Chapter Forty One

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As soon as I walked in I ushered the women up the stairs telling them they'd be sharing a room for right now, and a bed until we can get another put in. They all just nodded, their eyes following every move I made. It was unsettling, but I could tell there was something they wanted to ask me, something they needed, and they didn't want to ask in front of my guys. I didn't blame them, I don't think I'd trust men after what happened either. No matter how nice of people they seemed to be.  "Okay, what do you want to ask me?" I questioned, shutting the door after we all walked in. I turned to face them, their eyes on the ground and their hair falling around them to shield them. I knew that move all too well, and they've been hiding behind each other and their hair since I saved them. I wish there was something I could do to make them more comfortable, but that would come in time.  "We want to go home." A woman with bright red hair mumbled. Her emerald eyes met mine for a millisecond before shooting back to her feet. I didn't know what to say or how to respond. I knew they couldn't go home. Not with the knowledge of the supernatural world they now have. It would be dangerous to them and others if anyone found out.  "I'm not sure if that's possible." I said sadly. "Come sit down and I'll try and explain. I'm new to all this myself." I admitted. The women shuffled to the bed and sat down, their fingers interlocking, knees crushed together and shoulders curled in so they could get closer to each other. It broke my heart. Seeing these women like this, seeing them broken and scared and alone. "Look." I started. "I said what I did because it could be dangerous for us to send you home. Dangerous for you and for anyone who finds out about the knowledge you have. There are people that will hunt you for the information. Sending you back to your human families will only put them in danger."  The red heads eyes snapped to mine, furrowed, then widened then shot back to the floor. What in the world was that about? "What?" I questioned, standing in front of the woman. "'s just th..that. I'm we are...aren't human." She stuttered out. My spine stiffened and muscles went rigid. How can they not be human? None of the guys said anything, my lycan gave me no warning. And Hades never said a word either. "How?" I asked suspiciously.  "We....we're we..weak." She spluttered. "It ma..makes us sm....smell hu..human." She managed to say. I started pacing the room nervously. The guys were going to kill me when they find out these women aren't human. What am I supposed to tell them? "What are you?" I asked stopping in front of them, but still bounced from one foot to the other. The red head looked up at the others who nodded their approval. "We..we're fae. Th..the wolves st..stole us fr...from our We were he..heading ba..back to the palace."  The palace? I felt as all color drained from my face and an overwhelming feeling of dread raced through me. "Please. Please tell me you all are not royals." I pleaded softly. The red head shuffled nervously as her grip tightened on the silver haired woman beside her. And then it dawned on me. The whole time I'd missed it. Too consumed with the need to save and help them. They all huddled together, all of them pressing themselves in and around the silver haired woman in the middle.  "This can't be happening." I groaned as I continued my pacing. A royal, a fae royal. What even was a fae? Did it matter? She was royalty, which means people are looking for her. And if they find her here there is a large possibility that we could all be hurt or killed. "I have to tell the guys." I said. "They'll know what to do. How to get you home." I walked over and opened the door, yelling for the guys to come here. They were not going to like this.  "What is it Fallon?" Eli asked coming into the room. I waited until they were all in front of me, all looking at me with confusion and concern. "The women. They aren't human. We need to send them home to their people. The woman in the middle, with the silver hair. She is fae royalty. Whatever fae is, I'm still new to all of this." I pinched the bridge of my nose and squeezed my eyes shut. Ugh! It felt like my head was about to split in two.  "Who are you?" Eli asked. His tone had went from concern to business like as he stepped beside me. The woman with the silver hair looked up, her brilliant lavender eyes boring into mine. How did I not notice that before now? Lavender eyes should have been a dead give away, but no. I didn't notice them once. "The princess." Eli breathed. Fear, actual fear crossed his features. As I looked over the other guys they too looked like ghosts. "What's going on? What's happening?" I asked looking between everyone.  I could see the fear in the silver haired woman's eyes as she stood. "It means that I am being looked for." She said softly. "My mother and father are the king and queen of the fae realm, and I am princess Selene. The men who captured us took my guards by surprise. We never expected trouble in this realm, we've always had peace." She stopped talking her eyes looking into mine as some fear left them. "My people mean you or your mates no harm warrior Fallon. My people will be indebted to you."  My eyes widened and I shook my head with my hands out in front of me. "No, no. No need for all that." I said almost frantic. "You all needed help. You were being kept against your will and going through who knows what. So I helped. I freed six women who were enslaved. I don't need thanks, and you're not indebted to me. I don't expect anything in return for saving your lives. The only thing I ask is you go home and try hard to heal. It may not seem like it now, but things will get better."  "With your help, I can contact my people." Selene said lowering her head. My hand reached out grasping Eli's. What was I supposed to do? How could I help? What made me so special that she needed me? Why is it always me? Did it really matter though? They needed to get home and I could help. I can't tell them no now. "How can I help?" I sighed.  "Just give me your hands." She instructed. "Your power will help boost mine so I can contact my father mentally." Mentally? Like talking to each other through their minds? Is that actually possible? There is still so much I needed to learn and needed to know. More supernatural creatures I needed to learn about.  Shaking all questions from my head I stepped forward and gripped her outstretched hands. Her skin was unnaturally cold, and it took everything in me not to flinch away from the sensation. It felt like I just stuck my hands in a bucket of ice water. Right as it started to get unbearable, a feeling of warmth spread through me. I looked up to see Selene's lavender eyes glowing like a light bulb had been placed behind them.  