Chapter Twenty Six

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Sleeping made the flight so much easier and made it passed quicker than it would have if I had been awake the whole time. I was thankful Eli stayed with me until I fell asleep, he must have known I'd never have been able to fall asleep in that thing on my own. Even after seeing it had a bed, as much as I wanted to I didn't plan on sleeping, because if something had happened at least being awake I would have been able to prepare.  But here we were safely on the ground in Scotland despite my fears of crashing. I silently thanked whatever God or gods there was that we were safe. Well, safe for now. There was no telling what awaited us when we got to the gathering grounds. The guys knew this world better than I did. they knew any world better than I did. But in the back of my mind I knew that no matter how little I knew, nothing could prepare me for what was to come.  "See it wasn't that bad was it Fallon?" Lucas teased. I just cut my eyes at him while I grabbed my bag off the merry go round thing and turned my back on him. Xavier laughed and said something to him him I couldn't hear. "Where to now?" I asked walking up to Eli's side. Eli looked down at me and gave me a tight smile. "Now we go see if the car the council has sent for us is here."  My body tensed. Already? We were already going to be faced with the council? Or at least someone who works for them? I nodded curtly and turned to face the way out as we waited for the other guys to grab their bags. I hoped they'd take their time, or at least hoped that their bags hadn't been put on the merry go round yet, but no such luck. They were beside us, their bags in hand the next minute.  "Are you ready Fallon?" Xavier asked. "As ready as I can be." I said sighing. I honestly didn't even want to be here, I didn't see why I had to be. So what, I'd killed some witches who threatened the guys? I did kill a wolf though, and almost killed two. But in my defense they tried to kidnap me and attacked the guys, it was self defense. And by what I've been told the wolves really didn't have laws, and the royals and council thought the weak shouldn't live. So shouldn't a male wolf being killed by a lowly human be considered weak? Even if I'm not human. They didn't need to know that though.  As we made our way down the moving stairs a hulk of a man was holding a sign that read "Eli and friends." He was dressed head to toe in black. Even his hair was black. I couldn't help the whimper that escaped me as I inched behind Xavier's broad frame. No way was I going to give that man access to me. I watched The Avengers with Lucas once before and I'd bet anything this man had to be the hulk's son. He sure was big enough to be. I didn't know his name so I was going to call him mini hulk, the name fit him. "Alpha Eli." Mini hulk's gravely voice said lowly so no one else could hear. "I am here to escort you and your pack to the gathering. If you'd just follow me to the car." His eyes skimmed over our group until they landed on me. His unsettling black eyes scanned me from head to toe, his brow quirking. "Is this the woman?" He asked Eli. Eli just nodded, stepping in front of me to block his line of sight. "Well, she sure don't look like much. And she smells human." Mini hulk chuffed "Seems that someone has some explaining to do." He mumbled to himself as he led us outside.  The guys boxed me in as we made our way out. Alaric behind me, Lucas and Xavier on either side of me and Eli in front of me. It was like I had my own body guards. Which in a way I guess I did. I knew the guys would do their best not to let anything happen to me, just as I would do my best not to let anything happen to them. Even though I already knew this, it still made my heart swell seeing them act so protective.  When we got outside I couldn't help but tilt my head as I studied the odd looking car in front of me. Surely this isn't what we were riding in. Did it even drive? It looked like it had been put in one of those candy stretchers I saw on that cooking show. It was shiny and black, and at least as long as three normal cars. It looked funny. Almost like something you'd see on a comedy show, not in front of an airport. And yet ours wasn't the only one. They were lined up, each waiting for people to come out and accept their ride.  "What is that?" I asked pointing to the stretched out looking car, my face crumpled in confusion and maybe disgust. Mini hulk looked over to me with a weird look. "You don't know what a limo is?" I shook my head, my braid swinging behind me. "I don't know what a lot of things are." I admitted. "But that. That looks weird. It looks like someone put a black car through a candy stretcher."  Mini hulk laughed for a split second before trying to cover it with a cough. He squared his shoulders, a small smile still curving the corner of his lips. "No. It is a limo. People spend a lot of money to ride in one." He informed me. "But why? Why not just ride in a normal car?" I asked him. "Well, a limo has more space. Some also come with a mini bar, snacks. Some even have a mini fridge." I shook my head in disbelief. "I still don't understand, but alright." I relented and slid in the back.  I had to admit, for a stretched car it was pretty inside. There was a dark glass separating the back from whoever was driving. Weird blue lights lit underneath the seats as well as along the boarder of the roof. The seats were a black leather that formed two 'U' shapes on either side of the doors, and as mini hulk said a small fridge and snacks rested beside the seat I happened to slid onto.  "So what do you think?" Mini hulk asked sticking his head in the door. "It's pretty and all." I admitted. "Still weird, and a little over the top though. It's not something I would want to pay for myself to ride in." This time he did laugh. "You've got yourselves an odd one there boys." He said shaking his head before he shut the door.  "Why am I odd?" I asked the guys. "Most people love the idea of rising in a limo. If given the option of having a free limo ride or riding in a regular car, most people would chose a limo. That makes you special, not odd. It just means your not like most people." Alaric assured me. It surprised me he was the one to answer, but I nodded all the same.  "Why would they be driving a limo into the dark woods?" Alaric asked. "I'm not sure." Eli admitted. "They may just be driving it to the entrance. I'm sure we'll have to hike the rest of the way." My eyes widened. At least I wore my tennis shoes, but even those aren't very good for hiking I didn't think. I didn't say anything about it, just looked out the window at the wide expanse of greenery around us.  We had to have been in the country side. There was nothing but rolling hills and flat lands of green as far as I could see. Every little while I would see a house gracing the land, and maybe what the guys told me was a silo. Farms they said the lands were. I wondered what kind of farms. I didn't see any kind of plants worth mentioning, no cows or horses on the land. Maybe not all the land was farm. Maybe just where I saw the houses were. I guess owning that much land would be hard on anyone.  A little over an hour had passed before we finally pulled to a stop outside a very dark and dense looking forest. A small path peeked through showing exactly where the entrance was and where we were meant to go. I wasn't usually a paranoid person, I've seen things and been through things that most wouldn't be able to handle, and that gave me a stronger mind set than most. But when I got out of the car and looked at the intimidating woods before me I swear I saw streaks of grey dart between trees, red and milky hazed eyes staring back at me.  But the second I turned away to get the guys attention and back again, they were gone, as if they'd never been there. A knot started to twist within my gut. My lycan rose to where I could feel her just below my skin, her power washing over me amplifying sight, sound and scent. She didn't like these woods, she sensed danger just as well as I did. I turned a nervous look on the guys, they each stared back in kind. They were nervous too, and I knew our hike through these woods wouldn't be fun. 
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