar. Same cropped silver hair and almond shaped teal eyes. They all had the same pouty lips and sharp features. The only real way to tell them apart was small indicators. Felix had a slightly wider nose. Anton's eyes were a little farther apart. Steel had a hardness to him the others didn't possess. And Damien's lips were a bit rounder than the others.  Cassius laughed as he watched me study them. "They are brothers." He said walking to stand beside me. "Steel is the oldest. Anton and Felix are twins, and Damien is the youngest. The last of their family perished in the last fae war."  I watched the guys, Steel being the only one to give any kind of reaction, flinching ever so slightly at Cassius's words. "I appreciate you informing me of their relation." I said keeping my eyes on Steel, not liking how Cassius so blatantly brought up his lost family. "But there really was no need to inform me of their personal lives nor bring up their past pains they have no doubt spent endless time trying to move passed."  Steel's eyes met mine briefly before he tipped his head at me in thanks. I gave him a small smile before looking over to Cassius. "I know too well how the past can haunt a person, and the strength it takes to try and overcome it. I still haven't done it fully. So, please. Unless they bring it up, I ask you not to and allow them to tell whomever they think should know. It is not for you nor any of us decide who should know of their past. It's their decision to make that choice."  "You my dear warrior are truly one of a kind. Just meeting these men you stand for them like you would anyone else." The amusement in his voice didn't go unnoticed. "Should I not? I am very well aware they can stand up for themselves. But I also know with them being your subjects they will not voice their thoughts or opinions to you. So it was left to me to do so. I unlike the others am not your subject and am not scared to say what I am thinking."  "That you're not. We must be going." He said. Turning to the men he all but glared. "I expect you to keep her safe." He said. The authority he put in his voice making their bodies go rigid. They nodded, bowing at the waist. "Yes your majesty." They said unison. The king smiled and quickly motioned for the women and his family to follow him.  They were out the door and swallowed by the small army before I could move to the threshold and watch them leave. I closed the door, leaning against it with a sigh. "You are growing into yourself Fallon. I don't think anyone has ever stood to the fae king like that." Alaric said. I rolled my eyes but smiled. "Maybe not. But it's like I said before. I refuse to be walked on by anyone any longer. I will bow to no one and kneel to no one, king or otherwise." Turning to the fae warriors I shook my head. "I am sorry you got left."  Damien chuckled. "Are you kidding?" He asked. "We're just happy to be away from that place. People there do nothing but judge and criticize us for the failure of our parents." Steel growled. "They did not fail. They were casualties of war, and not the only ones. They were just the only ones the people focused on because of the four children they left behind. People said they weren't strong enough to make it home to their children." The edge in Steel's voice could cut ice.  "I'm sorry. No one will judge you here." I assured them. "Your family seemed honorable. No people would fight with their people if they weren't. How about we just drop this and get you guys settled? We will have to get more beds so you guys don't have to share one bed so we can go do that here in a little bit. Right now I need food." I pushed off the door, speed walking to the kitchen. Lucas laughed grabbing my wrist, pulling me to a stop.  Why don't we all go out for breakfast?" He suggested. "We can take your guardians with us. Get them beds, clothes and anything they'll need while they're with us." A smile spread across my face as I bounced on the balls of my feet. "Yes, yes, yes." I chirped. "Let's go." I said dragging Lucas behind me. I was followed by the echoing of chuckles behind me. My stomach flipped when I noticed it wasn't just my guys chuckling but the fae warriors as well. One woman in a house with eight men. I am so outnumbered. I groaned internally, screaming warnings at my lycan. I was in so much trouble. 
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