With a gasp, Selene dropped my hands and stumbled backwards. Catching her by her shoulders I steadied her and held onto her until she regained her bearings. "Is everything alright?" I asked her. She nodded, her hand rubbing her forehead wearily. "They're on their way." She murmured. I led her to the bed and sat her down. The women surrounded her instantly cooing and soothing the wary princess. "They will be here in the morning."  I swallowed the bile that rose in my throat as I urged the women to rest before their people came for them. Surly they would have a long journey ahead and they would need their rest. Silently I shut the door and followed the guys down the stairs. "You just can't stay out of trouble can you?" Hades teased as I rounded the corner. I stuck my tongue out at him like a child and dropped myself onto the couch curling my legs under me.  "Having the fae on our side could benefit us in the future Fallon." Eli said sitting beside me. "Hmm, maybe. But asking for something for saving a life feels wrong. They shouldn't have to pay for their lives. It's not right." I said shaking my head at him. Lucas laughed pulling my attention from Eli to him. "Only Fallon could earn the respect and favor of the fae court and ask for nothing in return." It sounded like a compliment, but something else underlined his tone. I didn't ask, not wanting to push him, but I did wonder.  I stood and walked over to Lucas, dropped onto his lap and kissed him gently. "Are you alright?" I asked pressing my forehead against his. Lucas sighed, his muscles relaxing as he wound his arms around me and held me tightly. "I'm alright little one." He assured me as he nuzzled into the crook my my neck. I giggled as his breath tickled my neck, pulling gently to get away. "Come on." Lucas whispered rubbing his nose on mine. "Let's get some sleep. Being in the presence of the Fae royals will be taxing."  I followed Lucas up the stairs and into his room. I couldn't help the laugh that escaped me upon seeing it. Clothes were strewn everywhere, posters lined the walls. Drawers hung open with clothes hanging out. This man was a mess. "Don't you clean?" I chuckled. Lucas glared playfully at me before crouching down with his hands in front of him, elbows bent.  My eyes widened. "Don't you dar.." I didn't finish before Lucas leapt at me. I giggled screech erupted from my throat as I dove out of the way sending Lucas sailing through air. He recovered quickly though and was on me before I could blink. He hoisted me up by my waist and threw me on the bed as he tickled my sides. I couldn't breath from laughing as I tried and failed to swat his hands away or wiggle out of his grasp. "Give up?" Lucas chuckled.  I gave him a big smile. "Never." I screeched between giggles. Lucas arched a brow before moving one hand from my side under my arm, making a whole new bubble of laughter erupt. I wiggled and writhed under him trying to get free, but it was no use. Lucas had me pinned and wasn't letting me go. "Okay, okay. I give." I yelled. Lucas chuckled and flopped down beside me. My chest rose and fell heavily as I tried to catch my breath.  Lucas turned to his side and propped himself up on his elbow to look at me, his brown eyes staring down at me. There was so much love and adoration in his eyes it made my breath catch in my throat. I reached over and caressed the side of his face, the stubble there tickling my palm. His eye fluttered closed and he leaned into my touch, a heavy sigh falling from his lips.  While his eyes were closed and he was distracted I leaned over and claimed his lips with mine. His surprise lasted only a second before he responded. One hand going to my waist and the other my neck as he pulled me flush against him. I groaned as his hand slid father light over my skin from my back to my stomach and traced up my sternum. My body arched into his when he pinched my breast, sending shivers down my spine.  Lucas sat up bringing me with him, lifting me by my waist and placing me on his lap. He gently lifted my shirt over my head and stared down at me, the tips of his fingers trailing down my body leaving goose bumps in their wake. A soft sigh escaped me and my head lolled back at his touch. He took advantage, trailing kissed from my jaw, down my neck and over my breasts.  When Lucas moved to lay me down, I tore his shirt over his head and kissed across his collar bone. He held my waist and thrust his hips into mine, rubbing his erection over my core making me moan. Even through clothes the friction was amazing. Lucas laughed as he lay me on my back and undressed me the rest of me. His eyes took me in greedily, his hands touching every inch of skin.  "Off." I demanded pulling at the belt loop of his pants. He didn't hesitate, just smiled and quickly kicked out of his pants and boxers, leaning back on his knees for me to take him in. I smiled as I stood up on my knees and face him. I kissed him softly before I made my way down his body, before kissing the head of his erection. I didn't really know what to do, but I was going to try.  I sucked the tip into my mouth and swirled my tongue around it, making him hiss and tangle his fingers through my hair. I chuckled and took him deeper into my mouth, using my hand to get what my mouth couldn't. Moving my head back and forth I pleasured Lucas. he groaned, thrusting his hips at me urging himself deeper. I pumped the rest of him with my hands, while I licked, sucked and swirled my tongue around his shaft.  Lucas growled. "f**k this." before he grabbed me up and tossed me onto my back and pushed himself into me. I yelled out while Lucas hissed his pleasure. "You're perfect." Lucas whispered as he began pumping himself in me. I couldn't respond, each thrust rubbing just the right spot inside of me to keep me gasping and moaning. Lucas put his hand between us, his finger swirling around my sensitive mound relentlessly. My back arched into him, a breathless moan falling from my lips.  I could feel as Lucas began to throb inside me with his release. I could feel I was close and so could Lucas as he picked up his pace, his thrusts became harder and more aggressive. I screamed with my release, my nails digging into Lucas as he continued thrusting into me extending it. Lucas's grunt and last hard thrust told me he finished as he held my hips tightly to his.  We were both left panting and sweaty. The room smelt of sweat and the scent of our love. I snuggled into Lucas's side, curling into him content and exhausted. I didn't have the energy to move any further, or even walk to the shower. So deciding I would shower in the morning I allowed darkness to consume me, knowing when I woke, the forth and last star will be in the night sky of my mark. 
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