Chapter Forty Two

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I woke to the sound of shuffling feet and whispers outside the door. My body instinctually freezes at the sound, my mind taking me back to my cell and all the horrors that came with it. It only took a minute for me to realize I was safe and remember what happened last night and who was beside me. The mere thought of someone sneaking up on us, on him, while we were sleeping had me up and out of the bed as quickly and as smoothly as possible, not wanting to wake Lucas.  I threw Lucas's oversized shirt on, the hem reaching mid-thigh before creeping my way to the door. I couldn't make out the muffled words, the shuffling sound of the feet seemed nervous and unsure. I sighed in relief. No one who intended to attack would be so hesitant or unsure of themselves.  I opened the door just far enough to peek my head out, only to be met by the six fae women. All of them wide eyed and frightened. I wonder what has them up and at the door so early? I looked over my shoulder, the clock's red glow telling me it was only four in the morning. I groaned as I turned back to the women, all of them looking at me sheepishly. "Is everything alright?" I asked stepping out and closing the door behind me.  "Ou...our people wi...will be here soo...soon." A petite blonde said under her breath. I smiled to myself. At least another one of them is talking. I was beginning to wonder of I'd only hear the red head and Selene's voice before they left. "How soon?" I asked crossing my arms over my chest. I didn't glare, I didn't square my shoulders or make myself seem taller or intimidating. But for some reason the woman flinched away. "I'm not going to hurt you." I sighed running a hand through my hair.  The red head shot the blonde a look before turning to me. "They informed us they would be here within the next few hours. We thought we would give you a heads up so everyone could be up and ready for them. We don't know who or how many they brought with them. But we do know Selene's parents will be coming."  My eyes could swallow my head they grew so wide, and not just because of what they said. The red head spoke to me without stuttering. She didn't mumble or whisper, she didn't talk under her breath. She only lowered her voice out of what seemed to be respect for those who were still sleeping. "Thank you." I said nodding to her. "I will be sure to wake them and and have them get ready."  I went straight to the bathroom and showered. With my daily routine out of the way the guys could get ready. All three guys could shower before I was even done washing my hair. I still refused to cut it. The length may be a hassle, and it may take me a long time to manage it, but it was mine. My hair has been the only thing about myself I was allowed to keep, and I wasn't going to lose it now. Plus, I liked my hair. The blue tint the sun gave it was beautiful. The shine and health it now seems to have makes it flow down my back in thick waves. No, it wasn't going anywhere.  Wrapping myself in a towel I padded to my room and knocked gently before walking in. It was my room after all. "Sorry everyone." I said as I passed. "I need my clothes." I went straight into the closet, closing the door behind me. It wasn't a large walk in closet, but it was suitable to change in. I picked a pair of black leggings and a long green shirt that stopped just below my butt. It had a V neck line and rounded back. Black lace lined the hem and lining of the neck. It was simple but also could be doable. I paired it with a pair of simple black flats and was done. Nothing fancy.  I quickly braided my hair before I stepped out and waved my hand towards the closet. "There are clothes in there that should fit from when I first came here. I was about the same size as you maybe a bit thinner. But even so the clothes were a bit baggy on me. You are all free to get changed." I told them walking to the door. "Fallon." Selene's voice called from behind me.  I looked over my shoulder and arched a brow. "Would you tell us your story?" She asked. I dropped my head and sighed. "I don't see why not." I murmured as I turned and faced her. I didn't really want to, but it seems they need someone from the outside to relate to. I can at least give them that.  I quickly recounted my story to them. From when I was a child and first shifted, to being captured, tortured, experimented on, made to endure endless hours of abuse. Their eyes were wide and filled with tears by the time I was done. I didn't tell them specifics, there were too many methods to recount. Over twenty years it's hard to remember everything anyway. After a while it all just blurs together while you lay there wishing it would finally just kill you and put you out of your misery.  "That's horrendous." Selene whispered. "And the humans did this?" She asked. I just nodded, trying not to twist my hands in front of me nervously. It wasn't easy reliving that over again, but they seemed to need it. They all looked almost relieved. The thought that what they went through could have been worse sinking into their minds giving them a false sense of security. If it helped them heal though then so be it. Let them think what they want, let their mind convince them that what they went through might not have been that bad. I knew better. I knew it was bad, I knew it wasn't something that could be come back from so easily. It will catch up to them sooner rather than later.  "maybe so." I stated nodding my head. "But I am here now. I am alive and well. I may have scars, and I may not be completely healed yet, but I'm working on it. I am safe and alive and away from those people. That's all I could really ask for. My concerns now lay with getting you all home safely and keeping myself and my men safe from the council. After my display I know they are planning something. I don't know what, but as long as my men are safe and we are together, then we will face it. If you'll excuse me, I need to go wake the guys up so they can get ready." I nodded my head one last time before leaving the room.  One by one I knocked on doors waking the guys up telling them the fae would be here soon, and the king and queen would be with them. It was amusing to see all of their eyes grow as big as saucers. The almost panicked look that crossed all their faces as they rushed to shower and dress had me all but rolling on the floor with laughter. They were worse than a bunch of girls about to meet a king looking for a bride. I guess meeting the royal fae was something that didn't happen very often.  "Fallon, you'll need to behave when they get here." Eli said. I shot him a glare. "What do you mean by that?" I ask icily. "Bow, respect the royals. Don't speak unless they speak to you, kee..." I growled cutting hi off mid-sentence. "I bow to no one." I hissed. "I respect those who deserve it and have earned it. Respect isn't given, it's earned. And I'll be sure to tell them that. I won't change for them, or for you. I am who I am." I seethed.  I can't believe him. But then again, they wanted me to do the same with the council, and probably will want me to with the werewolf royals. Well too bad. I will not kneel, I will not bow, I will not break for any of them. I've been to hell and back to keep myself from doing that exact thing. I'm not changing it now just because I'm asked or because some stuck up, power high royal demands it.  "You know that's not what I meant." Eli said softly, wrapping his arms around me from behind. "Sure sounded like it." I pouted. "I wouldn't change not a single hair on your head parvulus. You are strong and resilient. You are passionate and caring. Your need and determination to help those in need overwhelming. You are fiercely protective and possessive. You protect even those you don't know. You are proud and stronger than anyone I have ever met." His words and the way his breath runs over my skin sends a shiver through my entire body. I leaned back against him closing my eyes sighing.  A loud and wood splintering banging came from the door. It was pounded on so hard it seemed like it shook the entire house. I was on my feet and in front of the women in second. The small frames cowering into the couch behind me. Eli calmly walked over to the door despite the tension that coiled his muscles. I sensed it before he opened the door. After twenty years you learn to smell and sense things others would never would have.  I shot from in front of the women to Eli. Just in time for the door to open and a sword to come down on him. I caught the mans wrist before he could make contact. Snarling I threw his wrist away sending his staggering a few steps. "How did you know that was going to happen?" Eli asked shocked. I keep my eyes on the man in front of me as I answered. "Twenty years of practice." I didn't say any more and Eli didn't ask. But I knew there would be questions later.  I stood there with claws and fangs elongated as the man took a step forward. A deep growl escaped me, echoing around us eerily. The man stopped, his eyes darting over my head to the women. "You take one more step and act on whatever thought you just had, I'll rip your throat out." I seethed. "Selene!" I called. "Go upstairs, lock the door. No one will reach the second floor." I assured her.  A quiet giggle came from behind me leaving me temporarily stunned. She was laughing? Why was she laughing? "You can stop now." Selene said softly. The man in front of me smirked as he sheathed the sword back at his side. He moved to step around me but I stepped with him. I shook my head when he looked at me in confusion. "You just about killed one of my mates. Do you really think I'd let you in to attempt again on the rest? No way, go to hell."  The mans eyes widened a fraction before he laughed. I mean a full belly laugh that brought tears to his eyes. "You misunderstand little wolf." His voice hard. "I am coming in, and you will move." I quirked a brow at him in challenge. "Oh really? Well let us find out." I said gesturing that he come and try me. "Selene? This the warrior that saved all of you?" He questioned her.  I didn't hear her answer so I assumed she nodded when the man in front of me hummed. "You seem to be fearless." The man noted as he looked over me. Ha! If only he knew. If only any of them knew. I was scared to death any time I had to fight, any time I had to protect those around me. Fighting, killing, it wasn't me. It's not who I am. "I'm far from fearless. But fear will not stop me from protecting my people."  "Your people?" The man asked genuinely confused. "Those women are fae, they are not your people." I rolled my eyes and scoffed at the man. "I don't care if they are fae, wolf, vampires or a damn unicorn for that matter. I saved them, I took them in. They are MY people. Mine to protect until their family arrives."  The man regarded me for a minute before nodding. "Very well." He said before making some weird hand motion. And right as I thought it, out of the woods crawled a small army of people. I cursed under my breath, calling my lycan to the surface. The shift took over almost instantaneous. My new height too much for the small porch, the weight making the floorboards creek. I roared at the man in front of me making him stumble backwards down the stairs. Wide eyed fear taking forefront in his eyes.  I scanned the small army around me, not knowing how this was going to work. "Calm warrior lycan." A smooth voice filtered through the masses. "We mean you no harm. The warrior who tried to harm your mate will be dealt with." I scanned for the source of the voice, not stopping until they land on another man.  He was tall, lean but muscular. His long white hair was straight as a arrow down his back, the front pulled back into small braids, pulling the hair from his face. His skin was pale, his eyes such a pure blue I was entranced for a brief moment. "I am King Cassius." He said nodding his head to me. "I have come to collect my daughter and her ladies."  The fire in me calmed, and my body shrank down returning me to my human state. "You come to collect your daughter. Who is alive I might add, and try and have my mate killed?" I laugh humorlessly. "How does that work?" A small woman walked out and stood beside Cassius, his taller frame dwarfing hers. "That attack was not ordered." She assured me. "He will be punished." Her eyes shot to the man, who instantly shrunk back letting the crowd swallow him.  I sighed, running a hand down my face. "Fine. They are all inside." I said motioning for them to follow me. I kept my guard up, not liking having to turn my back on these people. They said they mean us no harm, Selene said her and her people are indebted to me even if I didn't want them to be. And now they were here coming into what has now become my home, and I was leading them. I just hope I wasn't making a huge mistake. 
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